Lost Giants

Lost Giants

In 1886, mining engi­neer John T. Reid was told the Pai­ute legend
of a giant peo­p­le defea­ted by the nati­ves near Love­lock, Neva­da. The last of the giants met their fiery end deep within the bowels of a cave.
Reid’s belief in this legend stir­red gre­at inte­rest in the secrets held within Love­lock Cave.
Offi­ci­al excava­tions were under­ta­ken in both 1912 and 1924 by the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cali­for­nia, with reports tel­ling of thou­sands of arti­facts being reco­ver­ed. Of the­se arti­facts, the most puz­zling were human remains. Well, they were almost human.
Ske­le­tons mea­su­ring bet­ween eight and ten feet tall were said to be found during the dig. Ske­le­tons belon­ging to who are now known as “The Love­lock Giants.”
Legends of peo­p­le of enorm­ous size are told across a myri­ad of cul­tures, And despi­te what we’ve been told by main­stream sci­ence, the­re is evi­dence to sug­gest they real­ly exis­ted. The remains of giants have been found all over the United Sta­tes; and all over the world.
So why aren’t the­se ama­zing finds on dis­play in any muse­um? Or taught in any clas­ses? Or men­tio­ned in any histo­ry books?
Becau­se the exis­tence of giants, for some reason, has been cover­ed up.

The Lost Giant and Other Ame­ri­can Indi­an Tales Retold, by Vio­let Moo­re Higgins


1903 Pro­fes­sor Rical­ton With Two Brot­hers From Kash­mir During Delhi Durbar

Pata­go­ni­an Giants

Fer­di­nand Magel­lan (/məˈɡɛlən/[3] or /məˈdʒɛlən/;[4] Por­tu­gue­se: Fernão de Magal­hães, IPA: [fɨɾˈnɐ̃w dɨ mɐɣɐˈʎɐ̃jʃ]; Spa­nish: Fer­nan­do de Magal­la­nes, IPA: [feɾˈn­an­do ðe maɣaˈʎa­nes]; 4 Febru­ary 1480 – 27 April 1521) was a Por­tu­gue­se explo­rer. He is best known for having plan­ned and led the 1519 Spa­nish expe­di­ti­on to the East Indies across the Paci­fic Oce­an to open a mari­ti­me trade rou­te, during which he dis­co­ver­ed the inte­ro­cea­nic pas­sa­ge bea­ring the­re­af­ter his name and achie­ved the first Euro­pean navi­ga­ti­on from the Atlan­tic to Asia.

Vice-Admi­ral John Byron (8 Novem­ber 1723 – 1 April 1786) was a Bri­tish Roy­al Navy offi­cer and explo­rer. He ear­ned the nick­na­me “Foul-Wea­ther Jack” in the press becau­se of his fre­quent encoun­ters with bad wea­ther at sea.[1] As a mid­ship­man, he sai­led in the squa­dron under Geor­ge Anson on his voya­ge around the world, though Byron made it only to sou­thern Chi­le, whe­re his ship was wre­cked. He retur­ned to Eng­land with the cap­tain of HMS Wager. He was gover­nor of New­found­land fol­lo­wing Hugh Pal­li­ser, who left in 1768. He cir­cum­na­vi­ga­ted the world as a com­mo­do­re with his own squa­dron in 1764 – 1766. He fought in batt­les in the Seven Years’ War and the Ame­ri­can Revo­lu­ti­on. He rose to Vice Admi­ral of the White befo­re his death in 1786.


Admi­ral Byron Mee­ting Giant Inha­bi­tants by Admi­ral Byron Pata­go­nia Ori­gi­nal Antique


Ame­ri­ca magi­ca : when Renais­sance Euro­pe thought it had con­que­r­ed paradise


The nar­ra­ti­ve of the Hono­ura­ble John Byron : (com­mo­do­re in a late expe­di­ti­on round the world) con­tai­ning an account of the gre­at distres­ses suf­fe­r­ed by hims­elf and his com­pa­n­ions on the coast of Pata­go­nia, from the year 1740, till their arri­val in Eng­land, 1746 : with a descrip­ti­on of St. Jago de Chi­li, and the man­ners and cus­toms of the inha­bi­tants : also a rela­ti­on of the loss of the Wager, man of war, one of Admi­ral Anson’s squadron.


Tho­se who belie­ve in a lost race of giants sug­gest that news­pa­per accounts, pri­ma­ri­ly from the nine­te­enth cen­tu­ry, report­ing the dis­co­very of lar­ge ske­le­tons in North Ame­ri­ca are a relia­ble indi­ca­ti­on that such crea­tures once exis­ted. Alt­hough the­re is litt­le con­fir­ma­ti­on that any of the­se sto­ries is true, innu­me­ra­ble books and web­sites are based on such claims. The fol­lo­wing artic­les are a sam­pling of nine­te­enth cen­tu­ry “giant” report­ing. I have com­pi­led them from a num­ber of sources, pri­ma­ri­ly frin­ge books that have reprin­ted public domain news­pa­per texts. (Public domain texts’ copy­rights have expi­red and may be free­ly repro­du­ced.) Howe­ver, I have not been able to inde­pendent­ly veri­fy the accu­ra­cy of the tran­scrip­ti­on of most of the artic­les, and whe­re I have, I have found that frin­ge aut­hors have often sel­ec­tively edi­ted the texts to remo­ve incon­ve­ni­ent infor­ma­ti­on. (The “Chi­ca­sa­w­ba” artic­le below was a par­ti­cu­lar­ly egre­gious exam­p­le of decep­ti­ve editing.) Tho­se I have per­so­nal­ly tran­scri­bed from pri­ma­ry sources are mark­ed with a star (*). The rest should be taken for what they are: Frin­ge his­to­ri­ans’ ver­si­ons of what is important about news accounts of giants.

Anci­ent pain­ting found insi­de a Nubi­an Pyramid

A giant foot­print has been dis­co­ver­ed in China


Did giants roam Canada’s Nor­thwest Ter­ri­to­ries — or do they still?

Given its lar­ge expan­se and low popu­la­ti­on, there’s ple­nty of room for folk­lo­re in the Nor­thwest Territories.

The Solo­mon Islands

is a sove­reign sta­te of Ocea­nia to the east of Papua New Gui­nea, which was dis­co­ver­ed by Spa­nish navi­ga­tor Alva­ro de Men­da­na in 1568 and named them “Islas Salo­mon”. The Solo­man Islands are actual­ly a group of various islands, con­sis­ting of six major islands and over 900 smal­ler islands. During World War II, the­re was also a war that occur­red bet­ween Ame­ri­can and Japa­ne­se forces on its lar­gest island, Gua­d­al­ca­nal, known as the Batt­le of Gua­d­al­ca­nal. The­re is also a den­se rain­fo­rest on this island, which is hiding its secrets insi­de. It is belie­ved that Giants still exist here, such a race of humans who­se length is up to 15 feet and their sto­ries have been found sin­ce anci­ent times.

CROPfm — Auf der Suche nach den “Rie­sen” [22.09.2023]

Our pla­net has legends of Giants scat­te­red throug­hout time howe­ver, is the­re any pro­of for such sto­ries? Is it pos­si­ble peo­p­le of gre­at sta­tu­re could have exis­ted?
Del­ving into anci­ent texts Bar­ry Fitz­ge­rald fol­lows clues across Ire­land, reve­al­ing the real peo­p­le behind the Giant legends and the pain that accom­pa­nies such a title.

Around the turn of the 19th cen­tu­ry, the­re were hundreds of reports of giant ske­le­tons unear­thed from anci­ent buri­al mounds across Ame­ri­ca. Human giants may not be enti­re­ly a pro­duct of legend in our histo­ry. Giants are spo­ken of in the Bible and in North Ame­ri­can folk­lo­re. The­se peo­p­le were eit­her humans like us or were an anci­ent peo­p­le that could have been their own spe­ci­es, pos­si­bly alien.

Carl the crus­hers last video taken at Litt­le Black Moun­tain petro­glyph park at the Arizona/Utah border.

Carl the crus­hers 3d

Pirin Moun­ta­ins of sou­thwes­tern Bul­ga­ria or Paraguay





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