Edward S. Curtis

Edward S. Curtis

In 1906, Ame­ri­can pho­to­grapher Edward S. Cur­tis was offe­red $75,000 to docu­ment North Ame­ri­can Indi­ans. The bene­fac­tor, J.P Mor­gan, was to recei­ve 25 sets of the com­ple­ted series of 20 volu­mes with 1,500 pho­to­graphs entit­led The North Ame­ri­can Indi­an. Cur­tis set out to pho­to­graph the North Ame­ri­can Indi­an way of life at a time when Nati­ve Ame­ri­cans were being forced from their land and strip­ped of their rights. Cur­tis’ pho­to­graphs depic­ted a roman­tic ver­si­on of the cul­tu­re which ran con­tra­ry to the popu­lar view of Nati­ve Ame­ri­cans as savages.

Title: The Oath – Apsa­ro­ke. Date Created/Published: c1908 Novem­ber 19. Sum­ma­ry: Three Apsa­ro­ke men gazing sky­ward, two hol­ding rif­les, one with object ske­we­red on arrow poin­ted sky­ward, bison skull at their feet. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: Miz­heh and babe. Date Created/Published: c1906 Decem­ber 19. Sum­ma­ry: Apa­che woman, at base of tree, hol­ding infant in crad­le­board in her lap. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: Sioux chiefs. Date Created/Published: c1905. Sum­ma­ry: Pho­to­graph shows three Nati­ve Ame­ri­cans on hor­se­back. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: Rea­dy for the throw – Nuni­v­ak. Date Created/Published: c1929 Febru­ary 28. Sum­ma­ry: Eski­mo man sea­ted in a kay­ak pre­pa­res to throw spear. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: The meal­ing trough – Hopi. Date Created/Published: c1906. Sum­ma­ry: Four young Hopi Indi­an women grin­ding grain. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: The scout in win­ter – Apsa­ro­ke. Date Created/Published: c1908 July 6. Sum­ma­ry: Apsa­ro­ke man on hor­se­back on snow-cover­ed ground, pro­ba­b­ly in Pryor Moun­ta­ins, Mon­ta­na. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: At the old well of Aco­ma Date Created/Published: c1904 Novem­ber 12. Sum­ma­ry: Aco­ma girl, sea­ted on rock, wat­ches as ano­ther girl fills a pot­tery ves­sel with water from a pool. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: On the Litt­le Big Horn. Date Created/Published: c1908 July 6. Sum­ma­ry: Hor­ses wading in water next to a Crow tipi encamp­ment. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: When win­ter comes. Date Created/Published: c1908 July 6. Sum­ma­ry: Dako­ta woman, car­ry­ing fire­wood in snow, approa­ches tipi. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: A buri­al plat­form – Apsa­ro­ke. Date Created/Published: c1908 July 6. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: Dril­ling ivo­ry – King Island. Date Created/Published: c1929 Febru­ary 28. Sum­ma­ry: Eski­mo man, wea­ring hoo­ded parka, manu­al­ly dril­ling an ivo­ry tusk. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: Dry­ing meat. Date Created/Published: c1908 Novem­ber 19. Sum­ma­ry: Two Dako­ta women han­ging meat to dry on poles, tent in back­ground. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: The fisher­man – Wish­ham (i.e., Wishram). Date Created/Published: c1910 March 11. Sum­ma­ry: Tlak­luit Indi­an, stan­ding on rock, fishing with dip net. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: Boys in a kai­ak (i.e., kay­ak) – Nuni­v­ak. Date Created/Published: c1929 Febru­ary 28. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: Jica­ril­la fies­ta. Date Created/Published: c1905. Sum­ma­ry: Jica­ril­la Apa­ches, most on hor­se back, moving toward encamp­ment. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: Tewa girls. Date Created/Published: c1900. Sum­ma­ry: Two Tewa girls stan­ding out­side pue­blo buil­ding. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: Nuni­payo deco­ra­ting pot­tery. Date Created/Published: c1900. Sum­ma­ry: Woman sea­ted on mat pain­ting designs on pot­tery. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: The scout – Atsi­na. Date Created/Published: c1908 Novem­ber 19. Sum­ma­ry: Atsi­na man, full-length por­trait, stan­ding, tur­ned right, hol­ding rif­le while he looks over a gras­sy plain. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: Vil­la­ge herald. Date Created/Published: c1907 Decem­ber 26. Sum­ma­ry: Dako­ta man, wea­ring war bon­net, sit­ting on hor­se­back, his left hand out­st­re­ched toward tipi in back­ground, others on hor­se­back. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: The pri­mi­ti­ve artists – Pavi­ot­so. Date Created/Published: c1924 August 5. Sum­ma­ry: Pavi­ot­so man stan­ding, mar­king side of gla­cial bould­er that alre­a­dy has petro­glyphs on it. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: Washing wheat – San Juan. Date Created/Published: c1905 Decem­ber 26. Sum­ma­ry: Two San Juan Indi­ans dip­ping bas­kets of wheat into an ace­quia, or irri­ga­ti­on ditch, to dis­sol­ve dirt and to float away debris from the wheat ker­nels. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: Invo­ca­ti­on – Sioux. Date Created/Published: c1907 Decem­ber 26. Sum­ma­ry: Dako­ta man, wea­ring breech­cloth, hol­ding pipe, with right hand rai­sed sky­ward. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: The wed­ding par­ty – Qagyuhl. Date Created/Published: c1914 Novem­ber 13. Sum­ma­ry: Two canoes pul­led ashore with wed­ding par­ty, bri­de and groom stan­ding on “bride’s seat” in the stern, rela­ti­ve of the bri­de dances on plat­form in bow. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: A smo­ky day at the Sugar Bowl – Hupa. Date Created/Published: c1923 June 30. Sum­ma­ry: Hupa man with spear, stan­ding on rock mid­stream, in back­ground, fog par­ti­al­ly obscu­res trees on moun­ta­in­si­des. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: BrulŽ war par­ty. Date Created/Published: c1907 Decem­ber 26. Sum­ma­ry: BrulŽ Indi­ans, many wea­ring war bon­nets, on hor­se­back. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: Hide scra­ping – Apsa­ro­ke. Date Created/Published: c1908 July 6. Sum­ma­ry: Apsa­ro­ke woman scra­ping hide that is secu­red to the ground by num­e­rous sta­kes, tipi in back­ground. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: Pack hor­se [i.e., pack­hor­se] – Apsa­ro­ke. Date Created/Published: c1908 July 6. Sum­ma­ry: Apsa­ro­ke woman on hor­se­back, pack­hor­se bes­i­de her. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: Home of the Kali­s­pel. Date Created/Published: c1910 March 11. Sum­ma­ry: Kali­s­pel camp on a river­bank with tipis and frame hou­ses, three canoes in water in fore­ground. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: The fire drill – Kos­ki­mo. Date Created/Published: c1914 Novem­ber 13. Sum­ma­ry: Kos­ki­mo man, full-length por­trait, sea­ted on ground, facing down, using a fire drill. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: A child’s lodge. Date Created/Published: c1910 Decem­ber 10. Sum­ma­ry: Pie­gan girl stan­ding out­side small tipi. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: On the war path – Atsi­na. Date Created/Published: c1908 Novem­ber 19. Sum­ma­ry: Small band of Atsi­na men on hor­se­back, some car­ry­ing staffs with fea­thers, one wea­ring a war bon­net. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: Atsi­na camp sce­ne. Date Created/Published: c1908 Novem­ber 19. Sum­ma­ry: Tipis on plains. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: In a Pie­gan lodge. Date Created/Published: c1910 March 11. Sum­ma­ry: Litt­le Plu­me and son Yel­low Kid­ney sea­ted on ground insi­de lodge, pipe bet­ween them. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: Aco­ma road­way Date Created/Published: c1905. Sum­ma­ry: Group of Aco­ma women, car­ry­ing pot­tery ves­sels, des­cen­ding bet­ween rock for­ma­ti­ons. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: The ivo­ry car­ver – Nuni­v­ak. Date Created/Published: c1929 Febru­ary 28. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: Ari­ka­ra medi­ci­ne fra­ter­ni­ty – The pray­er. Date Created/Published: c1908 Novem­ber 19. Sum­ma­ry: Ari­ka­ra shamans, wit­hout shirts, backs to came­ra, sea­ted in a semi-cir­cle around a sacred cedar tree, tipis in back­ground. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
itle: At Noa­tak vil­la­ge. Date Created/Published: c1929. Sum­ma­ry: Two Eski­mos in kay­ak. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: Arri­ving home — Noa­tak. Date Created/Published: c1929. Sum­ma­ry: Eski­mo and dogs in sailboat. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: The Bow­man – Noot­ka. Date Created/Published: c1910. Sum­ma­ry: Rear view of nude Indi­an stan­ding on rock in water and aiming arrow. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: [Sun dance in pro­gress – Che­yenne]. Date Created/Published: c1910. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: The eagle cat­cher. Date Created/Published: c1908. Sum­ma­ry: Hidat­sa Indi­an stan­ding on lar­ge rock over­loo­king val­ley, full-length, left pro­fi­le, hol­ding eagle. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: The flight of arrows. Date Created/Published: c1908. Sum­ma­ry: Atsi­na cra­zy dance, Indi­ans shoo­ting arrows toward sky. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: Diegue–o house at Cam­po. Date Created/Published: c1924. Sum­ma­ry: Hut, Cam­po, Cali­for­nia. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: [Sagua­ro gathe­rers, Mari­co­pa tri­be] Date Created/Published: 1907, c1907. Sum­ma­ry: Three Mari­co­pa women with bas­kets on their heads, stan­ding by Sagua­ro cac­ti. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: In camp. Date Created/Published: 1908. Sum­ma­ry: Two Dako­ta Sioux Indi­ans cut­ting meat and dry­ing it on poles. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: Night medi­ci­ne men. Date Created/Published: 1908, c1908. Sum­ma­ry: Ari­ka­ra medi­ci­ne cerem­o­ny with four night men dancing. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: At the water’s edge – Pie­gan. Date Created/Published: 1910, c1910. Sum­ma­ry: Two tepees reflec­ted in water of pond, with four Pie­gan Indi­ans sea­ted in front of one tepee. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: War party’s fare­well – Atsi­na. Date Created/Published: 1908. Sum­ma­ry: Four Atsi­na Indi­ans on hor­se­back over­loo­king tepees in val­ley bey­ond. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: [The ter­ra­ced hou­ses of Zuni]. Date Created/Published: c1903. Sum­ma­ry: Ado­be buil­dings. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: Zuni gar­dens. Date Created/Published: c1927. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: [Joseph Dead Feast Lodge – Nez PercŽ]. Date Created/Published: c1905. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: The chief – Kla­math. Date Created/Published: c1923. Sum­ma­ry: Pho­to­graph shows Kla­math Indi­an chief in cere­mo­ni­al head­dress stan­ding on hill over­loo­king lake, Cali­for­nia or Ore­gon. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: Gol­den­rod mea­dows – Pie­gan. Date Created/Published: c1910. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: Laun­ching the boat – Litt­le Dio­me­de Island. Date Created/Published: c1928. Sum­ma­ry: Group of men laun­ching boat from rocky shore­li­ne. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: Sled, Nuni­v­ak. Date Created/Published: c1929. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: [Dry­ing wal­rus hide, Dio­me­de, Alas­ka]. Date Created/Published: c1929. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: [Hoo­per Bay homes, Hoo­per Bay, Alas­ka]. Date Created/Published: c1929. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: [Food caches, Hoo­per Bay, Alas­ka]. Date Created/Published: c1929. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: [Ente­ring the Bad Lands. Three Sioux Indi­ans on hor­se­back]. Date Created/Published: c1905. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: An oasis in the Bad­lands. Date Created/Published: c1905. Sum­ma­ry: Ogla­la man (Red Hawk) on hor­se drin­king at oasis. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: Black Ca–on. Date Created/Published: c1905. Sum­ma­ry: Rear view of Crow Indi­an, stan­ding, over­loo­king Black Ca–on. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: [Black­foot Indi­an fle­shing a hide]. Date Created/Published: c1927. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: [Eski­mos in kay­aks, Noa­tak, Alas­ka]. Date Created/Published: c1929. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: [Cahuil­la house in the desert, Cali­for­nia]. Date Created/Published: c1924. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: Pre­pa­ring sal­mon – Wishram. Date Created/Published: c1910. Sum­ma­ry: Tlak­luit Indi­an woman, sit­ting on ground, pla­cing sal­mon fil­lets on wood plank, woven reed mat in back­ground, Washing­ton Sta­te. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: [East Mesa girls – Hopi]. Date Created/Published: c1906. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: In the vil­la­ge of San­ta Cla­ra. Date Created/Published: c1905. Sum­ma­ry: Two Pue­blo women car­ry­ing jugs on their heads; trees, rail fence, stick struc­tu­re along dirt path in the back­ground. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: Cliff per­ched homes – Hopi. Date Created/Published: c1906. Sum­ma­ry: Four Hopi women in front of pue­blo buil­dings. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: Taos child­ren. Date Created/Published: c1905. Sum­ma­ry: Four Taos child­ren squat on rocks at edge of stream, moun­ta­ins in back­ground. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: Slow Bull. Date Created/Published: c1907. Sum­ma­ry: Dako­ta man stan­ding out­side tipi gazing upward. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Title: Pie­gan scout. Date Created/Published: c1910. Sum­ma­ry: Pie­gan man stands with open prai­rie behind him. Pho­to­graph by Edward S. Cur­tis, Cur­tis (Edward S.) Coll­ec­tion, Libra­ry of Con­gress Prints and Pho­to­graphs Divi­si­on Washing­ton, D.C.
Several Kwakiutl people dancing in a circle around a smoking fire, in an effort to cause a sky creature, which they believe swallowed the moon, to sneeze thereby disgorging it.

Seve­ral Kwa­ki­utl peo­p­le dancing in a cir­cle around a smo­king fire, in an effort to cau­se a sky crea­tu­re, which they belie­ve swal­lo­wed the moon, to snee­ze ther­eby dis­g­or­ging it.


The Crusades Crescent & the Cross The Lost Civilizations of North America

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