Rock Drawings in Valcamonica

Rock Drawings in Valcamonica

Val­ca­mo­ni­ca, situa­ted in the Lom­bar­dy plain, has one of the world’s grea­test coll­ec­tions of pre­his­to­ric petro­glyphs – more than 140,000 sym­bols and figu­res car­ved in the rock over a peri­od of 8,000 years and depic­ting the­mes con­nec­ted with agri­cul­tu­re, navi­ga­ti­on, war and magic.

Val­ca­mo­ni­ca, situa­ted in the moun­tai­nous area of the Lom­bar­dy regi­on, has one of the world’s grea­test coll­ec­tions of pre­his­to­ric petro­glyphs – more than 140,000 sym­bols and figu­res car­ved in the rock over a peri­od of more than 8,000 years. Found on both sides of an enti­re val­ley, the petro­glyphs depict the­mes con­nec­ted to agri­cul­tu­re, deer hun­ting, duels, as well as geo­me­tric-sym­bo­lic figures.



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