Who Real­ly Inven­ted the Alphabet?

Who real­ly inven­ted the alpha­bet? Despi­te its vast influence, we are still uncer­tain about pre­cis­e­ly whe­re the world’s most influ­en­ti­al com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on sys­tem came from. One reason for this uncer­tain­ty is that deba­te about the alphabet’s ori­g­ins has ten­ded to focus on ques­ti­ons for which the­re is litt­le clear evi­dence, such as the exact date of its inven­ti­on and the per­so­nal iden­ti­ty, social sta­tus, and edu­ca­tio­nal back­ground of the inventor(s).




Long-Lost Cham­bers Found Within 4,400-Year-Old Egyp­ti­an Pyramid

New rooms have been dis­co­ver­ed in an anci­ent Egyp­ti­an pyra­mid, con­fir­ming the sus­pi­ci­ons of archaeo­lo­gists who first excava­ted the magni­fi­cent site almost 200 years ago.

The rooms were recent­ly dis­co­ver­ed at the Pyra­mid of Sahura, built around 4,400 years ago for the Egyp­ti­an pha­raoh Sahu­re of the Fifth Dynasty. The struc­tu­re has been under­go­ing a res­to­ra­ti­on pro­ject sin­ce 2019 to clean its inte­ri­or rooms and pre­vent fur­ther col­lap­se, ulti­m­ate­ly hoping to pro­long its lifespan.


One Of History’s Stran­gest Tech Mys­te­ries: The Bagh­dad Battery

A Bagh­dad bat­tery is not a brand of car bat­tery you can grab off the shelf at your local auto parts store, but the sto­ry sur­roun­ding the­se so-cal­led bygo­ne “bat­te­ries” is as per­plex­ing as try­ing to fer­ret out why your car won’t start.
Four of the­se 5‑inch-tall cera­mic jars were initi­al­ly found insi­de a gra­ve in 1936, clo­se to whe­re a new rail line was being built at the time. It was also loca­ted near what was once the roy­al city of Cte­si­phon, about 20 miles sou­the­ast of modern-day Baghdad.


First Black Hole Ever Pho­to­gra­phed is Spin­ning, Sci­en­tists Confirm

Ana­ly­zing more than two deca­des of obser­va­tio­nal data coll­ec­ted by more than 20 telesco­pes, an inter­na­tio­nal team of sci­en­tists says that the black hole at the cen­ter of the near­by M87 gala­xy is spinning.



Pul­sars, not dark mat­ter, explain the Mil­ky Way’s antimatter

For years, astro­no­mers have been puz­zled by an excess of anti­mat­ter par­tic­les emana­ting from the Mil­ky Way’s galac­tic cen­ter. Many astro­no­mers and phy­si­cists hoped that this phe­no­me­non woul­d’­ve been cau­sed by dark mat­ter par­tic­les, eit­her anni­hi­la­ting or decaying, and then crea­ting posi­trons. Howe­ver, recent results sug­gest a far more mun­da­ne expl­ana­ti­on: rota­ting neu­tron stars, who­se rela­ti­vi­stic jets and fast-moving mate­ri­al crea­te mat­ter-anti­mat­ter pairs. No dark mat­ter required.


U.S. votes against anti-Nazi reso­lu­ti­on at U.N.

UNITED NATIONS — The United Sta­tes says it was one of three count­ries to vote against a U.N. reso­lu­ti­on con­dem­ning the glo­ri­fi­ca­ti­on of Nazism over free­dom of speech issues and con­cerns that Rus­sia was using it to car­ry out poli­ti­cal attacks against its neighbors. 

The reso­lu­ti­on entit­led “Com­ba­ting glo­ri­fi­ca­ti­on of Nazism, Neo-Nazism and other prac­ti­ces that con­tri­bu­te to fue­ling con­tem­po­ra­ry forms of racism, racial dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on, xeno­pho­bia and rela­ted into­le­rance,” was appro­ved by the U.N.’s human rights com­mit­tee on Fri­day with 131 in favor, 3 against with 48 abstentions. 


Ear­liest Bas­kets in Euro­pe, From Almost 10,000 Years Ago, Found in Spa­nish Cave

Ela­bo­ra­te bas­kets made of tough local grass were used by hun­ter-gathe­rers to bury their dead at Cue­va de los Mur­cié­la­gos, while ear­ly far­mers also tur­ned their hand to sandals.


3D-Druck: Wenn die Müs­li­box zum Fila­menttrock­ner wird

Wäh­rend PLA noch ver­gleichs­wei­se gut­mü­tig ist, reagie­ren PETG und Nylon ger­ne mit fie­sen Druck­feh­lern auf zu feuch­te Lage­rung: 3D-Druck-Fila­men­te sind hygro­sko­pisch, was bedeu­tet, dass sie Feuch­tig­keit aus der Umge­bungs­luft auf­neh­men können.


The Cine­ma of Orson Welles

Acclai­med direc­tor Peter Bog­d­a­no­vich (The Last Pic­tu­re Show, Paper Moon) was, ear­ly in his care­er, a film cri­tic. It was during this time that he wro­te this short tome on the gre­at Orson Wel­les for the Muse­um of Modern Art. Bog­d­a­no­vich gives us an over­view of why Wel­les is wort­hy of app­rai­sal as well as pro­vi­ding a film-by-film deeper dive into Wel­les’ oeuvre.


A Gol­den Age of Buil­ding? Excerp­ts and les­sons from Empire Sta­te, Pen­ta­gon, Skunk Works and SpaceX

Patrick Col­li­son has a fan­ta­stic list of examp­les of peo­p­le quick­ly accom­pli­shing ambi­tious things tog­e­ther sin­ce the 19th Cen­tu­ry. It does make you yearn for a time that feels… dif­fe­rent, when the lethar­gic behe­mo­ths of govern­ment depart­ments could move at the speed of a racing startup.


Staats­tro­ja­ner per Online-Werbung

Dass tau­sen­de Fir­men unse­re Daten für Online-Wer­bung sam­meln, ist bekannt. Eine Recher­che zeigt nun, dass auch Staats­tro­ja­ner-Her­stel­ler das Wer­be­sys­tem nut­zen, um Ziel­per­so­nen zu tra­cken und zu hacken. Ob Deutsch­land über der­ar­ti­ge Soft­ware ver­fügt, will die Bun­des­re­gie­rung nicht verraten.


Meet Cocoa Press

Cocoa Press allows you to turn your cho­co­la­te ide­as into reality.


How to turn off Name­Drop in iOS 17

iOS 17 offers a lot of inte­res­t­ing new fea­tures for your iPho­ne, one of which is cal­led, appro­pria­te­ly, Name­Drop. What Name­Drop does is let you exch­an­ge cont­act infor­ma­ti­on with ano­ther iPho­ne (and gives you a chan­ce to use your snaz­zy new Cont­act Pos­ter) by just hol­ding the top of your pho­ne near the top of someone else’s iPhone.


The Rise Of Hux-Well

Noam Chom­sky stop­ped just one rung shy of per­fec­tion with his illu­mi­na­ting book, Manu­fac­tu­ring Con­sent, about how com­mer­cial media work as exten­si­ons of govern­ment and cor­po­ra­te power to manu­fac­tu­re the con­sent of the mas­ses. Like­wi­se, Matt Taibbi’s title, Hate, Inc. is a near-per­fect indict­ment of cable and digi­tal news pro­fit models that manu­fac­tu­re and prio­ri­ti­ze enmity to the exclu­si­on of the truth and the com­mon good.


Daten­leak ent­hüllt gehei­men Kunst­schatz von Olig­arch Abramowitsch

Picas­so, Monet, Freud und Schie­le: Inter­ne Daten geben Ein­bli­cke in die Samm­lung von Abra­mo­witsch und zei­gen, wie die Wer­ke wohl vor Sank­tio­nen geschützt wurden


Mer­cu­ry Works Offers Kod­ak IMAX Film to Pho­to­graph­ers for First Time

Zach Hor­ton from Mer­cu­ry Works tells Peta­Pi­xel that Kod­ak is pro­vi­ding Mer­cu­ry Works with the 65mm film, which is often not available to the public wit­hout sub­stan­ti­al mini­mum orders, often in the realm of $15,000 orders for most of Kodak’s 65mm film stocks.


Con­ser­va­ti­ve media mogul Rupert Mur­doch is step­ping down from News Corp, Fox

Con­ser­va­ti­ve media mogul Rupert Mur­doch is step­ping down as chair of Fox and News Corp on Thurs­day, accor­ding to The Wall Street Jour­nal. Mur­doch will exit his roles at both com­pa­nies in mid-Novem­ber and will be appoin­ted as chair­man eme­ri­tus of both com­pa­nies.
“For my enti­re pro­fes­sio­nal life, I have been enga­ged dai­ly with news and ide­as, and that will not chan­ge. But the time is right for me to take on dif­fe­rent roles,” Mur­doch repor­ted­ly wro­te in a staff memo Thurs­day. “Our com­pa­nies are in robust health, as am I.”


NASA’s New Short­cut to Fusi­on Power

Phy­si­cists first suspec­ted more than a cen­tu­ry ago that the fusing of hydro­gen into heli­um powers the sun. It took rese­ar­chers many years to unra­vel the secrets by which ligh­ter ele­ments are smas­hed tog­e­ther into hea­vier ones insi­de stars, releasing ener­gy in the pro­cess. And sci­en­tists and engi­neers have con­tin­ued to stu­dy the sun’s fusi­on pro­cess in hopes of one day using nuclear fusi­on to gene­ra­te heat or elec­tri­ci­ty. But the pro­s­pect of mee­ting our ener­gy needs this way remains elusive.


Ope­nAI unveils DALL‑E 3, allows artists to opt out of training

Most cut­ting-edge, AI-powered image gene­ra­ti­on tools today take prompts — descrip­ti­ons of images — and turn them into art­work in an array of styl­es, ran­ging from the pho­to­rea­li­stic to fan­ta­sti­cal. But craf­ting the right prompt can be a chall­enge, so much so that “prompt engi­nee­ring” is beco­ming a bona fide profession.


Neu­ig­kei­ten im Fall Assange

In der letz­ten Zeit scheint etwas Bewe­gung in den Fall Juli­an Assan­ge gekom­men zu sein. Die aus­tra­li­sche Regie­rung hat sich zu guter Letzt ein­ge­schal­tet und übt öffent­li­chen Druck auf die zustän­di­gen Behör­den in den USA aus, die Anklage(n) fal­len zu las­sen. Eine Dele­ga­ti­on, die über 60 aus­tra­li­sche Par­la­men­ta­ri­er ver­tritt, befin­det sich auf dem Weg in die USA. Es fin­den auch in Deutsch­land wei­ter Mahn­wa­chen statt, auf denen die Frei­las­sung von Juli­an Assan­ge gefor­dert wird, so z.B. die­se Woche am Don­ners­tag in Ber­lin und Bre­men, am Frei­tag in Ber­lin und Pader­born und am Sams­tag in Bonn.


NASA report finds no evi­dence that UFOs are extraterrestrial

NASA’s inde­pen­dent stu­dy team released its high­ly anti­ci­pa­ted report on UFOs on Sept. 14, 2023.
In part to move bey­ond the stig­ma often atta­ched to UFOs, whe­re mili­ta­ry pilots fear ridi­cu­le or job sanc­tions if they report them, UFOs are now cha­rac­te­ri­zed by the U.S. govern­ment as UAPs, or uniden­ti­fied anoma­lous phenomena.


Space Drugs Fac­to­ry Denied Reen­try to Earth

The U.S. Air Force denied a recent request from Var­da Space Indus­tries to land its cap­su­le at a Utah trai­ning area, pushing back the startup’s plans to show off the fruits of its in-space manu­fac­tu­ring, Tech­Crunch has lear­ned. The company’s appli­ca­ti­on for a com­mer­cial space licen­se was also denied by the U.S. Fede­ral Avia­ti­on Admi­nis­tra­ti­on, an FAA spo­kesper­son said.


Ukrai­ne places trust in White House to pre­vent Musk pul­ling plug on Star­link comms for the Armed Forces


Archaeo­lo­gists dis­co­ver world’s oldest woo­den structure

Half a mil­li­on years ago, ear­lier than was pre­vious­ly thought pos­si­ble, humans were buil­ding struc­tures made of wood, accor­ding to new rese­arch by a team from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Liver­pool and Abe­ryst­wyth Uni­ver­si­ty.
The rese­arch, published in the jour­nal Natu­re, reports on the excava­ti­on of well-pre­ser­ved wood at the archaeo­lo­gi­cal site of Kalam­bo Falls, Zam­bia, dating back at least 476,000 years and pre­da­ting the evo­lu­ti­on of our own spe­ci­es, Homo sapiens.


A Quar­ter In, A Quar­ter-Mil­li­on Out: 10 Years of Emu­la­ti­on at Inter­net Archive

10 years ago, the Inter­net Archi­ve made an announce­ment: It was pos­si­ble for anyo­ne with a reason­ab­ly powerful com­pu­ter run­ning a modern brow­ser to have soft­ware emu­la­ted, run­ning as it did back when it was fresh and new, with a sin­gle click. Now, a deca­de later, we have sur­pas­sed 250,000 pie­ces of soft­ware run­ning at the Archi­ve and it might be a gre­at time to reflect on how dif­fe­rent the land­scape has beco­me sin­ce then.


Von Vek­tor­röh­ren zu Intel und Nvi­dia: 40 Jah­re Super­com­pu­ter in Karlsruhe

Vor 40 Jah­ren, im Sep­tem­ber 1983, nahm an der dama­li­gen Uni­ver­si­tät Karls­ru­he ein Com­pu­ter vom Typ Con­trol Data Cyber 205 den Betrieb auf. Die­se CDC Cyber 205 galt trotz ihrer aus heu­ti­ger Sicht beschei­de­nen Leis­tung von 200 bis 800 Mega­flops (64 Bit, 2 Pipes) als einer der schnells­ten Vek­tor­rech­ner welt­weit. Heut­zu­ta­ge ist ein Note­book-Pro­zes­sor flotter.


Skydio’s New X10 Dro­ne Looks Ama­zing, But You Can’t Buy It

Dro­ne manu­fac­tu­rer Sky­dio has announ­ced the X10, a dro­ne that fea­tures “the best sen­sors ever” in a com­pact dro­ne, resists rain, and can fly in very low light. It has all the fea­tures that would make it stand up to DJI, but Sky­dio won’t sell it to you.


The Beat­les Derek Tay­lor Never-Befo­re-Heard Coll­ec­tion of Lost Beat­les Recor­dings: Inclu­ding the 1967 Ken­wood Ses­si­ons and John Len­non Pri­va­te Recordings


Micro­soft erhält vom US-Mili­tär wei­te­ren Auf­trag für Gefechtsbrillen

Nach anfäng­li­chen Pro­ble­men mit Übel­keit und Kopf­weh gibt es nun grü­nes Licht für eine wei­te­re Ent­wick­lungs­pha­se der Mixed-Rea­li­ty-Lösung für den Kampfeinsatz


US Army Orders More Micro­soft AR Headsets

The U.S. Army has award­ed Micro­soft ano­ther con­tract for its Inte­gra­ted Visu­al Aug­men­ta­ti­on Sys­tem (IVAS) after posi­ti­ve tests of the latest pro­to­ty­pe. The aug­men­ted rea­li­ty gog­gles are desi­gned for com­bat situations.


What Does “Far-Right” Even Mean Anymore?

“Far right” is basi­cal­ly any­thing that con­tests the Estab­lish­ment nar­ra­ti­ve.
Any­bo­dy taking the lega­cy, cor­po­ra­te media at face value the­se days is likely under the impres­si­on that the enti­re world is being over­run with “far-right” extre­mists, after all, any­thing ortho­go­nal to the cur­rent WEF-inspi­red world order seems to be, by defi­ni­ti­on, far right.


Sta­ble Dif­fu­si­on Deepf­akes and Sty­liza­ti­ons With a Sin­gle Image

A new academic/industry col­la­bo­ra­ti­on from Chi­na and Sin­ga­po­re pro­po­ses a novel method of injec­ting ‘cus­tom’ peo­p­le into latent dif­fu­si­on-based text-to-image sys­tems such as Sta­ble Dif­fu­si­on wit­hout the need for tedious and resour­ce-inten­si­ve fine-tuning.


Phi­ne­as Fisher, Hack­ti­vism, and Magic Tricks

It’s said that a good magi­ci­an never reve­als their secrets. Com­pu­ter hack­ing is a par­ti­cu­lar­ly good type of magic trick, and for the most part, hackers don’t reve­al their secrets eit­her. It’s some­ti­mes hard to recon­ci­le this, becau­se we read about hack­ing all the time — in news­pa­pers, at con­fe­ren­ces, in blog posts, on social media — but most­ly we only think we’­re rea­ding about hack­ing. There’s a subt­le dif­fe­rence bet­ween lear­ning the mecha­ni­cal hand move­ments nee­ded to stack a deck of cards, and per­forming a magic trick in front of a crowd.


The­se con­spi­ra­cy theo­ry memes will make you want to believe

Upon purcha­sing Twit­ter, bil­lionaire Elon Musk famously said that “almost every con­spi­ra­cy theo­ry that peo­p­le had about [the social media net­work] tur­ned out to be true.”


Johan­nes Kep­ler
Music of the Spheres

I am ste­al­ing the gol­den ves­sels of the Egyp­ti­ans to build a taber­na­cle to my God from them, … if you are enra­ged with me, I shall bear it. See, I cast the die, and I wri­te the book. Whe­ther it is to be read by the peo­p­le of the pre­sent or of the future makes no dif­fe­rence: let it await its rea­der for a hundred years, if God hims­elf has stood rea­dy for six thousand years for one to stu­dy him.
Kep­ler, Har­mo­nices mun­di, Bk V, trans. Aiton, Dun­can and Field, p.391.


Byrne’s Euclid

The First Six Books of
The Ele­ments of Euclid
With Colou­red Dia­grams and Sym­bols
A repro­duc­tion of Oli­ver Byrne’s cele­bra­ted work from 1847 plus inter­ac­ti­ve dia­grams, cross refe­ren­ces, and pos­ters desi­gned by Nicho­las Rougeux


JWST reve­als dus­ty secrets insi­de spi­ral galaxies

Mat­ter within gala­xies starts off dif­fu­se, con­tracts to beco­me den­se, then forms stars, which in turn feeds back to affect the mat­ter that sur­rounds it. Using four sepa­ra­te obser­va­to­ries, inclu­ding ALMA and the Very Lar­ge Telescope on Earth, plus Hub­ble and JWST in space, the PHANGS col­la­bo­ra­ti­on aims to untang­le this cos­mic mys­tery. By loo­king at six gala­xies through the eyes of both Hub­ble and JWST, a num­ber of important cos­mic secrets have been reve­a­led at last. You’ll never see dust the same way again.


You can get $500 in cre­dit when you pre­or­der Samsung’s 57-inch Odys­sey Neo G9 gam­ing monitor


The Prac­ti­cal Power of Fusing Photons

Chan­ging the color of light super­char­ges solar ener­gy, 3D prin­ting, and night vision


DEF CON 31 Main Stage Talks

96 vide­os 3,278 views Updated 6 days ago


Octo­ber 14, 2023’s annu­lar eclip­se will have huge con­se­quen­ces 6 months later

Only twice a year are the phy­si­cal con­di­ti­ons favorable for the Sun, Earth, and Moon to all ali­gn in space: crea­ting con­di­ti­ons for eit­her solar or lunar eclip­ses. On Octo­ber 14, 2023, an annu­lar solar eclip­se is coming to Earth, as the new Moon will pass in front of the Sun’s disk as seen from our pla­net. Six months later, on April 8, 2024, the next eclip­se — a total solar eclip­se — will grace our ski­es. This is the sci­ence behind why this happens.


Cova Dones: a major Palaeo­li­thic cave art site in eas­tern Iberia

This artic­le pres­ents details of the recent dis­co­very of Palaeo­li­thic cave art in Cova Dones, Valen­cia. The preli­mi­na­ry results reve­al a rich gra­phic assem­bla­ge with fea­tures that are unu­su­al for Medi­ter­ra­ne­an Upper Palaeo­li­thic art and were pre­vious­ly unknown for the Plei­s­to­ce­ne in the eas­tern Ibe­ri­an coast.


Geo­lo­ca­ting a Tra­ve­ler via OSINT techniques

So becau­se a lot of peo­p­le com­pli­men­ted me on the pre­vious chall­enge,
I deci­ded to do ano­ther one for you guys.
In today’s blog, we will dive into an OSINT inves­ti­ga­ti­on I’ve con­duc­ted to iden­ti­fy the exact geo­lo­ca­ti­on of a tra­ve­ler — as a part of an OSINT chall­enge he gave.


NFTs: Remem­ber Them?

Non-fun­gi­ble tokens are a social cur­ren­cy, born from “a desi­re to do more with block­chain than just cryp­to­cur­ren­cy,” accor­ding to Ste­ven Schu­chart, prin­ci­pal ana­lyst at Glo­bal­Da­ta.
Eve Tho­mas wri­tes at Ver­dict that the first NFT is wide­ly thought to have been crea­ted in 2014 – ‘Quan­tum’ was crea­ted on the Name­co­in block­chain by Kevin McCoy. It is a kalei­do­sco­pic, puls­ing octa­gon, which was auc­tion­ed off through Sotheby’s for $1.47 million.


The U.S. may have the lar­gest known lithi­um depo­sit in the world

McDer­mitt Cal­de­ra, straddling the bor­der of Ore­gon and Neva­da, may hold 20 to 40 mil­li­on metric tons of extra­c­ta­ble lithi­um, which would make it the lar­gest known lithi­um depo­sit in the world. The cal­de­ra was the site of a mas­si­ve vol­ca­nic erup­ti­on rough­ly 16 mil­li­on years ago, which spe­wed lithi­um-rich mag­ma. If the U.S. takes advan­ta­ge of the monu­men­tal lithi­um depo­sit held within McDer­mitt Cal­de­ra, it will own a key dome­stic sup­p­ly for buil­ding out a clean ener­gy eco­no­my while simul­ta­neous­ly gai­ning a strong posi­ti­on in the glo­bal market.


Hap­py 65th Bir­th­day, Inte­gra­ted Circuit

On 12 Sep­tem­ber 1958, Jack Kil­by demons­tra­ted the inte­gra­ted cir­cuit for the first time.
It was an unas­sum­ing object. A see­ming hodge-podge of ger­ma­ni­um, alu­mi­ni­um, gold wires and glue. A simp­le oscil­la­tor cir­cuit with a sin­gle tran­sis­tor, a capa­ci­tor and three resistors.


Intel has unvei­led Thun­der­bolt 5, the latest ite­ra­ti­on of its a stan­dard aimed at enab­ling super-fast connectivity.


Did JWST plus ALMA just reve­al how pul­sars form?

In 1987, the clo­sest super­no­va direct­ly obser­ved in near­ly 400 years occur­red. Will a pul­sar ari­se from tho­se ashes? JWST offers clues.


GA-ASI Poi­sed to Begin Long­Shot Flight Test­ing Phase

Gene­ral Ato­mics Aero­nau­ti­cal Sys­tems, Inc. (GA-ASI) is poi­sed to begin the flight-test­ing pha­se on the Defen­se Advan­ced Rese­arch Pro­jects Agency’s (DARPA) Long­Shot program.


Huma­ni­ty on the Brink: Geno­mic Rese­arch Unearths Start­ling Decli­ne in Human Ances­tor Populations

A new geno­mic model indi­ca­tes a signi­fi­cant bot­t­len­eck in human ances­tor popu­la­ti­ons bet­ween 800,000 and 900,000 years ago, alig­ning with the era of the last com­mon ances­tor of Den­is­o­vans, Nean­dert­hals, and modern Homo sapi­ens. Fur­ther archaeo­lo­gi­cal evi­dence is nee­ded for validation.


Las Vegas strug­gles to get back online after cyber attack


Stu­dy: The Indo-Euro­pean lan­guage fami­ly was born south of the Caucasus


Goog­le out­lines Out­line SDK: Cen­sor­ship, geo-block-bea­ting tool to drop into apps


This Mon­terey Bay deep-sea crea­tu­re is the ‘sis­ter’ that took its own evo­lu­tio­na­ry path

We still don’t know what the world’s first ani­mal loo­ked like, but sci­en­tists say it aro­se rough­ly 700 mil­li­on years ago from a soup of sin­gle-cel­led orga­nisms floa­ting in the oce­an. The mul­ti-cel­led crea­tu­re thri­ved, mul­ti­pli­ed and evol­ved, at some point split­ting into two distinct species.


Zah­len, bit­te! 1900 Zeich­nun­gen und ein Zei­chen: Die Höh­le von Lascaux

1940 ent­deck­ten For­scher in Las­caux Jahr­tau­sen­de alte Höh­len­ma­le­rei­en. For­schun­gen zufol­ge steckt hin­ter den exak­ten Tier-Dar­stel­lun­gen wohl ein tie­fe­rer Sinn.


A cool or love­ly or mind-ben­ding astro­no­mic­al image/video with a descrip­ti­on so you can grok it
M51 is a near­by spi­ral gala­xy that we hap­pen to see face-on. As is the case with a lot of near­by gala­xies, the exact distance isn’t well known; it’s rough­ly 20 – 30 mil­li­on light-years away. Dif­fe­rent methods yield dif­fe­rent values for its distance, and it’s not far enough away, iro­ni­cal­ly, for the expan­si­on of the Uni­ver­se to be strong enough to use reds­hift reliably.



Veil­id (pro­no­un­ced Vay-Lid, from ‘Valid and Vei­led Iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on’)
Veil­id allows anyo­ne to build a dis­tri­bu­ted, pri­va­te app. Veil­id gives users the pri­va­cy to opt out of data coll­ec­tion and online track­ing. Veil­id is being built with user expe­ri­ence, pri­va­cy, and safe­ty as our top prio­ri­ties. It is open source and available to ever­yo­ne to use and build upon.


Beyond Life With Timothy Leary William Blake

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