Beyond Life With Timothy Leary

Beyond Life With Timothy Leary

Design for dying

As the frin­ge guru hims­elf put it, “Made­moi­sel­le Can­cer moved in to share [his] body.” But in the days befo­re he died, Lea­ry — never one to miss an oppor­tu­ni­ty for a par­ty — used his approa­ching death to crea­te an exu­berant new visi­on of what dying can be. Opti­mism, cou­ra­ge, joy and spi­ri­tua­li­ty were cen­tral to Leary’s final days and his death. Design for Dying — Leary’s last book — shows us how we too can make dying the high point of life.
Irrever­ent, thought-pro­vo­king and hila­rious, Leary’s par­ting shot pio­neers new ways to die and new ways for the living to think about death. Urging us to take con­trol of our deaths (and even to deter­mi­ne when and how we will die), Lea­ry rela­tes his own plan for “direc­ted dying,” a death we plan and orchest­ra­te to reflect our own lives and values.
And the psy­che­de­lic pro­phet flings open a who­le new ran­ge of bey­ond-death pos­si­bi­li­tes for the wired gene­ra­ti­on. From down­loa­ding con­scious­ness onto the Net — so that our souls can out­live our bodies — to the way tech­no­lo­gy can enhan­ce the final days of the dying to the far-out pro­mi­ses of cryo­ge­nics, Lea­ry pro­vi­des fasci­na­ting insights into how tech­no­lo­gy may even­tual­ly help us impro­ve, and even sidestep, death. A tho­rough gui­de to death and dying resour­ces and to online tools and fur­ther rea­ding lists com­ple­tes this sur­pri­sing, fun­ny and total­ly ori­gi­nal look at the new fron­tiers of death.
Spea­king to ever­yo­ne who has ever won­de­red if there’s more to death — ‑if there’s life bey­ond the final fron­tier, if death real­ly means the end, if dir­ges and hear­ses and fun­e­ral flowers are real­ly how we want to be remem­be­red — Leary’s flam­boy­ant final state­ment rteve­als revo­lu­tio­na­ry ways to die and rede­fi­nes, with Leary’s trade­mark crea­ti­vi­ty and joy, how the living can think about death.

Lea­ry, Timo­thy, 1920 – 1996; Siri­us, R. U., 1952-


Timo­thy Lea­ry — RARE PDFs and Books

Timo­thy Leary’s wri­tin­gs are most flu­ent when you have per­haps recrea­tio­nal­ly used psy­cho­ge­nic medi­ca­ti­ons of the flowery but also che­mi­cal hal­lu­ci­n­o­gens as well, along the­se lines are his book coll­ec­tion that have his own books & fri­ends to help along with col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons and “editorial”-like work — with his own wri­tin­gs on bet­ter ways to do drugs spe­ci­fi­cal­ly from the inward journey’s that begin with visio­na­ry apo­sta­te dream-recor­dings which most of the 1960s wan­ted to stu­dy in an edi­fi­ci­al way. (Bur­roughs & Gysin, et all)

LEARY, Timo­thy & BRYAN, John — Wha­te­ver hap­pen­ed to Timo­thy Leary.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy & GOLSON, G. Bar­ry (ed) — The Play­boy interview.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy & GREENFIELD, Robert — A biography.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy & HIGGS, John — I Have Ame­ri­ca Surrounded.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy & HOROWITZ, Micha­el — An Anno­ta­ted Biblio­gra­phy of Timo­thy Leary.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy & KLEPS, Art — Mill­brook; the true sto­ry of the years of the psy­che­de­lic revolution.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy & KLEPS, Art — The Boo Hoo Bible, The Neo-Ame­ri­can Church Cate­chism and Handbook.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy & LANGLITZ, Nico­las — Trip­ping in Solitude.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy & LATTIN, Don — The Har­vard Psy­che­de­lic Club.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy & METZNER, Ralph — Her­man Hes­se, Poet of the Inte­ri­or Journey.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy & METZNER, Ralph — On Pro­gramming Psy­che­de­lic Experiences.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy & SLACK, Charles — Timo­thy Lea­ry, the mad­ness of the six­ties and me.epub
LEARY, Timo­thy & SOLOMON, David — LSD; The Con­scious­ness-Expan­ding Drug.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy & WILSON, Robert Anton — The Game of Life.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy (SLACK, Charles) — Timo­thy Lea­ry, the mad­ness of the six­ties and me.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — Cha­os & Cyber Culture.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — Con­fes­si­ons of a Hope Fiend.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — Decla­ra­ti­on of Evolution.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — Design for Dying.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — Eight Cir­cuits of Consciousness.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — Exo-Psychology.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — Flashbacks.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — High Priest.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — Homage to the Awe-full Seer.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — How to Chan­ge Behavior.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — How to Ope­ra­te Your Brain.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — Info-Psychology.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — Inter­per­so­nal Dia­gno­sis of Personality.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — Jail Notes.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — Mul­ti­le­vel Mea­su­re­ment of Inter­per­so­nal Behavior.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — Neurocomic.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — NeuroLogic.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — Neu­ro­po­li­tics; The Socio­bio­lo­gy of Human Metamorphosis.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — Neuropolitique.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — Poli­tics of Self-Determination.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — Pro­grammed Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on During Expe­ri­en­ces With DMT.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — Psy­che­de­lic Prayers.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — Radi­cal­iza­ti­on Of Timo­thy Leary.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — Social Dimen­si­ons of Personality.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — Space Migration.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — Star­seed; A Psi Phy Comet Tale.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — Start Your Own Religion.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — Sur­fing the Con­scious Nets.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — Ter­ra II; The Star­seed Transmision.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — The Deli­cious Grace of Moving One’s Hand; The Coll­ec­ted Sex Writings.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — The Effects of Con­scious­ness-Expan­ding Drugs on Pri­soner Rehabilitation.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — The Eter­nal Phi­lo­so­phy of Chaos.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — The Expe­ri­en­ti­al Typewriter.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — The Game of Life.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — The Intel­li­gence Agents.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — The Inter­per­so­nal Dimen­si­ons of Personality.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — The Last Mes­sa­ge Of Aldous Huxley.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — The Poli­tics of Ecstasy.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — The Reli­gious Expe­ri­ence; Its Pro­duc­tion and Interpretation.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — The Second Fine Art; Neo-sym­bo­lic Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on of Experience.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — Timo­thy Leary’s Inter­per­so­nal Beha­vi­or Circle.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — Using LSD to Imprint the Tibe­tan-Bud­dhist Experience.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — What Do You Turn On When You Turn On.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — What Does WoMan Want.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy — [Ent­re­vis­ta] Play­boy Interview.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy et al — Mavericks of the mind; Con­ver­sa­ti­ons for the New Millenium.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy et al — The Hous­boat Summit.pdf
LEARY, Timo­thy et al — The Psy­che­de­lic Experience.epub
LEARY, Timo­thy et al — The Psy­che­de­lic Expe­ri­ence; A manu­al based on the Tibe­tan Book of the Dead.pdf
METZNER, Ralph et al — Birth of a Psy­che­de­lic Cul­tu­re Con­ver­sa­ti­ons about Lea­ry, the Har­vard Expe­ri­ments, Mill­brook and the Six­ties-Syn­er­ge­tic Press (2010).pdf
WILSON, Robert Anton & LEARY, Timo­thy — The game of life (1979).epub
WILSON, Robert Anton & LEARY, Timo­thy — The game of life (1979).pdf
WILSON, Robert Anton & LEARY, Timo­thy — The game of life (1979b).pdf


Timo­thy Lea­ry Spea­king About His Archives

Wel­co­me to the blog of the Futique Trust!
Tim would have loved blogging…

About the Futique Trust
The word “Futique” was coin­ed by Timo­thy Lea­ry when he began desig­ning com­pu­ter soft­ware in the 1980s.
“‘Futique’ is the oppo­si­te of ‘antique,’” he said.
And, let’s face it, ever­y­thing about Timo­thy Lea­ry was aimed at the future. Thus, he cal­led his com­pa­ny Futique, Inc.
Futique was a con­sor­ti­um of artists, wri­ters, pro­gramm­ers, desi­gners, edu­ca­tors and, of cour­se, phi­lo­so­phers all working toward a com­mon goal.
When Timo­thy was near the end of (t)his life, he put all his assets IN TRUST for the future – and so Futique, Inc. beca­me The Futique Trust.
The trust is prin­ci­pal­ly his archi­val mate­ri­al which con­sists of a huge coll­ec­tion of papers and memo­ra­bi­lia from his birth cer­ti­fi­ca­te, through all pha­ses of his life and his atten­ti­on get­ting death.
The Trust also holds his publi­shing rights, archi­val mate­ri­als and any busi­ness deal­ing invol­ving Tim. It was struc­tu­red for his heirs to be able to reap the rewards of his lega­cy.
When Dr. Lea­ry put his affairs in order befo­re his death in 1996, he asked Don­na Scott and Rose­ma­ry Lea­ry to be his trus­tees. Don­na and her hus­band, famed movie diec­tor, Tony Scott were good fri­ends of Tims and shared, among other things, many Sun­day evening din­ners tog­e­ther at Mr. Chows.
Rose­ma­ry was Tim’s wife during the six­ties. She was with him at Mill­brook, hel­ped mas­ter­mind his escape from pri­son and flight to Alge­ria, and final­ly their stay in Switz­er­land. Even though they par­ted in Switz­er­land and she went under­ground for the next 25 years, they recon­nec­ted about 2 years befo­re his death and he asked her to over­see, with Don­na, the Futique Trust.
When Rose­ma­ry died in 2002, Denis Ber­ry, who was appoin­ted alter­na­te trus­tee in Tim’s will, assu­med Rosemary’s spot. Denis met Tim through her “Dial a Wife” busi­ness, and they beca­me good fri­ends.
Denis shared Tim’s house for about 2 years, from 1993 – 1995 or so, befo­re she moved to San­ta Cruz, Cali­for­nia. (And not long befo­re Tim’s death, in 1996.)


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