LINKS 08 – 2023 15 — 31

LINKS 08 – 2023 15 — 31

28 — 30

Neu­es Gesetz in Frank­reich will Brow­ser zur Zen­sur verpflichten

Die fran­zö­si­sche Regie­rung will Zen­surme­cha­nis­men auf Brow­ser-Ebe­ne ein­füh­ren. Mozil­la, bekannt für sei­nen Fire­fox-Brow­ser, fürch­tet eine dys­to­pi­sche Tech­nik, die auto­ri­tä­ren Regi­men die Zen­sur erleichtert.


FBI makes a mas­si­ve bot­net infec­ting more than 700,000 com­pu­ters unin­stall itself

The US govern­ment just hel­ped dis­mant­le a mas­si­ve net­work of com­pu­ters infec­ted with one of the world’s most noto­rious pie­ces of mal­wa­re. Accor­ding to the FBI, a mul­ti­na­tio­nal effort led by the US took down Qak­bot, a mal­wa­re that made its way into over 700,000 com­pu­ters around the globe.


Sci­en­tists use quan­tum device to slow down simu­la­ted che­mi­cal reac­tion 100 bil­li­on times

Joint lead rese­ar­cher and Ph.D. stu­dent, Vanes­sa Ola­ya Agu­de­lo, said, “It is by under­stan­ding the­se basic pro­ces­ses insi­de and bet­ween mole­cu­les that we can open up a new world of pos­si­bi­li­ties in mate­ri­als sci­ence, drug design, or solar ener­gy harvesting.


DNS­Watch — DNS Traf­fic Snif­fer and Analyzer

DNS­Watch is a Python-based tool that allows you to sniff and ana­ly­ze DNS (Domain Name Sys­tem) traf­fic on your net­work. It lis­tens to DNS requests and respon­ses and pro­vi­des insights into the DNS activity.


Goog­le tests water­mark to iden­ti­fy AI images

Deve­lo­ped by Deep­Mind, Google’s AI arm, Syn­thID will iden­ti­fy images gene­ra­ted by machi­nes.
It works by embed­ding chan­ges to indi­vi­du­al pixels in images so water­marks are invi­si­ble to the human eye, but detec­ta­ble by computers.


NASA to Demons­tra­te Laser Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons from Space Station

In 2023, NASA is sen­ding a tech­no­lo­gy demons­tra­ti­on known as the Inte­gra­ted LCRD Low Earth Orbit User Modem and Ampli­fier Ter­mi­nal (ILLUMA‑T) to the space sta­ti­on. Tog­e­ther, ILLUMA‑T and the Laser Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons Relay Demons­tra­ti­on (LCRD), which laun­ched in Decem­ber 2021, will com­ple­te NASA’s first two-way, end-to-end laser relay system.


23 — 27


Koka­in unter Was­ser: Die­se Schmug­gel­tech­nik ist so ein­fach wie lebensgefährlich

Im Mai 2022 trieb der leb­lo­se Kör­per von Bru­no Bor­ges im Indus­trie­ha­fen von New­cast­le, Aus­tra­li­en. Er trug einen Neo­pren­an­zug und eine hoch­spe­zia­li­sier­te Tauch­aus­rüs­tung. Um den 31-jäh­ri­gen Bra­si­lia­ner her­um schwam­men Koka­in­zie­gel. Ins­ge­samt 54 Kilo, wie sich spä­ter her­aus­stell­te. Der Stra­ßen­wert in Aus­tra­li­en: umge­rech­net etwa 13 Mil­lio­nen Euro.


The first obser­va­ti­on of neu­tri­nos at CERN’s Lar­ge Hadron Collider

Neu­tri­nos are tiny and neu­tral­ly char­ged par­tic­les accoun­ted for by the Stan­dard Model of par­tic­le phy­sics. While they are esti­ma­ted to be some of the most abun­dant par­tic­les in the uni­ver­se, obser­ving them has so far pro­ved to be high­ly chal­len­ging, as the pro­ba­bi­li­ty that they will inter­act with other mat­ter is low.


18 — 22

Lidar on a Chip Puts Self-Dri­ving Cars in the Fast Lane



Tay­lor Swift Fan Found a Cle­ver Way to Bypass Eras Tour Came­ra Rules

Most smart­phones are not well-sui­ted to long-distance tele­pho­to pho­to­gra­phy, but some fea­ture reason­ab­ly powerful zooms, ins­ti­ga­ting ano­ther chap­ter in the clas­sic Apple ver­sus Sam­sung smart­phone deba­te.
When an iPho­ne 14 Pro Max owner tou­ted their phone’s abili­ty to zoom in on Swift on stage, some com­ment­ers repli­ed that they went out and bought new iPho­nes becau­se of the Tik­Tok video.


MXe­ne-Rela­ted Stocks Soar After Kore­an Sci­en­tists Cla­im ‘Breakth­rough’ In New Mass Pro­duc­tion Technique


Ope­nAI opens GPT‑3.5 Tur­bo up for cus­tom tuning

Ope­nAI has announ­ced that busi­nesses can now fine-tune GPT‑3.5 Tur­bo using their own data — Ope­nAI claims the resul­ting cus­tom model can match or exceed the abili­ties of GPT‑4 for cer­tain tasks. Later this fall, the com­pa­ny says it will open up the argu­ab­ly more advan­ced GPT‑4 for the same pur­po­se this fall.


Fif­ty minu­tes to hack ChatGPT: Insi­de the DEF CON com­pe­ti­ti­on to break AI

More than 2,000 hackers atta­cked cut­ting-edge chat­bots to dis­co­ver vul­nerabi­li­ties — and demons­tra­ted the chal­lenges for red-team­ing AI.


The Untold Sto­ry of How Rupert Mur­doch Rui­ned MySpace

In 2003, UCLA dro­pout and for­mer punk sin­ger Tom Ander­son and mar­ke­ting exe­cu­ti­ve Chris DeWol­fe co-foun­ded MySpace, the best social media web­site ever. By 2005, MySpace had over­co­me Goog­le to beco­me the most popu­lar web­site in the world, and was purcha­sed by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp for $580 mil­li­on.
Mur­doch imme­dia­te­ly struck an adver­ti­sing part­ner­ship with Goog­le for $900 mil­li­on over three years. But the site began to buck­le under the weight of the deal, as well as under­ly­ing infra­struc­tu­re that bad­ly nee­ded an update. As the web­site beca­me slow to load and fil­led with spam, users began to flee and Murdoch’s pre­dic­tions that the site would gene­ra­te $1 bil­li­on in reve­nue pro­ved to be incor­rect. Face­book over­took MySpace in 2008, and DeWol­fe and Ander­son left the fol­lo­wing year.


War­um die Mode­dro­ge “Blue Punis­her” gefähr­lich ist

Was in den blau­en Pil­len ent­hal­ten ist, weiß ohne che­mi­sche Ana­ly­se nie­mand, heißt es bei der Bera­tungs­stel­le Che­ckit!. Rat­ten­gift oder Strych­nin wer­den in Ana­ly­sen nicht gefunden


Euro­pe Braces For $3 A Pill ‘Poor Man’s Coca­i­ne’ To Flood Streets After Gulf Crackdown

Bloom­berg has descri­bed that what’s been dub­bed “poor man’s coca­i­ne” at as litt­le as $3 a pill is threa­tening to pro­li­fe­ra­te across the Midd­le East and into Euro­pe. It’s long been part of the under­ground par­ty sce­ne in what are other­wi­se strict Sha­ria law Arab Gulf count­ries, but that’s poi­sed to chan­ge after aut­ho­ri­ties have prio­ri­ti­zed its eradication.


Why quan­tum geni­us Wer­ner Hei­sen­berg was nowhe­re near bea­ting Oppen­hei­mer to the bomb

Toward the end of World War Two, teams of Allied sol­diers and sci­en­tists — aka the Alsos Mis­si­on — were tas­ked with gathe­ring intel­li­gence on the Nazi ato­mic pro­gram. Danish phy­si­cist Niels Bohr, among other sources, reve­a­led that quan­tum mecha­nics pio­neer Wer­ner Hei­sen­berg was lea­ding Germany’s nuclear rese­arch. Hei­sen­berg, fresh from a 200-mile bicy­cle ride, was final­ly tra­cked down high in the Bava­ri­an Alps, a long way shy of his ato­mic goals.




25 Count­ries, Housing One-quar­ter of the Popu­la­ti­on, Face Extre­me­ly High Water Stress

New data from WRI’s Aque­duct Water Risk Atlas show that 25 count­ries — housing one-quar­ter of the glo­bal popu­la­ti­on — face extre­me­ly high water stress each year, regu­lar­ly using up almost their enti­re available water sup­p­ly. And at least 50% of the world’s popu­la­ti­on — around 4 bil­li­on peo­p­le — live under high­ly water-stres­sed con­di­ti­ons for at least one month of the year.


We’­ve Tea­m­ed Up With Mull­vad VPN to Launch the Mull­vad Browser

Mull­vad and the Tor Pro­ject have been part of the same com­mu­ni­ty that is dedi­ca­ted to deve­lo­ping tech­no­lo­gy that prio­ri­ti­zes pro­tec­ting people’s right to pri­va­cy for many years now. Mull­vad con­tri­bu­tes to the Tor Pro­ject at the hig­hest level of mem­ber­ship, Shal­lot, and were a foun­ding mem­ber of the Tor Project’s Mem­ber­ship Program.


WDR ver­sieht Otto-Waal­kes-Shows mit Warnhinweis

Komi­ker Otto Waal­kes fei­er­te im Juli sei­nen 75. Geburts­tag. Der WDR fei­ert mit und zeigt Otto-Shows aus den 70er-Jah­ren und zwei Pro­gram­me aus den 80ern in der Media­thek, “unge­kürzt und frie­sisch-derb, hol­la­di­hi­ti!”, wie der Sen­der dort schreibt. Ver­se­hen wer­den Shows aus den Jah­ren 1973 und 1974 jedoch mit einem Warn­hin­weis. Vor Beginn der Sen­dun­gen ist dort zu lesen: “Das fol­gen­de Pro­gramm wird, als Bestand­teil der Fern­seh­ge­schich­te, in sei­ner ursprüng­li­chen Form gezeigt. Es ent­hält Pas­sa­gen, die heu­te als dis­kri­mi­nie­rend betrach­tet werden.”


Ent­rüs­tung über Raz­zia bei US-Zei­tung in Kansas

Beam­te hat­ten die Räum­lich­kei­ten des “Mari­on Coun­ty Record” und das Haus des Her­aus­ge­bers durch­sucht. Der Vor­fall lös­te eine Debat­te über Pres­se­frei­heit im Land aus


War­rant for Kan­sas news­pa­per raid with­drawn by pro­se­cu­tor for ‘insuf­fi­ci­ent evidence’

The pro­se­cu­tor in Mari­on Coun­ty has with­drawn the search war­rant exe­cu­ted at a small-town Kan­sas news­pa­per that poli­ce rai­ded Fri­day, the paper’s lawy­er said Wed­nes­day, which the Kan­sas Bureau of Inves­ti­ga­ti­on soon confirmed.


Someone bought 52,000 acres in the Bay Area. No one knows who they are.


“Kolos­se­um” vol­ler Dino­sau­ri­er-Fuß­ab­drü­cke in Alas­ka entdeckt

Auf fast senk­rech­ten Fels­wän­den sind im US-ame­ri­ka­ni­schen Dena­li-Natio­nal­park Spu­ren von Tyran­no­sau­ri­ern und zahl­rei­chen ande­ren Dinos zu sehen



The Maya cove­ted mer­cu­ry. It may have has­ten­ed their downfall.

Over the past few deca­des, evi­dence has built that the Maya of Cen­tral Ame­ri­ca exten­si­ve­ly used a mer­cu­ry-con­tai­ning com­pound for deco­ra­ti­on and art. Mer­cu­ry was so pre­va­lent that archaeo­lo­gi­cal sites are still hea­vi­ly con­ta­mi­na­ted today. Tel­lingly, sci­en­tists repor­ted that two water reser­voirs in the heart of the anci­ent city of Tikal con­tai­ned toxic levels of mer­cu­ry, rai­sing the pos­si­bi­li­ty that the Maya suf­fe­r­ed adver­se health effects.


Öster­rei­chi­sche Wis­sen­schaft in Zei­ten des “Drit­ten Manns”

Öster­reich war nach dem Ende des Zwei­ten Welt­kriegs eine wis­sen­schaft­li­che Wüs­te und blieb es für meh­re­re Jahr­zehn­te. Oasen wie die Mathe­ma­tik, deren Geschich­te unlängst gründ­lich auf­ge­ar­bei­tet wur­de, blie­ben die Aus­nah­me. Von der eins­ti­gen wis­sen­schaft­li­chen Grö­ße um 1900 war vor allem nach der ras­sis­ti­schen und poli­ti­schen Ver­trei­bung hun­der­ter For­schen­der durch die Nazis kaum mehr etwas übrig geblie­ben. Und bei Kriegs­en­de 1945 war die Mehr­heit der Wis­sen­schaf­te­rin­nen und Wis­sen­schaf­ter an Öster­reichs Hoch­schu­len ent­we­der NSDAP-Mit­glied oder zumin­dest Par­tei­an­wär­ter, was einen Neu­start auch nicht gera­de erleichterte.


Don’t use VPN services

No, serious­ly, don’t. You’re pro­ba­b­ly rea­ding this becau­se you’ve asked what VPN ser­vice to use, and this is the ans­wer.
Note: The con­tent in this post does not app­ly to using VPN for their inten­ded pur­po­se; that is, as a vir­tu­al pri­va­te (inter­nal) net­work. It only appli­es to using it as a glo­ri­fied pro­xy, which is what every third-par­ty “VPN pro­vi­der” does.


US Ambassa­dor Says White House Open to Assan­ge Plea Deal

The U.S. ambassa­dor to Aus­tra­lia belie­ves a plea bar­gain could free impri­so­ned Wiki­Leaks publisher Juli­an Assan­ge, allo­wing him to ser­ve a shor­ten­ed sen­tence for a les­ser crime in his home coun­try.
Caro­li­ne Ken­ne­dy told The Syd­ney Mor­ning Herald in a front-page inter­view published Mon­day that the decis­i­on on a plea deal was up to the U.S. Jus­ti­ce Depart­ment. “So it’s not real­ly a diplo­ma­tic issue, but I think that the­re abso­lut­e­ly could be a reso­lu­ti­on,” she told the newspaper.


The Mys­tery of an Aban­do­ned Cabi­net Full of Kodach­ro­me Slides in San Francisco

The 920 Kodach­ro­me slides shows San Fran­cis­co in the 1960s under­go­ing chan­ges as the Bay Area Rapid Tran­sit (BART) sys­tem was built, the sub­way beneath Mar­ket Street was con­s­truc­ted, as well as fasci­na­ting pho­tos of dai­ly life in the Cali­for­ni­an municipality.


‘Mela­nia has had her fill’: Ex-sena­tor unloads on Trump family’s distance


Schu­mann reso­nan­ces: Ama­zing phy­sics, sham medicine

Earth, in many ways, is a lay­er cake, with an atmo­sphe­ric lay­er known as the iono­sphe­re inter­ac­ting with Earth’s sur­face to behave like a clo­sed, con­duc­ting wave­gui­de. Dri­ven pri­ma­ri­ly by light­ning acti­vi­ty, stan­ding elec­tro­ma­gne­tic waves encir­cle the glo­be in an omni­pre­sent fashion, caus­ing Earth to reso­na­te in a series of Schu­mann reso­nan­ces. Other worlds and pla­nets may pos­sess the­se Schu­mann reso­nan­ces too, and this reso­nant phe­no­me­non may help us under­stand many pro­per­ties of pla­ne­ta­ry atmo­sphe­res in general.


Deut­sche Regie­rung beschließt Teil­le­ga­li­sie­rung von Cannabis

Der Besitz von 25 Gramm Can­na­bis soll für Pri­vat­per­so­nen straf­frei sein. Sie sol­len auch bis zu drei Pflan­zen selbst anbau­en dürfen


RTL-SDR Blog V4 Don­gle Initi­al Release!


Moment is upgrading its enti­re line of len­ses for the latest pho­ne cameras



Wel­co­me to the all new MP3 Sce­ne, a his­to­ri­cal record of the ear­ly mp3 warez scene

GPU-Acce­le­ra­ted LLM on a $100 Oran­ge Pi

This post shows GPU-acce­le­ra­ted LLM run­ning smooth­ly on an embedded device at a reasonable speed. More spe­ci­fi­cal­ly, on a $100 Oran­ge Pi 5 with Mali GPU, we achie­ve 2.5 tok/sec for Llama2-7b and 5 tok/sec for Red­Pa­ja­ma-3b through Machi­ne Lear­ning Com­pi­la­ti­on (MLC) tech­ni­ques. Addi­tio­nal­ly, we are able to run a Llama‑2 13b model at 1.5 tok/sec on a 16GB ver­si­on of the Oran­ge Pi 5+ under $150.


Juli­an Assan­ge: Wiki­leaks-Grün­der könn­te Aus­lie­fe­rung durch Deal noch entgehen

Die US-Bot­schaf­te­rin in Aus­tra­li­en hat ange­deu­tet, dass ihre Regie­rung einer außer­ge­richt­li­chen Eini­gung zustim­men könn­te, die Wiki­leaks-Grün­der Juli­an Assan­ge eine Rück­kehr nach Aus­tra­li­en ermög­licht. “Das ist nicht wirk­lich eine diplo­ma­ti­sche Ange­le­gen­heit, aber ich den­ke, dass es abso­lut eine Lösung geben kann”, zitiert der Syd­ney Mor­ning Herald Bot­schaf­te­rin Caro­li­ne Kennedy.


The 13 sca­les that defi­ne our phy­si­cal Universe

The visi­ble Uni­ver­se extends 46.1 bil­li­on light-years from us, while we’­ve pro­bed sca­les down to as small as ~10^-19 meters.


The Evi­dence That Con­victs The CIA Of The JFK Assassination

Long­time rea­ders of my work on the ass­as­si­na­ti­on of Pre­si­dent John F. Ken­ne­dy know that I point to the evi­dence estab­li­shing the frau­du­lent auto­psy that was con­duc­ted on JFK’s body to con­vict the U.S. mili­ta­ry estab­lish­ment of cri­mi­nal com­pli­ci­ty in the ass­as­si­na­ti­on its­elf. That’s becau­se the­re is no inno­cent expl­ana­ti­on for a frau­du­lent auto­psy. Once one con­cludes that the auto­psy that the mili­ta­ry con­duc­ted on JFK’s body was frau­du­lent, one has auto­ma­ti­cal­ly con­cluded that the mili­ta­ry estab­lish­ment was cri­mi­nal­ly com­pli­cit in the ass­as­si­na­ti­on its­elf. The­re is no way around that.


Why the map-bus­ting Ame­ri­can Revo­lu­ti­on was also the “first” First World War

The Ame­ri­can Revo­lu­ti­on — spark­ed by skir­mis­hes in Mas­sa­chu­setts — was one thea­ter in a glo­bal con­flict. The Second Hundred Years’ War (1689 – 1815), pri­ma­ri­ly fought bet­ween France and Eng­land, was actual­ly a series of eight wars: Ame­ri­cans fought in every one of tho­se wars. The Decla­ra­ti­on of Inde­pen­dence, on July 4, 1776, was effec­tively an invi­ta­ti­on to France and Spain to join the Ame­ri­cans in battle.


Fiber-Optic Cables Are Natu­ral Ear­th­qua­ke Detectors

Fiber-optic cables make up the vast under­ground ner­vous sys­tem that meets our gro­wing demand for high-speed Inter­net and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on ser­vices. Howe­ver, signals in the cables can occa­sio­nal­ly suf­fer vibra­ti­ons from cars dri­ving over­head, near­by con­s­truc­tion, or even ear­th­qua­kes. Rese­ar­chers have pre­vious­ly pro­po­sed harnes­sing tho­se per­tur­ba­ti­ons to con­vert the thou­sands of kilo­me­ters of under­ground cable into sen­si­ti­ve seis­mic arrays.




Two years on from Tali­ban take­over, Afghan women pay the price

Afghanistan’s Tali­ban govern­ment was set Tues­day to mark the second anni­ver­sa­ry of their take­over of the coun­try with a mili­ta­ry para­de in the movement’s birth­place, as well as other cele­bra­ti­ons of their sur­ge back to power, which has resul­ted in dra­ma­tic rever­sals on women’s rights.




Not Much Time Left To Save Juli­an Assan­ge From Extradition


Room tem­pe­ra­tu­re super­con­duc­ti­vi­ty is hard. LK-99 illus­tra­tes why

Ever sin­ce the phe­no­me­non was first expe­ri­men­tal­ly dis­co­ver­ed back in 1911, super­con­duc­ti­vi­ty has been a poten­ti­al­ly world-chan­ging phe­no­me­non. The pos­si­bi­li­ty of trans­mit­ting elec­tri­cal curr­ents in a per­fect­ly los­sless fashion has count­less appli­ca­ti­ons, but unfort­u­na­te­ly, all known mate­ri­als only super­con­duct under extre­me con­di­ti­ons. Alt­hough a few mate­ri­als super­con­duct at rela­tively high tem­pe­ra­tures, this phe­no­me­non is very rare and requi­res a per­fect ali­gnment of phy­si­cal cir­cum­s­tances. We unpack the reasons why here.


How the FBI goes after DDoS cyberattackers


Crea­te and under­stand Auto­ma­ted Tests with ChatGPT

In this artic­le, we’ll focus on using ChatGPT’s AI powers to gene­ra­te effec­ti­ve test scripts. ChatGPT is a Gene­ra­ti­ve AI tool, much like a vir­tu­al assistant. We’ll use this to crea­te Sele­ni­um tests, Appi­um tests, Pup­pe­teer and Play­w­right tests, all by sim­ply spe­ci­fy­ing various prompts to the lan­guage model.


What is most likely going on in Area 51? A natio­nal secu­ri­ty his­to­ri­an explains why you won’t find ali­ens there

Curious Kids is a series for child­ren of all ages. If you have a ques­ti­on you’d like an expert to ans­wer, send it to
What is most likely going on in Area 51? – Grif­fin, age 10, South Lyon, Michi­gan
One of the reasons peo­p­le can never be enti­re­ly sure about what is going on at Area 51 is that it is a high­ly clas­si­fied secret mili­ta­ry faci­li­ty. It was not until 2013 that the U.S. govern­ment even ack­now­led­ged the exis­tence and name “Area 51.”


Mar­co Busch­mann und das staat­li­che Hacken

Jus­tiz­mi­nis­ter Busch­mann will staat­li­ches Hacken ein­schrän­ken, aller­dings nur ein biss­chen. Auch nach sei­nem aktu­el­len Gesetz­ent­wurf dürf­ten Staats­tro­ja­ner in vie­len Fäl­len ein­ge­setzt wer­den. Als Oppo­si­ti­ons­po­li­ti­ker sah Busch­mann das The­ma deut­lich kri­ti­scher, leg­te gar Ver­fas­sungs­be­schwer­de ein. Wir ver­öf­fent­li­chen die Beschwerdeschrift.


Die­ses Pro­gramm ent­hält Inhal­te, die für Kin­der, Jugend­li­che und emp­find­sa­me Zuschau­er ver­stö­rend wir­ken können.

Nach dem Ende des Ers­ten Welt­kriegs zer­fiel das Kai­ser­reich Öster­reich-Ungarn. Öster­reich schrumpf­te zu einer klei­nen Repu­blik. Die Fol­ge: Groll und Ent­täu­schung in wei­ten Tei­len der Bevöl­ke­rung – und ein Nähr­bo­den für den soge­nann­te Pan­ger­ma­nis­mus, das Stre­ben nach der Ein­heit aller ger­ma­ni­schen Völ­ker. Eine Strö­mung, die mit Anti­se­mi­tis­mus und Frem­den­feind­lich­keit gepaart war.
Die im Fahr­was­ser der deut­schen NSDAP gegrün­de­te öster­rei­chi­sche NS-Par­tei, die NSDAP-Hit­ler­be­we­gung, bekam immer mehr Zulauf. In einem insta­bi­len poli­ti­schen Umfeld ver­üb­te sie eine wach­sen­de Zahl von Gewalt­ta­ten. Füh­ren­de Köp­fe waren Ernst Kal­ten­brun­ner, Arthur Seyss-Inquart und Adolf Eich­mann. Die spä­ter als Kriegs­ver­bre­cher ver­ur­teil­ten Män­ner mach­ten Öster­reich zum Ver­suchs­la­bor für den Unter­drü­ckungs­ap­pa­rat der Nazis, bevor sie des­sen Mecha­nis­men nach dem „Anschluss“ voll über­nah­men.
Unter dem Deck­man­tel der Eutha­na­sie ermor­de­ten sie Men­schen mit kör­per­li­chen und geis­ti­gen Behin­de­run­gen in den Kran­ken­häu­sern und waren an der Errich­tung des Kon­zen­tra­ti­ons­la­gers Maut­hau­sen betei­ligt. Die öster­rei­chi­sche Schwes­ter­par­tei der NSDAP wur­de zur Vor­rei­te­rin bei der Ver­fol­gung von Juden, ihrer sys­te­ma­ti­schen Berau­bung und der erzwun­ge­nen Emi­gra­ti­on bis hin zu den aller­ers­ten Depor­ta­tio­nen. Die von den Par­tei­mit­glie­dern in ihrem Hei­mat­land erwor­be­ne Erfah­rung kam nach Kriegs­aus­bruch im gesam­ten Deut­schen Reich in den besetz­ten bezie­hungs­wei­se annek­tier­ten Gebie­ten zum Ein­satz.
Nach dem Ende des Zwei­ten Welt­kriegs jedoch sah sich Öster­reich unter Beru­fung auf den „Anschluss“ 1938 offi­zi­ell vor allem als ers­tes Opfer Adolf Hit­lers und leg­te gro­ßen Wert dar­auf, die eige­ne Unschuld zu beto­nen. Mit die­ser Mythen­bil­dung wei­ger­te sich das Land, sei­ne Mit­ver­ant­wor­tung für die Ver­bre­chen des Drit­ten Rei­ches zuzu­ge­ben. Auch über die Betei­li­gung der öster­rei­chi­schen Bevöl­ke­rung am Ver­nich­tungs­ap­pa­rat der Nazis wur­de lie­ber geschwie­gen. Erst 1991 erkann­te der öster­rei­chi­sche Staat offi­zi­ell an, dass Öster­reich eine Mit­ver­ant­wor­tung an den bis dahin nur Deutsch­land zuge­schrie­be­nen Ver­bre­chen trage.

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