The OpenCAL project

The OpenCAL project

After we intro­du­ced the com­pu­ted axi­al litho­gra­phy pro­cess, seve­ral rese­arch groups expres­sed inte­rest in buil­ding a CAL prin­ter for expe­ri­men­tal work with mate­ri­als and new appli­ca­ti­ons. We rea­li­zed that it would be hel­pful to the rese­arch com­mu­ni­ty to make available our hard­ware designs and our soft­ware for gene­ra­ting pro­jec­tion images from a tar­get digi­tal geo­me­try model such as an STL file. We now main­tain a Git­hub orga­niza­ti­on here, which has repo­si­to­ries for both hard­ware (Solid­works files plus a com­po­nent list) and soft­ware (the Python VAM­Tool­box, with lega­cy Mat­lab code also retai­ned). It is free for non-pro­fit, rese­arch and edu­ca­tio­nal uses via a GPL3 licen­se (but not for any com­mer­cial uses of CAL, which must still be licen­sed case-by-case: cont­act us for more infor­ma­ti­on). We warm­ly wel­co­me con­tri­bu­ti­ons (pull requests) to the repo­si­to­ries from rese­arch groups who make advance­ments and wish to share them with the world.

LINKS 08 – 2023 15 — 31 Native Tobacco — Traditional Uses of Tobacco as a Sacred Medicine

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