Native Tobacco — Traditional Uses of Tobacco as a Sacred Medicine
Tobacco is considered the most sacred of the Indigenous sacred medicines, used in virtually every ceremony as a means of connecting directly to the Creator. Native tobacco is used in ceremonies such as pipe ceremonies, non-smoke offerings, smoke rituals and giving it as a gift to an elder. Sacred medicines include tobacco medicine or indigenous tobacco, sage, cedar and sweetgrass. Sacred medicine tobacco is very important to the people of the first nations or native Americans. There are many traditional uses for tobacco, and Indigenous communities around the world each have their own unique uses for the sacred medicine.
Asema/tobacco offering and teaching
The Sacred Use Of Tobacco (Part 1 of 2)
The Sacred Use Of Tobacco (Part 2 of 2)
We Pray with Tobacco
Told entirely from a Native American perspective, this documentary, WE PRAY WITH TOBACCO focuses on the cultural, sacred and ritual uses of tobacco. For thousands of years many of the original peoples of the Americas have cherished tobacco as the most sacred of all gifts given by the Creator. It is holy. It sanctifies life, keeping everything in balance. Mainstream society suffers from nicotine addiction. What happened? It’s all about the nature of one’s relationship to the natural world, to the Sacred and to life itself.
We Pray With Tobacco: Collected Songs