Remembering Timothy Leary with Joanna Harcourt Smith

Remembering Timothy Leary with Joanna Harcourt Smith

Joan­na Har­court-Smith (1946 — 2020) was Timo­thy Leary’s com­mon-law wife. She is aut­hor of Trip­ping The Bar­do With Timo­thy Lea­ry. She is cre­di­ted as co-aut­hor of two of Leary’s books, Neu­ro­lo­gic and Star­seed. She also hos­ted the “Future Pri­ma­ti­ve” pod­cast.
In this 2018 inter­view, she speaks pas­sio­na­te­ly about the years she spent with Timo­thy Lea­ry, tra­ve­ling in Euro­pe and to Afgha­ni­stan — whe­re they were cap­tu­red by U.S. fede­ral agents — and, then, working inten­si­ve­ly in an effort to free him from pri­son. She dis­cus­ses the role of psy­che­de­lics in res­ha­ping Ame­ri­can cul­tu­re after the second world war. She also addres­ses Leary’s signi­can­ce as a uni­que, Ame­ri­can futu­rist and phi­lo­so­pher.
Edi­ted sub­tit­les for this video are available in Rus­si­an, Por­tu­gue­se, Ita­li­an, Ger­man, French, and Spanish.

Mitch Horowitz LINKS 08 – 2023 01 – 14
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