LINKS 08 – 2023 01 – 14

LINKS 08 – 2023 01 – 14

13 — 14

Reviews of Chat GPT plug­ins for con­tent gene­ra­ti­on on WordPress

The use of arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence AI and Chat GPT for con­tent crea­ti­on on web­sites is beco­ming incre­asing­ly popu­lar. In this artic­le, we will explo­re five Chat GPT plug­ins for Word­Press that will assist you in auto­ma­ti­cal­ly gene­ra­ting uni­que content.


Mining com­pa­nies push back as Biden set to announ­ce new Grand Can­yon natio­nal monu­ment in Ari­zo­na: ‘We need uranium’

Pre­si­dent Joe Biden will use his visit to Ari­zo­na on Tues­day to for­mal­ly announ­ce a natio­nal monu­ment desi­gna­ti­on for the grea­ter Grand Can­yon, making Nati­ve Ame­ri­can tri­bes’ and envi­ron­men­ta­lists’ deca­des-long visi­on to pre­ser­ve the land a reality.


Taliban’s Mas­si­ve­ly Suc­cessful Opi­um Era­di­ca­ti­on Rai­ses Ques­ti­ons About What US Was Doing All Along


Neil Gai­man Won’t Let Good Omens’ Sto­ry End Like That

It’s been a few weeks sin­ce Good Omens sea­son two drop­ped on Prime Video, and let me tell you the Azi­racrow gir­lies (non-gen­de­red) have been eating good and also sob­bing into their meals for the past two weeks. I’m not going to spoil it, as the enti­re sea­son drop­ped at once and I would like more peo­p­le to watch the show, but what I will say is that it ends on an abso­lut­e­ly devas­ta­ting cliff­han­ger. Emo­tio­nal­ly speaking.


Juli­us Cae­sar was once cap­tu­red by pira­tes. Then he got revenge.

The 25-year-old Cae­sar trea­ted his cap­tors like his per­so­nal under­lings. After being released, the future dic­ta­tor hun­ted down the pira­tes and cru­ci­fied them. Though (pro­ba­b­ly) part pro­pa­gan­da, the sto­ry fores­ha­dows the future that awai­ted Caesar.


55 Cloud Com­pu­ting Sta­tis­tics That Will Blow Your Mind (Updated 2023)

It hap­pen­ed and con­ti­nues to hap­pen — even fas­ter now. Befo­re 2020, cloud com­pu­ting was alre­a­dy boo­ming. But as remo­te work boo­med in the fol­lo­wing two years, it acce­le­ra­ted exponentially.


How to down­load ultra high-res images of works from Goog­le Arts and Culture

I wan­ted a framed print of The Lady with an Ermi­ne when we were rede­sig­ning our workspace during lock­down. Important works such as this pain­ting by Leo­nar­do da Vin­ci usual­ly have high-reso­lu­ti­on images online. The typi­cal sources are Wiki­me­dia Com­mons and Goog­le Arts and Culture.


Visua­li­zing The Glo­bal Popu­la­ti­on By Water Secu­ri­ty Levels


The US Mili­ta­ry Sui­ci­de Crisis


09 — 12


July 2023: Glo­bal air and oce­an tem­pe­ra­tures reach new record highs


Com­ple­te List of AdBlock Test­ing Tools

This is a list I have coll­ec­ted of tools to test if your adblock is working and give you the abili­ty to find more ads to build your block lists. The­se tools will be gre­at for anyo­ne test­ing out their PiHo­le, PFBlo­ckerNG, NextDNS, Tech­ni­ti­um, Adguard Home, or any other DNS Sink­Ho­le based ad blo­cking. The­se web­sites and tools are also useful for anyo­ne loo­king to build their own AdBlocker.


Is that viral ‘super­con­duc­tor’ legit?

A new­ly dis­co­ver­ed mate­ri­al cal­led LK-99 kicked off a fren­zy to see if it real­ly was a game-chan­ging super­con­duc­tor. The results are disappointing.


Vir­gin Galactic’s first space tou­rism flight set to take off

The three pas­sen­gers — Jon Good­win, 80; Kei­sha Scha­haff, 46; and her daugh­ter Ana­sta­tia May­ers, 18 — will spend a few minu­tes in space, whe­re they can admi­re the cur­vat­u­re of the Earth and brief­ly float in weightlessness.


Hacker­kol­lek­tiv cDc kün­digt quell­of­fe­nes Ver­schlüs­se­lungs­frame­work an

Pri­vat­sphä­re für alle: Das kos­ten­los ver­füg­ba­re P2P-Frame­work Veil­id der Grup­pe “Cult of the Dead Cow” soll App-Ent­wick­lern die Ver­schlüs­se­lung erleichtern.


Photographer’s Epic Giga­pi­xel Pho­to of Huge Con­cert Hides 3 Waldos

A pho­to­grapher has crea­ted a stun­ning four-giga­pi­xel, super-high-reso­lu­ti­on pho­to of a vibrant Ramm­stein con­cert fea­turing 55,000 reve­lers and three Where’s Wal­dos.
Roel­of Bos spent 13 days shoo­ting the giga­pi­xel pho­to with the main day coming when the hea­vy metal rockers play­ed. View­ers can get the full expe­ri­ence by hea­ding to Bos’s web­site whe­re you can zoom right in on any part of the 350-acre site and try to find the hid­den Waldos.


DARPA and NASA Aim to Test Nuclear Rocket by 2026

If you want to fly to Mars, you have to pick your depar­tu­re date careful­ly. The ide­al launch win­dows only come around every 26 months, and tho­se launch win­dows are nar­row becau­se the pla­nets need to be in ali­gnment. Lite­ral­ly.
A fast rocket could widen tho­se win­dows, shor­ten the trip’s dura­ti­on, and spa­re time-sen­si­ti­ve car­go as well as pas­sen­gers. The trou­ble is that the speed of today’s che­mi­cal rockets is limi­t­ed by the fuel and oxy­gen they can carry.


Nvi­dia teams up with Hug­ging Face to offer cloud-based AI training


Tam­pa mayor reels in $1.1 mil­li­on of coca­i­ne during fami­ly fishing trip: report


Repor­ter ohne Gren­zen mahnt FPÖ Wien, Angrif­fe auf Jour­na­lis­ten einzustellen

In einer Aus­sendung greift die FPÖ Wien Fabi­an Schmid mas­siv an. Schmid ist Lei­ten­der Redak­teur und Inves­ti­ga­ti­v­jour­na­list beim STANDARD. Die Wie­ner Frei­heit­li­chen behaup­ten, Schmid berich­te unrich­tig, und schrei­ben, dass es ihm “viel­leicht intel­lek­tu­ell schwer­fällt”, die Stadt­ver­fas­sung zu lesen.


Hopes Dashed: LK-99 Falls Short Of Room-Tem­pe­ra­tu­re Super­con­duc­tor Glory

Less than a week after South Kore­an rese­ar­chers clai­med in two new papers that they had deve­lo­ped a super­con­duc­tor that ope­ra­tes at room tem­pe­ra­tu­re under stan­dard atmo­sphe­ric pressure,which would have mind-blo­wing impli­ca­ti­ons for trans­mit­ting elec­tri­ci­ty with zero resis­tance at nor­mal tem­pe­ra­tures, all hopes have been dashed by an alre­a­dy-skep­ti­cal sci­en­ti­fic community.


4 cru­cial tests LK-99 must pass to be a true superconductor

The­se 4 tests, none of which have yet been pas­sed, will sepa­ra­te fact from fiction.


Vir­gin Galac­tic Laun­ches “First Pri­va­te Astro­naut Mission”

Space tou­rism com­pa­ny Vir­gin Galac­tic Hol­dings Inc. is laun­ching its first pri­va­te space flight Thurs­day mor­ning. The flight, cal­led “Galac­tic 02,” will car­ry three pay­ing cus­to­mers from Space­port Ame­ri­ca in New Mexi­co to the edge of space.


Ger­hard Polt, die Gebrü­der Well und Die Toten Hosen begeis­tern in Wien

Der Abend “Fore­ver – eine kul­tu­rel­le Zumu­tung” beschäf­tig­te sich mit der Nor­ma­li­tät, der Zukunft des alpi­nen Tou­ris­mus – und natür­lich der immer­grü­nen Dummheit


Expe­ri­en­cing sci­en­ti­fic revo­lu­ti­ons: the 1660s and the 2020s

2023 is sha­ping up to be an important year in the histo­ry of sci­ence. And no, I’m not tal­king about the repu­ted room-tem­pe­ra­tu­re semi­con­duc­tor LK-99, which seems incre­asing­ly likely to be a dud.


07 — 08

4 gre­at books writ­ten in a wild­ly expe­ri­men­tal style

Every now and again, an inno­va­ti­ve novel over­hauls the very defi­ni­ti­on of the art form. The­re are novels writ­ten as let­ters and puz­zles, novels wit­hout named cha­rac­ters, and even novels that are for­mat­ted like screen­plays. Here are four books who­se expe­ri­men­tal style ope­ned up new oppor­tu­ni­ties for future gene­ra­ti­ons of writers.


Brow­ser-pass­word-stealer — Get All The Saved Pass­words, Cre­dit Cards And Book­marks From Chro­mi­um Based Brow­sers Sup­ports Chro­mi­um 80 And Above!


Mark Zucker­berg is ‘not hol­ding my breath’ for August 26th fight date with Elon Musk


Don’t Use Mozil­la VPN (Secu­ri­ty Pro­blems and Incom­pe­tence); Just Get Mull­vad. Bonus: Sea­M­on­key 2.53.17, WEI, Fire­fox on Linux Get­ting Worse.


Biden’s intel­li­gence advi­sers recom­mend reforming FBI access to con­tro­ver­si­al spy­ing tool


Bill Gates-backed nuclear con­ten­der Ter­ra Power aims to build dozens of UK reactors


Bil­lio­nen Geis­ter­pla­ne­ten strei­fen stern­los durch unse­re Milchstraße

Laut neu­es­ten Schät­zun­gen dürf­te es in unse­rer Gala­xie bis zu 20-mal mehr pla­ne­ta­re Vaga­bun­den geben als Fixsterne


Dis­co­ver the latest tools and trends in AI ????

Join 35,000+ sub­scri­bers inclu­ding Ama­zon, Apple, Goog­le, and Micro­soft employees rea­ding our free newsletter.


Homo sapi­ens is #9. Who were the eight other human species?

Most experts agree that our spe­ci­es, Homo sapi­ens (Latin for “wise men”), is the ninth and youn­gest human spe­ci­es. The lives of the other eight spe­ci­es tell a sto­ry of how humans slow­ly evol­ved away from the other apes, deve­lo­ping the abili­ty to walk, eat meat, hunt, build shel­ters, and per­form sym­bo­lic acts. Our ances­tors pro­ba­b­ly pushed our clo­sest rela­ti­ves, the Nean­dert­hals, to extinc­tion. Wise guys finish last.


Clown Jan­go Edwards ist gestorben

Der auch in Öster­reich äußerst belieb­te US-Ame­ri­ka­ner erlag in Bar­ce­lo­na einer Krebs­er­kran­kung. Er wur­de 73 Jah­re alt.


Micro­soft-Fun­ded Attacks on Free Soft­ware Under the Gui­se of ‘Open Source’


95 Tes­la deaths have invol­ved fires or Auto­pi­lot. How the EV maker fares in fata­li­ties per mil­li­on miles


Baye­ri­sche Geo­lo­gen sto­ßen auf Spu­ren des ers­ten Mas­sen­ster­bens der Erdgeschichte

Die neu ent­deck­te Gesteins­schicht ist 443 Mil­lio­nen Jah­re alt und zeugt von der Dezi­mie­rung von 85 Pro­zent allen Lebens


Pixel Pla­net Gene­ra­tor by Deep-Fold
Show­ca­se of shader code for Godot game engine

Codex Atlan­ti­cus Leo­nar­do Da Vinci’s


Cri­mi­nals Have Crea­ted Their Own ChatGPT Clones

Cyber­cri­mi­nals are tou­ting lar­ge lan­guage models that could help them with phis­hing or crea­ting mal­wa­re. But the AI chat­bots could just be their own kind of scam.


“Nor­mal” ist für Micha­el Köhl­mei­er ein “bös­ar­ti­ger Kampfbegriff”


‘A guy with $200 mil­li­on can’t afford a fact che­cker?’ Joe Rogan bat­te­red for spre­a­ding Kari Lake lies


05 ‑06

Win­dows Repair Toolbox

By run­ning Win­dows Repair Tool­box, you accept COMPLETE respon­si­bi­li­ty for ANYTHING that hap­pens. This tool has ZERO WARRANTY for any pur­po­se. Run it AT YOUR OWN RISK.


Anci­ent necro­man­cy: A skull-fil­led cave near Jeru­sa­lem was a gate­way to the underworld

Archaeo­lo­gists explo­ring the Te’omim Cave in the Jeru­sa­lem Hills have found more than 120 oil lamps dated to the Late Roman and Ear­ly Byzan­ti­ne peri­ods tucked away in nar­row, dif­fi­cult-to-reach cre­vices. Becau­se of their pla­ce­ment, not to men­ti­on their pro­xi­mi­ty to seve­ral human skulls, it’s unli­kely they were used for light­ing. But if they weren’t used for light­ing, then what were they used for?


Bar­bie ear­ns $1 bil­li­on at the box office worldwide


Las Vegas Sphe­re Live Stream


Chi­na & Rus­sia Sent Huge Naval Flot­il­la Toward Alas­ka; US Responds By Dis­patching Destroyers

The drills by Washington’s most powerful nuclear-armed rivals was cal­led in The Wall Street Jour­nal “the lar­gest such flot­il­la to approach Ame­ri­can shores” in recent histo­ry, but it never ente­red Ame­ri­can ter­ri­to­ri­al waters.


Step-by-Step Gui­de to Cap­tu­ring Gre­at Mil­ky Way Photographs


Unmas­king Cloud­fla­re Hos­ted Sites: Unvei­ling the Real IP Address

Cloud­fla­re, a popu­lar con­tent deli­very net­work and DDoS pro­tec­tion ser­vice, is wide­ly used to enhan­ce the secu­ri­ty and per­for­mance of web­sites. One of its key fea­tures is hiding the actu­al IP address of the ori­gin ser­ver, making it chal­len­ging for atta­ckers to direct­ly tar­get the server.


archi​ve​.today: On the trail of the mys­te­rious guer­ril­la archi­vist of the Internet

Do you like rea­ding artic­les in publi­ca­ti­ons like Bloom­berg, the Wall Street Jour­nal or the Eco­no­mist, but can’t afford to pay what can be hundreds of dol­lars a year in sub­scrip­ti­ons? If so, odds are you’ve alre­a­dy stumb­led on archi​ve​.today, which pro­vi­des easy access to the­se and much more: just pas­te in the artic­le link, and you’ll get back a snapshot of the page, full con­tent included.


Try the Last Inter­net Ker­mit Server

What is this mys­te­rious pro­to­col? Who uses it and what is its sto­ry?
This sto­ry is a win­ding one, begin­ning in 1981. Ker­mit is, to the best of my know­ledge, the oldest actively-main­tai­ned soft­ware packa­ge with an ori­gi­nal deve­lo­per still par­ti­ci­pa­ting. It is also a scrip­ting lan­guage, an Inter­net ser­ver, a (scrip­ta­ble!) SSH cli­ent, and a file trans­fer protocol.



An arrowhead made of meteo­ri­tic iron from the late Bron­ze Age sett­le­ment of Möri­gen, Switz­er­land and its pos­si­ble source

Archaeo­lo­gi­cal arte­facts made of meteo­ri­tic iron were sear­ched for in Switz­er­land.

A Bron­ze Age arrowhead from Möri­gen, made of meteo­ri­tic iron, was dis­co­ver­ed.
Enti­re­ly non-des­truc­ti­ve ana­ly­ses pro­ve the meteo­ri­tic ori­gin of the arrowhead.
The Möri­gen arrowhead is not made of iron from the near­by Twann­berg strewn field.
The Kaa­li­jarv meteo­ri­te, Esto­nia, is pro­po­sed as a pos­si­ble source of the Möri­gen iron.


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CULT OF THE DEAD COW Breaks The Inter­net
(and you can too!)
What is dead shall rise again!
Come do a hack­ti­vism with the cDc, as we launch a THING that will once again
chan­ge the world, with the style and cha­os that only the herd can bring. Let
us bless you with a revo­lu­tio­na­ry com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons sys­tem that will dis­rupt the
balan­ce of power.


Cult of the Dead Cow Wants to Save Inter­net Pri­va­cy with a New Encryp­ti­on Protocol

At a time when thre­ats to digi­tal pri­va­cy are at an all-time high, one of the web’s most for­mi­da­ble hack­ti­vist groups may offer a solu­ti­on with “Veil­id.”



Sol­ving World War II Pho­to Mys­te­ries With Open Source Techniques

Open source inves­ti­ga­ti­ve tech­ni­ques can be used to unco­ver all sorts of inte­res­t­ing infor­ma­ti­on about dis­in­for­ma­ti­on nar­ra­ti­ves, poten­ti­al war cri­mes or even con­spi­ra­cy com­mu­ni­ties. But the­se same prac­ti­ces can also be used to sol­ve mys­te­ries from the past.
For exam­p­le, the ‘Fin­ding the loca­ti­on WW1 & WW2’ Face­book group seeks to employ geo­lo­ca­ti­on tech­ni­ques to iden­ti­fy whe­re unknown and unda­ted images from the first and second World Wars were taken.


Open-Source Cell Pho­ne Based On ESP32

The pho­ne uses an ESP32 at its core, with a SIM800L GSM modem to inter­act with the cell net­work, inclu­ding retrie­ving the sys­tem time. A small bat­tery is included as well as all of the sup­port cir­cuit­ry for char­ging it as well as a USB inter­face that can com­mu­ni­ca­te to a PC. The ope­ra­ting sys­tem for the pho­ne is built from the ground up as well, with a touch screen inter­face allo­wing the user to make pho­ne calls, send text mes­sa­ges, store cont­acts, and a few other basic fea­tures. There’s also a GPS appli­ca­ti­on though, allo­wing the pho­ne to know basic loca­ti­on information.


Ask Ethan: Is LK-99 the holy grail of superconductors?

Recent claims put LK-99 as the first room tem­pe­ra­tu­re, ambi­ent pres­su­re super­con­duc­tor ever. Has the game chan­ged, or is it mere­ly hype?



Brave’s pri­va­cy-focu­sed search engi­ne can now find images and videos

Brave’s search engi­ne no lon­ger requi­res that you jump to Bing or Goog­le just to find pho­tos or vide­os. The com­pa­ny has intro­du­ced image and video queries to Bra­ve Search, hel­ping you find media while main­tai­ning the same levels of pri­va­cy and free­dom of access. You won’t have to worry about being pro­fi­led through your pic­tu­re hunts, or risk miss­ing poli­ti­cal­ly sen­si­ti­ve con­tent (if unin­ten­tio­nal­ly) pul­led from ano­ther engine’s index.


Ver­letzt man mit Bild­ge­ne­ra­to­ren Urheberrechte?

Mid­jour­ney oder Sta­ble Dif­fu­si­on holen sich Inspi­ra­ti­on bei alten Bil­dern und kre­ieren ein neu­es Werk. Wenn die­ser Out­put zu nahe am Ori­gi­nal liegt, kön­nen Scha­den­er­satz­an­sprü­che drohen


Roy­al Mail cele­bra­tes 40th anni­ver­sa­ry of Ter­ry Pratchett’s Disc­world series with spe­cial stamps.


Top 12 vul­nerabi­li­ties rou­ti­ne­ly exploi­ted in 2022


World’s 1st ‘boo­me­rang meteo­ri­te’ — a rock that left Earth, spent mil­len­nia in space, then retur­ned — pos­si­bly dis­co­ver­ed in the Saha­ra Desert


Spa­nish Colo­nists were Despe­ra­te for Euro­pean Food

Spa­nish colo­nists in the Ame­ri­cas were ter­ri­fied that their essen­ti­al humors would chan­ge if they ate local food.

For Spa­niards who arri­ved in the Ame­ri­cas during the ear­ly deca­des of colo­niza­ti­on, the desi­re for food from home wasn’t just about nost­al­gia or com­fort. As his­to­ri­an Rebec­ca Ear­le wri­tes, in their under­stan­ding of human phy­sio­lo­gy, it was lite­ral­ly a mat­ter of main­tai­ning their iden­ti­ty and even of phy­si­cal survival.


LSD statt Koks: Psy­che­de­li­ka erobern die Clubs

Ver­gan­ge­nes Jahr im Febru­ar war ich auf dem Weg zu einem Warehouse-Rave in Lon­don, als ich mich plötz­lich unwohl fühl­te. Ich sag­te der Freun­din, mit der ich unter­wegs war, dass ich nichts trin­ken oder neh­men will, wovon ich einen Kater krie­gen könn­te. Zwei Jah­re Pan­de­mie und eine fri­sche Tren­nung oben­drauf hat­ten mir ziem­lich zuge­setzt. “Willst du viel­leicht ein biss­chen Acid pro­bie­ren?”, frag­te sie und bot mir ein Vier­tel einer LSD-Pap­pe an – etwa 25 Mikro­gramm, wie sie mein­te. Ich wollte.



IBM and NASA have tea­m­ed up to deve­lop an open-source, geos­pa­ti­al foun­da­tio­nal model that will enable rese­ar­chers and sci­en­tists to uti­li­ze arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence (AI) to track the effects of cli­ma­te chan­ge, moni­tor defo­re­sta­ti­on, pre­dict crop yields, and ana­ly­ze green­house gas emissions.


The Car­tel That Con­trols the US Meat Industry


Water-Puri­fy­ing Cup Makes Drinkable Water From Creeks and Streams

The­se cala­mi­ties also ser­ved as moti­va­ti­on for a rese­ar­cher at The Uni­ver­si­ty of Texas at Aus­tin to refo­cus her work on inno­va­tions that can help com­mu­ni­ties respond to seve­re wea­ther events. Her latest pro­ject is a mug-sized device that can quick­ly clean water using a small jolt of elec­tri­ci­ty to fish out bac­te­ri­al cells. In lab expe­ri­ments, the device was able to remo­ve 99.997% of E. coli bac­te­ria from 2- to 3‑ounce samples taken from Wal­ler Creek in Aus­tin in appro­xi­m­ate­ly 20 minu­tes, with the capa­ci­ty to do more.


Ser­bi­an coal miners unco­ver Roman ship

Archaeo­lo­gists in Ser­bia are pains­ta­kin­gly brushing sand and soil off the anci­ent wood­work of a Roman ship dis­co­ver­ed by miners in a vast open­cast coal quar­ry.
After an excava­tor at the Drm­no mine unco­ver­ed some tim­ber, experts from the site of a near­by for­mer Roman sett­le­ment known as Vimi­naci­um rus­hed to try and pre­ser­ve the ske­le­ton of the ship, the second such dis­co­very in the area sin­ce 2020.

https://​www​.reu​ters​.com/​w​o​r​l​d​/​e​u​r​o​p​e​/​s​e​r​b​i​a​n​-​c​o​a​l​-​m​i​n​e​r​s​-​u​n​c​o​v​e​r​-​r​o​m​a​n​-​s​h​i​p​-​2​023 – 08-03

San Quen­tin Pri­soners Form a Film Com­pa­ny With Hol­ly­wood Backing

Inma­tes at San Quen­tin pri­son are being given the oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn film pro­duc­tion in a sche­me backed by Hol­ly­wood.
The noto­rious pri­son in Cali­for­nia whe­re John­ny Cash famously per­for­med in 1959 and 1969 is offe­ring con­victs the oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn the craft of film and tele­vi­si­on pro­duc­tion in the hope that they will be able to for­ge a care­er in enter­tain­ment after they are released.


Wie Junk­food das Gehirn beeinflusst

Hoch­ver­ar­bei­te­te Lebens­mit­tel sol­len Angst­zu­stän­de, Depres­sio­nen und neu­ro­de­ge­nera­ti­ve Erkran­kun­gen befeu­ern. Vie­les ist noch unklar – doch es gibt immer mehr Daten.


Is “groupt­hink” in sci­ence a pro­blem or a myth?

When­ever a new idea comes around, sci­en­tists are quick to poun­ce on any pro­blems it may have, and any con­flicts that it has with alre­a­dy-exis­ting data. To the public eye, this might look like sci­en­tists are suc­cum­bing to groupt­hink, and an unre­asonable resis­tance to any new ide­as. This isn’t the case at all, howe­ver. It’s pre­cis­e­ly the suc­cess of our cur­rent theo­ries in the face of extra­or­di­na­ri­ly pre­cise and diver­se lines of evi­dence that make them so powerful. The accu­sa­ti­ons of “groupt­hink” are mere­ly a myth.


US drug over­do­se deaths hit record high in 2022 as some sta­tes — inclu­ding Washing­ton — see big surge

Drug deaths nati­on­wi­de hit a new record in 2022. 109,680 peo­p­le died as the fen­ta­nyl cri­sis con­tin­ued to deepen, accor­ding to preli­mi­na­ry data released by the Cen­ters for Dise­a­se Con­trol and Prevention.


Pola­schek: “Wer Wis­sen­schaft angreift, greift auch die Demo­kra­tie an”

Wis­sen­schafts­bot­schaf­ter sol­len in den Schu­len das Ver­ständ­nis für und das Ver­ste­hen von Wis­sen­schaft för­dern – und so das demo­kra­ti­sche Fun­da­ment stärken


EU Com­mis­si­on adopts regu­la­ti­on to ban all fluo­re­s­cent light­ing by Sep­tem­ber 2023

The Euro­pean Com­mis­si­on has now adopted 12 regu­la­ti­ons under the RoHS Direc­ti­ve effec­tively ban­ning fluo­re­s­cent light­ing for sale in the EU by Sep­tem­ber 2023. On a cumu­la­ti­ve basis bet­ween 2023 and 2035, the much-delay­ed decis­i­on to pha­se-out the­se mer­cu­ry-con­tai­ning lamps will save appro­xi­m­ate­ly €18.2 bil­li­on, as well as 190 TWh of elec­tri­ci­ty and 1.8 metric ton­nes of toxic mer­cu­ry. The EU decis­i­on will pro­vi­de cru­cial sup­port to a glo­bal effort to pha­se-out fluo­re­s­cents under the Min­ama­ta Con­ven­ti­on on Mer­cu­ry, whe­re a key decis­i­on is expec­ted in late March.


$51,000 Trash Cans: Sena­te Votes To Throw $886 Bil­li­on At Defen­se; How Much Money Is Wasted?


Star­ga­zing in a Mul­ti-Sen­so­ry Universe

It may seem obvious to say that star­ga­zing is, at its heart, a visu­al hob­by. You sit out­side in the dark­ness, and allow your pupils to dila­te, let­ting in as much faint light as pos­si­ble — and then you can see the uni­ver­se. As much as I love to look at the night sky, I am hap­py to dis­abu­se new star­ga­zers of this noti­on. Star­ga­zing is mul­ti-sen­so­ry. As you visual­ly time tra­vel, see­ing light that is hundreds, thou­sands, or even mil­li­ons of years old, your body is awa­re of your imme­dia­te sur­roun­dings. You can smell the night air; feel the chill on your skin; hear the cri­ckets, the hydrau­lic bra­kes of the city bus, or the wind in the trees; touch the drops of con­den­sa­ti­on that form in your tent or on your porch. Tas­te is real­ly the only sen­se miss­ing, unless you’ve plan­ned ahead and have s’mores on hand, in which case, good job.


01 – 02

Canon’s new secu­ri­ty-focu­sed ‘SPAD’ came­ra can cap­tu­re color video in com­ple­te darkness

Canon has just unvei­led the MS-500, an unu­su­al model that’s one of the most sen­si­ti­ve non-infrared came­ras ever deve­lo­ped. It uses the hig­hest-reso­lu­ti­on 1‑inch SPAD (Sin­gle-pho­ton ava­lan­che diode) sen­sor yet (3.2 mega­pi­xels), and an inter­ch­an­geable lens mount that allows clear color shoo­ting in light as low as 0.001 lux, accor­ding to Canon — less than a clear moon­less sky.


Agents of Cha­os: Tho­mas King For­ça­de, High Times, and the Para­no­id End of the 1970s

“Like an obses­sed detec­ti­ve hun­ting a man wit­hout a face, Sean Howe has tur­ned the life of Tom For­ça­de into a detail­ed meta­phor explai­ning why the seven­ties were sub­li­me, why the seven­ties fai­led, and how tho­se two things are intrac­ta­b­ly connected.”―Chuck Klos­ter­man, aut­hor of The Nine­ties

“A diz­zy­ing ride through the hazy, con­ten­tious, loo­py world of Ame­ri­can radi­cal­ism in the six­ties and seven­ties. In Tom For­ça­de, Howe has found the per­fect cha­rac­ter for tra­cing the mul­ti­fa­rious his­to­ries of the era, from the par­ties and pro­tests to the sati­va-smog­ged sub­ba­se­ments whe­re idea­lists, pranks­ters, and con­spi­ra­cists clas­hed. Rich­ly drawn, dead­ly serious, utter­ly comic­al, this book gave me a cont­act high!”―Joe Hagan, aut­hor of Sti­cky Fin­gers: The Life and Times of Jann Wen­ner and Rol­ling Stone Maga­zi­ne

“A gob-smack­ing rol­ler coas­ter through the 1970s — who knew the ‘Me Deca­de’ had such a wild, frigh­tening, and, yes, chao­tic under­bel­ly? It’s time to final­ly give Tom For­ça­de, faults and all, his rightful place among First Amend­ment free­dom fighters.”―Tom O’Neill, aut­hor of Cha­os: Charles Man­son, the CIA, and the Secret Histo­ry of the Six­ties

“Who was Tom For­ça­de? A revo­lu­tio­na­ry guru? A hip­pie con man? An under­co­ver cop? In Sean Howe’s bril­li­ant book, he’s a weird one-man secret histo­ry of seven­ties Ame­ri­ca, a mys­tery man who keeps show­ing up ever­y­whe­re from the ear­ly under­ground press to the punk-rock explo­si­on. Agents of Cha­os turns this bizar­re tale into an obses­si­ve­ly fasci­na­ting and addic­ti­ve epic, like a coun­ter­cul­tu­ral thril­ler. This book is a bril­li­ant jig­saw puz­zle that also turns out to be a mirror.”―Rob Shef­field, aut­hor of Dre­a­ming the Beat­les: The Love Sto­ry of One Band and the Who­le World


SIGGRAPH 2023 papers on the web

Note that when pos­si­ble I link to the page con­tai­ning the link to the actu­al PDF or PS of the pre­print. I pre­fer this as it gives some con­text to the paper and avo­ids pos­si­ble copy­right pro­blems with direct lin­king. Thus you may need to search on the page to find the actu­al document.



See 2023’s Pers­eid mete­or show­er: the best in years

In 2023, on the nights of August 12th and 13th, the Pers­eid mete­or show­er will reach its peak, giving Earth­ly obser­vers a chan­ce to see upward of 100 mete­ors-per-hour. The mete­or show­er peaks on the weekend this year, while only a waning cre­s­cent Moon graces the ski­es, making for near­ly ide­al vie­w­ing con­di­ti­ons. Alt­hough the Pers­eids are slow­ly get­ting wea­k­er over time, this year’s show should be the best in seve­ral years, and the second weekend in August is the best time to view it!


Chi­na beg­ins tri­al ope­ra­ti­ons with world’s lar­gest solar telescope array

The Daoch­eng Solar Radio Telescope (DSRT) con­sists of 313 dis­hes, each with a dia­me­ter of 19.7 feet (6 meters), forming a cir­cle with a cir­cum­fe­rence of 1.95 miles (3.14 kilo­me­ters). A 328-feet-high (100 m) cali­bra­ti­on tower stands in the cen­ter of the ring.


The Live Music Archi­ve Lets You Stream/Download More Than 250,000 Con­cert Recor­dings – for Free

The Inter­net Archi­ve main­ta­ins an enorm­ous Live Music Archi­ve of con­cert recor­dings, not all of them by the Gra­teful Dead. The­re are more than 17,000 such recor­dings in its Gra­teful Dead coll­ec­tion — 2,000 more than when last we fea­tured it here on Open Cul­tu­re — but one must compa­re that figu­re to the 250,000 items now in the who­le of the LMA. “It would be a gre­at sto­ry to have the first item as part of the coll­ec­tion to be some rare Gra­teful Dead recor­ding from 1968,” says a post at the Inter­net Archi­ve blog reflec­ting on the twen­tieth anni­ver­sa­ry of the LMA last year, “but it is actual­ly an unas­sum­ing Rus­ted Root audi­ence recor­ding from August 24, 2001.”


Why You Need to Get Caught Up With “Reser­va­ti­on Dogs”

The series, which beg­ins its third sea­son today, repres­ents an important mile­stone in Indi­ge­nous representation


Nvi­dia AI Image Gene­ra­tor Fits on a Flop­py Disk and Takes 4 Minu­tes to Train

In the rapidly evol­ving land­scape of AI art crea­ti­on tools, Nvi­dia rese­ar­chers have intro­du­ced an inno­va­ti­ve new text-to-image per­so­na­liza­ti­on method cal­led Per­fu­si­on. But it’s not a mil­li­on-dol­lar super hea­vy­weight model like its com­pe­ti­tors. With a size of just 100KB and a 4‑minute trai­ning time, Per­fu­si­on allows signi­fi­cant crea­ti­ve fle­xi­bi­li­ty in por­tray­ing per­so­na­li­zed con­cepts while main­tai­ning their identity.


Google’s AI search is get­ting more video and bet­ter links

Google’s AI-powered Search Gene­ra­ti­ve Expe­ri­ence is get­ting a big new fea­ture: images and video. If you’ve enab­led the AI-based SGE fea­ture in Search Labs, you’ll now start to see more mul­ti­me­dia in the colorful sum­ma­ry box at the top of your search results. Google’s also working on making that sum­ma­ry box appear fas­ter and adding more con­text to the links it puts in the box.


Pho­to­grapher Cap­tures Ame­ri­can Nomads Living Life on the Road


Remembering Timothy Leary with Joanna Harcourt Smith In “The Red Book,” Carl Jung recorded his encounters with entities from “inner space”
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