In “The Red Book,” Carl Jung recorded his encounters with entities from “inner space”

In “The Red Book,” Carl Jung recorded his encounters with entities from “inner space”

One day, some­time bet­ween 1913 and 1917, the Swiss psych­ia­trist Carl Jung fol­lo­wed a wise old man up a rocky ridge until they rea­ched a struc­tu­re that resem­bled Stone­henge. At the cen­ter of this struc­tu­re stood an altar. On that altar stood a house. From the door­way emer­ged a doll-like woman whom Jung reco­gni­zed as Salo­me, the stepd­augh­ter of Herod Anti­pas who, after dancing for him on his bir­th­day, had asked for the sever­ed head of John the Bap­tist.
Salo­me saw Jung and began to wor­ship him. When Jung asked why she was wor­ship­ping him, she repli­ed: “You are Christ.” As she utte­red the­se words, a black ser­pent coiled its body around Jung’s, com­ple­te­ly enve­lo­ping his heart. Sud­den­ly, it daw­ned on Jung that he had assu­med “the atti­tu­de of the Cru­ci­fi­xi­on.” He loo­ked at the wise old man, who was in fact the Bibli­cal Eli­jah. “Why, it’s just the same, abo­ve or below,” Eli­jah said. Then Jung’s face chan­ged into the face of a lion.


LINKS 08 – 2023 01 – 14 Archaeology of the Bahía de los Ángeles Biosphere Reserve

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