Most archaeologists think the first Americans arrived by boat. Now, they’re beginning to prove it

Most archaeologists think the first Americans arrived by boat. Now, they’re beginning to prove it

As he explo­red, his feet crun­ched over shells of lar­ge Pis­mo clams — bival­ves that he had­n’t seen befo­re on the moun­tai­nous island, 100 kilo­me­ters off the Paci­fic coast of Baja Cali­for­nia. The stone tools lit­te­ring the ground did­n’t fit, eit­her. Unli­ke the fine­ly made arrow points and razor-sharp obsi­di­an that Des Lau­riers had pre­vious­ly found on the island, the­se jag­ged flakes had been cru­de­ly kno­cked off of chun­ky beach cobbles.

“I had no idea what it meant,” says Des Lau­riers, now a pro­fes­sor at Cali­for­nia Sta­te Uni­ver­si­ty (Cal Sta­te) in Nor­thridge. Curio­si­ty piqued, he retur­ned for a test excava­ti­on and sent some shell and char­co­al for radio­car­bon dating. When Des Lauriers’s advi­ser cal­led with the results, he said, “You should pro­ba­b­ly sit down.” The mate­ri­al dated from near­ly 11,000 to more than 12,000 years ago — only a cou­ple thousand years after the first peo­p­le rea­ched the Americas.


Duncan Trussell | Media Influence, AI, Psychedelics, Enlightenment, Death & Comedy BY THE HAND OF A GHOST … — Materializations in Physical Séances today!

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