The Mind-Boggling Rock Cut Temples of India — Kailasa Temple

The Mind-Boggling Rock Cut Temples of India — Kailasa Temple

Ever­yo­ne is try­ing to under­stand how the Ell­o­ra caves were built, cut out of the rocks, wit­hout the use of ‘modern’ tech­no­lo­gy it is a
con­s­truc­tion that we would be hard pres­sed to repli­ca­te today. This new, never befo­re seen docu­men­ta­ry will look clo­se­ly at this intri­ca­te temp­le and sug­gest — as have many archaeo­lo­gists — that thou­sands of years ago, anci­ent cul­tures were far more advan­ced than some scho­lars are cre­diting them for. What baf­f­les experts is their incre­di­ble pre­cis­i­on and design. It seems very plau­si­ble that whoe­ver built the­se fasci­na­ting cave may have been using an unknown advan­ced anci­ent tech­no­lo­gy. Cave 16, the magni­fi­cent Kai­la­sa Temp­le, and is nota­ble for being the lar­gest mono­li­thic struc­tu­re in the world that was car­ved out of a sin­gle pie­ce of rock!

BY THE HAND OF A GHOST … — Materializations in Physical Séances today! Nubs at the Sea of Stone

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