BY THE HAND OF A GHOST … — Materializations in Physical Séances today!

BY THE HAND OF A GHOST … — Materializations in Physical Séances today!

The Occult — being rese­ar­ched in the 21st cen­tu­ry (part2)
The new film by E. Kru­se
(Prof. Dr. Eck­hard Kru­se)
For over 150 years, a varie­ty of incre­di­ble phe­no­me­na have been repor­ted
from spi­ri­tu­al séan­ces, such as the move­ment of objects — lite­ral­ly ‘as
if by the hand of a ghost’ — or the appearance of struc­tures such as
hands or lim­bs that move as if they were ali­ve and which can be high­ly
com­plex. In part 2, the docu­men­ta­ti­on of the rese­arch expe­ri­ments with
the phy­si­cal medi­um Kai Müg­ge focu­ses on the­se ‘ghost hands’. After
pre­sen­ting various new­ly deve­lo­ped tech­ni­ques for the inves­ti­ga­ti­on of
the table-back-phe­no­me­non in part 1, this approach is taken fur­ther in
part 2. Again, the use of infrared light­ing plays an important role in
order to make the phe­no­me­na, which usual­ly take place in the dark, more
and more visi­ble and mea­sura­ble. And also for con­vin­ced skep­tics the
mate­ri­al should be valuable (and chal­len­ging…), becau­se also
hypo­the­ses of fraud and tri­ckery must be mea­su­red against this material.

Most archaeologists think the first Americans arrived by boat. Now, they’re beginning to prove it The Mind-Boggling Rock Cut Temples of India — Kailasa Temple

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