Re-Indigenizing Minds ProjectNative

Re-Indigenizing Minds ProjectNative

About Re-Indi­ge­ni­zing Minds Pro­ject — Rese­arch, deve­lo­p­ment and sha­ring of edu­ca­tio­nal mate­ri­als and pro­duc­tions for ins­truc­tion, use and in-depth explo­ra­ti­on of math, sci­ence and art rela­ted to Indi­ge­nous sacred calen­dars, sacred geo­me­try, archi­tec­tu­re, way-fin­ding and more in anci­ent and modern times. The 260 Day Calen­dar is a start­ing point to under­stan­ding Indi­ge­nous Views of the Uni­ver­se. A goal of this pro­ject is to teach peo­p­le how to use this calen­dar for prac­ti­cal dai­ly use and plan­ning, and to teach the foun­da­ti­ons of indi­ge­nous endu­ring under­stan­dings of time, space and our place in the uni­ver­se. The 260 Day Sacred Calen­dar was shared by the indi­ge­nous peo­p­les of the Ame­ri­cas. Most peo­p­le think it was only used by the Aztecs and Mayans, but in actua­li­ty it was used throug­hout the Ame­ri­cas and bey­ond. The 260 Day Calen­dar is based on what are con­side­red sacred num­bers, the num­bers 13 and 20. The calen­dar can be used to cal­cu­la­te Earth’s year-count calen­dars, pla­ne­ta­ry cycles, solar and lunar eclip­ses, and other inter­stel­lar cal­cu­la­ti­ons like the pre­ces­si­ons of the equin­ox. Working with col­la­bo­ra­tors from other Nati­ve Ame­ri­can tri­bes, all Indi­ge­nous People’s, and modern explo­rers to res­to­re the lost map­ping sys­tems across the world — and how they posi­tively affect human con­scious­ness to under­stand them.

Re-Indi­ge­ni­zing Minds, a para­digm shift

Nubs at the Sea of Stone LINKS 07 – 2023 17- 31

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