LINKS 07 – 2023 01 – 16

LINKS 07 – 2023 01 – 16


Pass­port Index

Howe­ver, not all pass­ports are equal. The Pass­port Index ranks them from most powerful (United Arab Emi­ra­tes) to least (Afgha­ni­stan). The deter­mi­ning fac­tor is the Mobi­li­ty Score, which is based on the num­ber of count­ries you can enter with the least visa hassles.


The Com­ple­te Works of Wil­liam Shake­speare by Wil­liam Shakespeare


300,000-Year-Old Snapshot: Oldest Human Foot­prints from Ger­ma­ny Found

In a stu­dy published today in the jour­nal Qua­ter­nary Sci­ence Reviews, an inter­na­tio­nal rese­arch team led by sci­en­tists from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Tübin­gen and the Sen­cken­berg Cent­re for Human Evo­lu­ti­on and Palaeo­en­vi­ron­ment pres­ents the ear­liest human foot­prints known from Ger­ma­ny. The tracks were dis­co­ver­ed in the rough­ly 300,000-year-old Schö­nin­gen Paleo­li­thic site com­plex in Lower Sax­o­ny. The foot­prints, pre­su­ma­b­ly from Homo hei­del­ber­gen­sis, are sur­roun­ded by seve­ral ani­mal tracks – coll­ec­tively, they pre­sent a pic­tu­re of the eco­sys­tem at that time. The pro­ject is fun­ded by the Minis­try of Sci­ence and Cul­tu­re of Lower Sax­o­ny and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Tübingen.


Ravens in Pre­histo­ry: Sci­en­tists Unearth a 30,000-Year-Old Rela­ti­onship With Humans

Sci­en­tists from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Tübin­gen and the Sen­cken­berg Cent­re for Human Evo­lu­ti­on and Palaeo­en­vi­ron­ment exami­ne human-raven rela­ti­onships.
Long befo­re the estab­lish­ment of the first Neo­li­thic sett­le­ments around 10,000 years ago, humans and wild ani­mals had alre­a­dy for­med diver­se relationships.


14 & 15

Pho­to­syn­the­sis is near­ly 100% effi­ci­ent. A quan­tum expe­ri­ment shows why

In terms of ener­gy, the “holy grail” of any phy­si­cal sys­tem is 100% effi­ci­en­cy. It’s a near-impos­si­ble goal under most con­di­ti­ons, as from the moment any form of ener­gy first gets trans­fer­red into a sys­tem, it ine­vi­ta­b­ly gets lost to a varie­ty of fac­tors — heat, col­li­si­ons, che­mi­cal reac­tions, etc. — befo­re final­ly accom­pli­shing the ulti­ma­te task it was desi­gned for. The only ways that phy­si­cists have mana­ged to crea­te sys­tems with near-per­fect effi­ci­en­cy is to push natu­re to its extre­mes:
at tem­pe­ra­tures near abso­lu­te zero,
by firing mono­chro­ma­tic (laser) pho­tons at (crystal­li­ne) sys­tems with absorp­ti­ve lat­ti­ces,
or under extre­me cir­cum­s­tances such as super­con­duc­ti­vi­ty and superfluidity.


The Remo­te Mexi­can Restau­rant Revi­ving Jalisco’s For­got­ten Cuisine

Ente­ring Maru Toledo’s San­ti­na de Cova­don­ga restau­rant on a hot, dry day feels like tra­ve­ling back in time. Visi­tors who walk up to the gate, dirt crun­ching under their feet, will likely encoun­ter a dog lazing about and bou­gain­vil­lea waving gent­ly in the bree­ze. After pas­sing through the 19th cen­tu­ry – style kit­chen, fil­led with dark-red ear­then­wa­re pot­tery, old cook­books, and the smell of smo­ke, they’ll sit beneath a tin roof and watch as women use pre-Colum­bi­an tools to make tosta­das ras­pa­das (“scraped” tosta­das), grin­ding corn with a meta­te and coo­king with a tra­di­tio­nal fire­wood sto­ve known as a tecuil. Ever­y­thing, from the menu to the equip­ment to the décor, is meant to evo­ke the his­to­ric, near­ly-for­got­ten tra­di­tio­nal kit­chens of Jalisco.


Hal­lu­ci­n­a­ti­on (arti­fi­ci­al intelligence)

Hälf­te der Öster­rei­cher für Lega­li­sie­rung der Abga­be von Cannabis


Kill the Newsletter!

Con­vert email news­let­ters into Atom feeds


Inter­net Archi­ve Tar­gets Book DRM Rem­oval Tool With DMCA Takedown

The Inter­net Archi­ve has taken the rather unu­su­al step of sen­ding a DMCA noti­ce to pro­tect the copy­rights of book publishers and aut­hors. The non-pro­fit orga­niza­ti­on asked Git­Hub to remo­ve a tool that can strip DRM from books in its libra­ry. The pro­tec­ti­ve move is likely moti­va­ted by the ongo­ing legal trou­bles bet­ween the Archi­ve and book publishers.


Pro­du­cers alle­gedly sought rights to repli­ca­te extras using AI, fore­ver, for just $200

Hollywood’s top labor uni­on for media pro­fes­sio­nals has alle­ged that stu­di­os want to pay extras around $200 for the rights to use their liken­es­ses forever.


Actors say Hol­ly­wood stu­di­os want their AI repli­cas — for free, forever

During today’s press con­fe­rence in which Hol­ly­wood actors con­firm­ed that they were going on strike, Dun­can Crab­tree-Ire­land, SAG-AFTRA’s chief nego­tia­tor, reve­a­led a pro­po­sal from Hol­ly­wood stu­di­os that sounds rip­ped right out of a Black Mir­ror epi­so­de.
In a state­ment about the strike, the Alli­ance of Moti­on Pic­tu­re and Tele­vi­si­on Pro­du­cers (AMPTP) said that its pro­po­sal included “a ground­brea­king AI pro­po­sal that pro­tects actors’ digi­tal liken­es­ses for SAG-AFTRA members.”


Meta to release open-source com­mer­cial AI model to com­pe­te with Ope­nAI and Google

Deve­lo­pers could use the open-source LLM to build gene­ra­ti­ve AI appli­ca­ti­ons, like ChatGPT, for start­ups or estab­lished businesses.


An Art Instal­la­ti­on that Lis­tens to Zom­bie Satellites

Thank you to Sté­fa­ne Per­raud, Aram Keb­abdji­an and team for sub­mit­ting news that they have recent­ly laun­ched an art pro­ject in Lau­sanne, Switz­er­land cal­led “Hys­té­ré­sia”. The instal­la­ti­on is tech­ni­cal art, which con­sists of an auto­no­mous satel­li­te recei­ving sta­ti­on desi­gned to recei­ve bea­cons from old “zom­bie” satel­li­tes, and then broad­cast their signals audi­bly. A descrip­ti­on of the ground sta­ti­on can be seen here.



FTC inves­ti­ga­ting Ope­nAI on ChatGPT data coll­ec­tion and publi­ca­ti­on of fal­se information


The Hitchhiker’s Gui­de to Online Anonymity

This gui­de is a work in pro­gress. It will pro­ba­b­ly never be “finis­hed”.
No affi­lia­ti­on with the Anony­mous [Wiki­less] [Archi​ve​.org] collective/movement.
The­re might be some wrong or out­da­ted infor­ma­ti­on in this gui­de becau­se no one is per­fect.
Your expe­ri­ence may vary. Remem­ber to check regu­lar­ly for an updated ver­si­on of this gui­de.
This gui­de is a non-pro­fit open-source initia­ti­ve, licen­sed under Crea­ti­ve Com­mons Attri­bu­ti­on-Non­Com­mer­cial 4.0 Inter­na­tio­nal (cc-by-nc‑4.0 [Archi​ve​.org])


The Oppen­hei­mer 70mm Film Reel Weighs 600 Pounds and is 11 Miles Long


The first-known public muse­um ope­ned over 2,500 years ago – and it was cura­ted by a woman.



Chi­na beats rivals to suc­cessful­ly launch first metha­ne-liquid rocket

https://​www​.reu​ters​.com/​t​e​c​h​n​o​l​o​g​y​/​s​p​a​c​e​/​c​h​i​n​a​-​b​e​a​t​s​-​r​i​v​a​l​s​-​s​u​c​c​e​s​s​f​u​l​l​y​-​l​a​u​n​c​h​-​f​i​r​s​t​-​m​e​t​h​a​n​e​-​l​i​q​u​i​d​-​r​o​c​k​e​t​-​2​023 – 07-12

More Than 6,800 LEGO Kits at the Inter­net Archive


Sabo­ta­ge an Nord Stream: Ermitt­ler bestä­ti­gen Boot als hei­ße Spur

Auch zehn Mona­te nach dem Sabo­ta­ge auf Nord Stream 1 und 2 gestal­ten sich die Ermitt­lun­gen schwie­rig. Jetzt äußer­ten sich Deutsch­land, Däne­mark und Schweden.


Goog­le-KI “Bard” ist in Öster­reich online


Ope­nAI will use Asso­cia­ted Press news sto­ries to train its models


50 years ago, teen­agers par­tied in the Bronx — and gave rise to hip-hop


Webb Cele­bra­tes its First Year with Phe­no­me­nal 153-Mega­pi­xel Pho­to of Star Birth

NASA’s deepest 3D fly-through of the Universe


From the pre­sent day all the way to less than 400 mil­li­on years after the Big Bang, we’­re see­ing how the Uni­ver­se grew up like never before.


Hacker mani­pu­lier­ten QR-Codes in Kunst­samm­lung eines Waffenfabrikanten


Quan­tum pro­ton bil­li­ards: ATLAS expe­ri­ment reports fun­da­men­tal pro­per­ties of strong interactions

The quan­tum natu­re of inter­ac­tions bet­ween ele­men­ta­ry par­tic­les allows dra­wing non-tri­vi­al con­clu­si­ons even from pro­ces­ses as simp­le as ela­s­tic scat­te­ring. The ATLAS expe­ri­ment at the LHC acce­le­ra­tor reports the mea­su­re­ment of fun­da­men­tal pro­per­ties of strong inter­ac­tions bet­ween pro­tons at ultra-high energies.

https://​phys​.org/​n​e​w​s​/​2​023 – 07-quantum-proton-billiards-atlas-fundamental.html

Ico­nic San Fran­cis­co bre­wery clo­ses: Anchor Bre­wing is no more


A new, thin-len­sed telescope design could far sur­pass James Webb – good­bye mir­rors, hel­lo dif­frac­ti­ve lenses‑new-thin-lensed-telescope-design-could-far-surpass-james-webb-goodbye-mirrors-hello-diffractive-lenses

The US may soon get its first new source of nuclear fuel in 70 years

Next-gen nuclear plants could be cri­ti­cal to the ener­gy tran­si­ti­on, but first, they’ll need fuel. Cen­trus has over­co­me a key regu­la­to­ry bar­ri­er to mee­ting that need.


OpenAI’s DALL‑E will train on Shutterstock’s libra­ry for six more years


Sci­en­tists Have Found a Hot Spot on the Moon’s Far Side

Data from two Chi­ne­se orbi­ters hel­ped a team of sci­en­tists explain why a patch of lunar ter­rain is so much war­mer than the sur­roun­ding area.


Modern EU poli­ci­es need the voices of the fourth sector


Zube­hör aus dem 3D-Dru­cker für Wago-Klemmen

Wago-Klem­men sind super prak­tisch für Elek­tri­ker, aber auch Maker ver­wen­den sie ger­ne. Natür­lich wird dann auch 3D-gedruckt und Wago hakt hier ein.


Com­fyUI A powerful and modu­lar sta­ble dif­fu­si­on GUI with a graph/nodes interface.



A list of soft­ware and resour­ces for pro­fes­sio­nal audio/video/live events pro­duc­tion on Linux


Our best black hole image ever, insi­de and out

Some 55 mil­li­on light-years away lies the giant gala­xy Mes­sier 87. Its super­mas­si­ve black hole, insi­de and out, looks bet­ter than ever.


Due to the chip shorta­ge I’m having a hard time buy­ing a Raspber­ry Pi, all the stores say sold out. Even after the most recent announce­ment from Raspber­ry Pi they are still hard to find. Where’s the secret place to buy one wit­hout pay­ing more than MSRP?


Easy HTTPS for your pri­va­te networks

get­lo­cal­cert offers free sub­do­mains roo­ted in the public DNS which are sui­ta­ble for hos­ting inter­nal appli­ca­ti­ons. The mana­ged DNS ser­vice is com­pa­ti­ble with Let’s Encrypt, allo­wing issu­an­ce of free cer­ti­fi­ca­tes. Read more about our secu­ri­ty-first and deve­lo­per-fri­end­ly design.


Öster­reich ist das unfreund­lichs­te Land der Welt

Sehr hohe Lebens­qua­li­tät und sehr unfreund­li­che Men­schen – ins­ge­samt belegt Öster­reich damit Platz 42 von 53 Län­dern im Expat-Ranking

Mexi­ko, Spa­ni­en und Pana­ma sind heu­er die belieb­tes­ten Län­der unter inter­na­tio­na­len Beschäf­tig­ten, gefolgt von Malay­sia, Tai­wan, Thai­land, Cos­ta Rica, den Phil­ip­pi­nen, Bah­rain und Por­tu­gal. Zu die­sem Ergeb­nis kommt die neue “Expat Insider”-Studie von Inter­na­ti­ons, einem Netz­werk für Per­so­nen, die im Aus­land leben und arbeiten.


Demys­ti­fy­ing the Acti­vist Graf­fi­ti Art of Keith Haring: A Video Essay

Dele­te your digi­tal footprint

The only plat­form that allows you to auto­ma­ti­cal­ly clean up your old posts from ser­vices like Twit­ter, Red­dit, Face­book, Dis­cord and more all in one place


The Full Trai­ler for Scorsese’s Kil­lers of the Flower Moon

Fat­boy Slims Mix zu 25 Jah­ren “You’ve Come A Long Way, Baby”

Pro­duk­ti­ons­pro­zess einer Blei­stift­mi­nen­fa­brik in Japan

Kurz­film über die Ber­li­ner Club-Legen­de Tre­sor: A Sto­ry of Survival

Euro­pa­rat setzt Zivil­ge­sell­schaft vor die Tür

Nicht nur die Euro­päi­sche Uni­on will „Künst­li­che Intel­li­genz“ (KI) regu­lie­ren, son­dern auch der Euro­pa­rat. Er hat vor mehr als einem Jahr Ver­hand­lun­gen zur Regu­lie­rung von Künst­li­cher Intel­li­genz (KI-Kon­ven­ti­on) auf­ge­nom­men. Der Euro­pa­rat ist eine euro­päi­sche inter­na­tio­na­le Orga­ni­sa­ti­on und kein insti­tu­tio­nel­les Organ der EU. Ihm gehö­ren seit dem Aus­schluss Russ­lands im ver­gan­ge­nen Jahr 46 Staa­ten an.


Archaeo­lo­gists Keep Uneart­hing Mys­te­rious ‘Giant’ Pre­his­to­ric Hand Tools

Archaeo­lo­gists have unear­thed a “giant” hand­axe in sou­thern Eng­land that was craf­ted by ear­ly human rela­ti­ves more than 300,000 years ago, reports a new stu­dy. Mea­su­ring near­ly a foot long from tip to butt, the arti­fact is the third big­gest pre­his­to­ric hand­axe ever found in Bri­tain and belongs to a spe­cial class of big tools with mys­te­rious origins.


c’t 3003: Mit KI jede Stim­me kopieren

Ein paar Sät­ze ein­spre­chen und schon hat man eine digi­ta­le Kopie sei­ner Stim­me. Geht das so ein­fach? c’t 3003 macht den Test und klont die Stim­me von Host Keno.‑t-3003-Mit-KI-jede-Stimme-kopieren-9210251.html

Rese­ar­cher Ear­ly Access SDXL 0.9

Rese­ar­cher Ear­ly Access

Ein­stein erneut bestä­tigt: Die Zeit lief im frü­hen Uni­ver­sum deut­lich langsamer

Eine Mil­li­ar­de Jah­re nach dem Urknall lie­fen die Uhren fünf­mal lang­sa­mer als heu­te. Die­se Vor­her­sa­ge von Albert Ein­stein wur­de jetzt doch bestätigt.


‘Win­dows Update Res­to­red’ Site Pro­vi­des Updates for Clas­sic Win­dows Versions

Curr­ent­ly the site pro­vi­des Win­dows 95, 98 (and SE), and NT 4.0 updates.


Lon­don Medieval Mur­der Map

Each pin repres­ents the appro­xi­ma­te loca­ti­on of one of 142 homic­i­des cases in late medieval Lon­don. Click on a pin to open a win­dow that dis­plays the sto­ry behind the event, based on the ori­gi­nal record pro­du­ced by the Coro­ner. For more infor­ma­ti­on on how to use the map, visit this page. 


Other­world tells real sto­ries of peo­p­le who have expe­ri­en­ced some­thing para­nor­mal or unex­plainable. Host Jack Wag­ner takes an open min­ded and jour­na­li­stic approach to the sub­ject mat­ter and aims to unco­ver some of the big­gest mys­te­ries of the world and how peo­p­le react to it.


In case the­re was any doubt, Google’s pri­va­cy poli­cy now expli­cit­ly sta­tes that it’s going to suck up all your data to train its AI


How to Cap­tu­re Ultra­vio­let-Indu­ced Fluo­re­s­cence (UVIF) Photos

Ultra­vio­let-indu­ced fluo­re­s­cence (UVIF) occurs when mole­cu­les in an object are exci­ted (ener­gi­zed) by high-ener­gy ultra­vio­let wave­lengths (from our UV flash­light) and as a result, emit lon­ger wave­lengths in the visi­ble por­ti­on of the spec­trum (red, green, and blue). The­se emit­ted lon­ger wave­lengths are what we are photographing.


Earth is at its hot­test in thou­sands of years. Here’s how we know.

Obser­va­tions from both satel­li­tes and the Earth’s sur­face are indis­pu­ta­ble — the pla­net has war­med rapidly over the past 44 years. As far back as 1850, data from wea­ther sta­ti­ons all over the glo­be make clear the Earth’s avera­ge tem­pe­ra­tu­re has been rising.
In recent days, as the Earth has rea­ched its hig­hest avera­ge tem­pe­ra­tures in recor­ded histo­ry, sci­en­tists have made a bol­der cla­im: It may well be war­mer than any time in the last 125,000 years.


4 wri­ters that pushed dark humor to its abso­lu­te limits

Thanks to strea­ming ser­vices and stand-up, dark humor is more popu­lar today than ever befo­re. But dark humor, also known as black come­dy, can be found in clas­sic lite­ra­tu­re, whe­re the tra­di­ti­on ori­gi­nal­ly flou­ris­hed. From Sene­ca to Charles Bukow­ski, the­se wri­ters demons­tra­te the power of dark humor.


Star­link satel­li­te elec­tro­nics inter­fe­re with radio telescopes

Just like us, using mobi­le pho­nes, satel­li­tes also com­mu­ni­ca­te with each other and with recei­ving sta­ti­ons on Earth using radio waves. Ide­al­ly, howe­ver, ela­bo­ra­te agree­ments with Net­work Agen­ci­es pre­vent satel­li­tes to inter­fe­re with radio astro­no­my obser­va­to­ries. An excep­ti­on that has not been rese­ar­ched so far is the inter­fe­rence radia­ti­on that emana­tes from the on-board elec­tro­nics of cer­tain satel­li­tes, for exm­p­le the Star­link satel­li­te con­stel­la­ti­on of SpaceX.


Qas­ar­Beach crea­ted Blue Mon­day by New Order. I’m very hap­py with the results and you can see lots of new fea­tures of Qas­ar­Beach in recrea­ting the Fair­light CMI. Ao it shows you how accu­ra­te this soft­ware is!

You can down­load Qas­ar­Beach here: https://​adam​stran​ge​.itch​.io/​q​a​s​a​r​b​e​ach

Snowden: Today’s Surveillance Technology Makes 2013 Look Like “Child’s Play”

“We trus­ted the govern­ment not to screw us,” said Edward Snow­den.
“But they did. We trus­ted the tech com­pa­nies not to take advan­ta­ge of us. But they did. That is going to hap­pen again, becau­se that is the natu­re of power.“
With this week mar­king 10 years sin­ce whist­le­b­lower Edward Snow­den dis­c­lo­sed infor­ma­ti­on to jour­na­lists about wide­spread govern­ment spy­ing by United Sta­tes and Bri­tish agen­ci­es, the for­mer Natio­nal Secu­ri­ty Agen­cy con­trac­tor on Thurs­day joi­n­ed other advo­ca­tes in war­ning that the fight for pri­va­cy rights, while making seve­ral inroads in the past deca­de, has grown har­der due to major chan­ges in tech­no­lo­gy.
“If we think about what we saw in 2013 and the capa­bi­li­ties of govern­ments today,” Snow­den told The Guar­di­an, “2013 seems like child’s play.”


Goog­le passt Pri­vat­sphä­re-Ein­stel­lun­gen an, um mehr Daten sam­meln zu dürfen

Sprachmodelle und KI-Modelle

Wie eine Spre­che­rin von Goog­le via “The Ver­ge” wis­sen lässt, sei das Unter­neh­men immer trans­pa­rent gegen­über der Daten­samm­lung für die eige­nen KI-Model­le. Das neu­es­te Update stel­le ledig­lich klar, “dass auch neue­re Diens­te wie Bard ent­hal­ten sind”. Im Ein­klang mit den KI-Grund­sät­zen von Goog­le wür­de man “Daten­schutz­grund­sät­ze und ‑schutz­maß­nah­men in die Ent­wick­lung unse­rer KI-Tech­no­lo­gien” integrieren.


Magen­ta Green Screen: Spec­t­ral­ly Mul­ti­ple­xed Alpha Mat­ting with Deep Colorization

We intro­du­ce Magen­ta Green Screen, a novel machi­ne lear­ning – enab­led mat­ting tech­ni­que for recor­ding the color image of a fore­ground actor and a simul­ta­neous high-qua­li­ty alpha chan­nel wit­hout requi­ring a spe­cial came­ra or manu­al key­ing tech­ni­ques. We record the actor on a green back­ground but light them with only red and blue fore­ground light­ing. In this con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on, the green chan­nel shows the actor sil­hou­et­ted against a bright, even back­ground, which can be used direct­ly as a hol­dout mat­te, the inver­se of the actor’s alpha chan­nel. We then res­to­re the green chan­nel of the fore­ground using a machi­ne lear­ning colo­riza­ti­on tech­ni­que. We train the colo­riza­ti­on model with an exam­p­le sequence of the actor lit by white light­ing, yiel­ding con­vin­cing and tem­po­ral­ly sta­ble colo­riza­ti­on results. We fur­ther show that time-mul­ti­plex­ing the light­ing bet­ween Magen­ta Green Screen and Green Magen­ta Screen allows the tech­ni­que to be prac­ti­ced under what appears to be most­ly nor­mal light­ing. We demons­tra­te that our tech­ni­que yields high-qua­li­ty com­po­si­ting results when imple­men­ted on a modern LED vir­tu­al pro­duc­tion stage. The alpha chan­nel data obtainable with our tech­ni­que can pro­vi­de signi­fi­cant­ly hig­her qua­li­ty trai­ning data for natu­ral image mat­ting algo­rith­ms to sup­port future ML mat­ting research.



Sand­boxing Pho­ne Apps 

A dif­fi­cult pro­blem with Linux desk­top sys­tems (which includes pho­nes and tablets) is rest­ric­ting appli­ca­ti­on access so that appli­ca­ti­ons can’t mess with each other’s data or con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on but also allo­wing them to share data as nee­ded. This has been most­ly sol­ved for Android but that invol­ved giving up all “lega­cy” Linux apps. I think that we need to get pho­nes capa­ble of run­ning a full desk­top envi­ron­ment and having Android level secu­ri­ty on pho­ne apps and regu­lar desk­top apps. My inte­rest in this is pho­nes run­ning Debi­an and deri­va­ti­ves such as Pure­OS. But ever­y­thing I descri­be in this post should work equal­ly well for all full fea­tured Linux dis­tri­bu­ti­ons for pho­nes such as Arch, Gen­too, etc and pho­ne based deri­va­ti­ves of tho­se such as Man­ja­ro. It may be slight­ly less appli­ca­ble to dis­tri­bu­ti­ons such as Alpi­ne Linux and it’s pho­ne deri­va­ti­ve Post­mar­ke­tOS, I would app­re­cia­te comm­ents from con­tri­bu­tors to Post­mar­ke­tOS or Alpi­ne Linux about this.


The mys­te­rious ‘other Petra’ of Sau­di Arabia

Won­ders of street view


Fedo­ra 40 Plans to Tramp­le User Pri­va­cy with Tele­me­try Integration


Meet the Com­pe­ting Apps Batt­ling for Twitter’s Mar­ket Share


Hall­statt – Neu­es Grab der frü­hen Eisen­zeit entdeckt 

Das bekann­te Grä­ber­feld von Hall­statt ist grö­ßer als bis­lang ange­nom­men. In einer neu ent­deck­ten prä­his­to­ri­schen Brand­be­stat­tung am Salz­berg wur­den Bron­ze­bei­ga­ben und Tex­til­res­te gefunden.


Val­ley of the Pla­nets, one of Libya’s treasures

How to find Ali­en Thro­ne and Val­ley of Dreams New Mexico?


AI Art Weekly #41 Hel­lo the­re, my fel­low drea­mers, and wel­co­me to issue #41 of AI Art Weekly! ????


Juli­an Bilcke 

This is just a pro­to­ty­pe / pro­of of con­cept / tech demo reel, based on a pool of 1400 short vide­os snip­pets, like for a web radio.
The prompts have been gene­ra­ted using GPT‑4, and pas­sed to Zeroscope_V2_576w.
The files are then assem­bled with a Bash script to crea­te a play­list .txt file that ffmpeg will read and stream to node-media-ser­ver, using RTMP/FLV.


07.04.23. Italy’s Fascist UFO Files: Cra­s­hes, Cover­ups, & the RS/33 Cabinet


LINKS 07 – 2023 17- 31 Quantum Gravity’s Controversial Ties To Anti-Gravity

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