Rick Rubin

Rick Rubin

As an NYU col­lege stu­dent, Rick Rubin laun­ched Def Jam Recor­dings some 40 years ago and has been a hit­ma­ker ever sin­ce. Ander­son Coo­per inter­views the music pro­du­cer about his uni­que approach.

The Crea­ti­ve Act: A Way of Being

Rick Rubin

The #1 New York Times best­sel­ler.
“This is a gor­ge­ous and inspi­ring work of art on crea­ti­on, crea­ti­vi­ty, the work of the artist. It will glad­den the hearts of wri­ters and artists ever­y­whe­re, and get them working again with a new sen­se of mea­ning and direc­tion. A stun­ning accom­plish­ment.” —Anne Lamott

“Rick Rubin crea­ted gen­res. He is like Oppen­hei­mer; a des­troy­er and crea­tor of worlds, a true geni­us. Read this fan­ta­stic book The Crea­ti­ve Act: A Way of Being.” —Rus­sell Brand
“You’ll pro­ba­b­ly read this extra­or­di­na­ry book four times. The first time, you’ll gob­ble it up. The second time, you’ll savour it. The third time, you’ll take notes in the mar­gins. But the fourth time, the fourth time it will be part of you as you crea­te the work you were rea­dy to ship.” —Seth Godin

“What makes Rick Rubin’s The Crea­ti­ve Act: A Way of Being gre­at (and it IS gre­at) is not so much the con­tent (though that is extra­or­di­na­ry for sure) as Rick’s own per­so­na­li­ty and his essence as a man and an artist. What I would call the Muse, Rick calls Source. Source in Rick’s view is infi­ni­te and con­stant, a non­stop, 24/7/365 trade wind of ide­as and inspi­ra­ti­on that flow through all of us — not just artists, not just ‘crea­ti­ve’ types. Rick’s who­le life and phi­lo­so­phy are about ope­ning hims­elf and others (from the Beas­tie Boys to Run‑D.M.C. to LL Cool J to Metal­li­ca and a thousand more) to that cos­mic radio sta­ti­on. The Crea­ti­ve Act comes from the pure dojo of Rick Rubin’s heart. A lot of the book is tech­ni­cal, there’s tons of prac­ti­cal wis­dom and nuts-and-bolts throug­hout, but the essence of the work is love — a belief in Source, of that which can­not be known or defi­ned but that we live our lives by, and most important­ly, a tre­men­dous respect and honor toward all artists and toward the pro­cess and the mys­tery its­elf.” —Ste­ven Press­field, aut­hor of The War of Art


Rick Rubin
Fre­de­rick Jay Rubin (/ˈruːbɪn/; born March 10, 1963) is an Ame­ri­can record exe­cu­ti­ve and record pro­du­cer. He is the co-foun­der (along­side Rus­sell Sim­mons) of Def Jam Recor­dings, foun­der of Ame­ri­can Recor­dings, and for­mer co-pre­si­dent of Colum­bia Records.

Rick Rubin pro­duc­tion discography

Rick Rubin and “The Crea­ti­ve Act”
This month, Rick Rubin released his first book — it’s cal­led “The Crea­ti­ve Act: A Way Of Being.” In it he shares prac­ti­cal prin­ci­ples on how anyo­ne can gene­ra­te crea­ti­ve authen­ti­ci­ty and ulti­m­ate­ly find their voice. Hear our con­ver­sa­ti­on about the book from our Bro­ken Record podcast.

On Being with Kris­ta Tip­pett
Rick Rubin
Magic, Ever­y­day Mys­tery, and Get­ting Creative

The flow and the ingre­di­ents by which an idea beco­mes an offe­ring — and life prac­ti­ces which call that alche­my forth. The mys­tery of it all that can only be named and won­de­red at — and the ordi­na­ry mys­tery that crea­ti­vi­ty is a human bir­th­right, a way of being rather than doing, that beck­ons to us all, in ever­y­thing we do, from craf­ting some­thing to con­ver­sing to the arran­ging of fur­ni­tu­re in a room.

Rick Rubin: Legen­da­ry Music Pro­du­cer | Lex Fri­d­man Podcast

Rick Rubin is one of the grea­test music pro­du­cers of all time, working with many of the gre­ats inclu­ding Beas­tie Boys, Emi­nem, Metal­li­ca, LL Cool J, Kanye West, Slay­er, Tom Pet­ty, John­ny Cash, Dixie Chicks, Aer­o­s­mith, Ade­le, Dan­zig, Red Hot Chi­li Pep­pers, Sys­tem of a Down, Jay‑Z, Black Sabbath.

Rick Rubin podcast

Is string theory a failing model? Eric Weinstein and Brian Greene Feist

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