

Cana­di­an-born singer/songwriter Feist has been one of the most dyna­mic indie voices of the last two deca­des. Last month she released her sixth album, Multi­tu­des. She recor­ded it in the after­math of tre­men­dous per­so­nal loss and chan­ge. In late 2019 Feist adopted a baby just months befo­re the pan­de­mic star­ted. About a year later, her father died sud­den­ly. Multi­tu­des is a raw, inti­ma­te look at how she grapp­led with deep-sea­ted grief and a new kind of love.
On today’s epi­so­de Leah Rose talks with Feist about how being assaul­ted in high school ulti­m­ate­ly led to her gai­ning resi­li­ence. Feist also remem­bers the day her music care­er began when was asked to front a hard­core punk band, and how screa­ming on stage – and ulti­m­ate­ly blo­wing out her voice – forced her to deve­lop her inti­ma­te, care­er-defi­ning sin­ging style.

Feist — FULL CONCERT (The Pageant — St Lou­is, MO — 5/6/2023)

As one of the girls down front said after it was over, “That was a reli­gious expe­ri­ence.” Les­lie cul­ti­va­ted a show that was both inti­ma­te and per­so­nal, and spec­ta­cu­lar at points. I’ve had con­certs I enjoy­ed as much if not more, but never one that was quite like this.

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