SWR — Season 4 Episode 7

SWR — Season 4 Episode 7

Cris­ti­na Gomez

I work­ed with this image sec­tion. In Mesh­Lab the aspect rati­os are not correct.

Mesh https://​fun​ky​-fla​me​.com/​m​e​s​h​/​o​s​w​r​.​obj


The phe­no­me­na are hol­low, at least when you look at them with a poly­gon mesh❗

Poly­gon mesh — SWR — Sea­son 4 Epi­so­de 7

Poly­gon mesh

The stu­dy of poly­gon mes­hes is a lar­ge sub-field of com­pu­ter gra­phics (spe­ci­fi­cal­ly 3D com­pu­ter gra­phics) and geo­me­tric mode­ling. Dif­fe­rent repre­sen­ta­ti­ons of poly­gon mes­hes are used for dif­fe­rent appli­ca­ti­ons and goals. The varie­ty of ope­ra­ti­ons per­for­med on mes­hes may include: Boolean logic (Con­s­truc­ti­ve solid geo­me­try), smoot­hing, sim­pli­fi­ca­ti­on, and many others. Algo­rith­ms also exist for ray tra­cing, col­li­si­on detec­tion, and rigid-body dyna­mics with poly­gon mes­hes. If the mesh’s edges are ren­de­red ins­tead of the faces, then the model beco­mes a wire­frame model.


the open source sys­tem for pro­ces­sing and editing 3D tri­an­gu­lar mes­hes.
It pro­vi­des a set of tools for editing, clea­ning, heal­ing, inspec­ting, ren­de­ring, tex­tu­ring and con­ver­ting mes­hes. It offers fea­tures for pro­ces­sing raw data pro­du­ced by 3D digi­tiza­ti­on tools/devices and for pre­pa­ring models for 3D printing.

The simp­lest way to show your app­re­cia­ti­on of the Mesh­Lab sys­tem is to remem­ber citing it when­ever you have used some of its func­tion­a­li­ties.
The­re are many publi­ca­ti­ons rela­ted with Mesh­Lab, in case of doubt use the first one, but, plea­se, look through the list and cite also all the pro­per ones.
As gene­ral info, Mesh­Lab is an open-source sys­tem who­se deve­lo­p­ment has been led by the Visu­al Com­pu­ting Lab of ISTI-CNR sin­ce 2005.


Fraud by Kai Mügge? — NO Secrets of Skinwalker Ranch: Remote Viewing Explorations with Nyiam

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