Our Diné Strength

Our Diné Strength

Our Diné Strength is a video docu­men­ta­ry that tells the sto­ry of how deep­ly the youth of this small Nava­jo vil­la­ge value their tra­di­tio­nal way of life and how cli­ma­te chan­ge is pro­ving to be the grea­test risk to their lives as a Diné peo­p­le. The youth pre­sen­ted in this video have deep love and respect for their com­mu­ni­ty and tell the sto­ry of how they plan to use edu­ca­ti­on as a means to fight for the rights of their com­mu­ni­ty.
Pro­du­ced by the stu­dents of Rocky Ridge School, Kykot­smo­vi Ari­zo­na, 2011.

I Entered The Most Remote Native American Tribe — Hopi John Ramirez — Dome of Light — Cold War Phenomenon with Modern Relevance
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