Quarry Exhibit Hall Vernal Utah — Earl Douglass

Quarry Exhibit Hall Vernal Utah — Earl Douglass

Ever­y­thing exists as a ner­vous system

The Quar­ry Exhi­bit Hall is whe­re you can see a wall of appro­xi­m­ate­ly 1,500 dino­saur bones. This includes the remains of num­e­rous spe­ci­es, such as Allosau­rus, Apa­to­sau­rus, Cama­ra­sau­rus, Diplo­do­cus, and Ste­gos­au­rus. Exhi­bits, inclu­ding an 80 foot (24 m) long mural, reve­al the sto­ry of the many ani­mals that lived in the Mor­ri­son envi­ron­ment during the Late Jurassic.

The monu­ment covers more than 210,000 acres of land.

Bet­ween 1909 and 1924, Dou­glass mana­ged the work at the quar­ry. For 13 years, the Car­ne­gie Muse­um fun­ded the excava­tions and, as the anci­ent bones were unear­thed, Dou­glass and his crew ship­ped them east to Pitts­burgh. During that peri­od, more than 700,000 tons of mate­ri­al was sent from Utah to Pittsburgh.

Maxi­mum ext­ent of CAMP vol­ca­nism at the Tri­as­sic-Juras­sic boundary
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