Olmec & Ancient Chinese Hongshan Jade Connection

Olmec & Ancient Chinese Hongshan Jade Connection

After an untime­ly acci­dent in the South Ame­ri­can jungle during the launch of Euro­pean Aria­ne 5 space­craft, RN Vooght con­tin­ued to reach for the stars by tur­ning his mis­for­tu­ne into a posi­ti­ve, by way of his debut title. Devo­lu­ti­on Cycle explo­red the some­ti­mes blur­red lines bet­ween both the his­to­ri­cal record and mytho­lo­gi­cal lore. Pur­po­seful­ly pen­ned as a work of fic­tion, RN Vooght intro­du­ces his rea­der to the some­what supres­sed ori­g­ins of the human nar­ra­ti­ve. After more than twen­ty years of exten­si­ve world tra­vel rese­ar­ching anci­ent civi­li­sa­ti­ons and their respec­ti­ve cos­mo­lo­gies, com­bi­ned with a self-impo­sed stu­dy of the meta­phy­si­cal, The Spi­rit in the Sky hypo­the­sis was born. A far cry from fic­tion, RN Vooght is hop­eful The Spi­rit in the Sky ‘Anci­ent Cos­mo­lo­gi­cal Gods & Whe­re In The World We Find Them’ may one day pro­ve cata­lyst in uniting outer space with inner space, sci­ence with reli­gi­on, and more important­ly, human­kind with each other. RN Vooght is curr­ent­ly anti­ci­pa­ting the birth of his first child, Bodhi. See you soon, son.


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