VisionFive 2

VisionFive 2

is the world’s first high-per­for­mance RISC‑V sin­gle board com­pu­ter (SBC) with an inte­gra­ted GPU. Com­pared with its last gene­ra­ti­on, Visi­on­Fi­ve 2 has been ful­ly upgraded with signi­fi­cant impro­ve­ments in the pro­ces­sor work fre­quen­cy, mul­ti­me­dia pro­ces­sing capa­bi­li­ties, sca­la­bi­li­ty, etc. Its supe­ri­or per­for­mance and reasonable pri­ce make Visi­on­Fi­ve 2 the best afforda­ble RISC‑V deve­lo­p­ment board ever.

The video pro­ces­sing of Visi­on­Fi­ve 2 has the fol­lo­wing fea­tures.
Video deco­der sup­port up to 4K@60fps and mul­ti-stream for H264/H265
Video enco­der sup­port up to 1080p@30fps and mul­ti-stream for H265
JPEG encoder/decoder.

CameraVisionFive 2 has 1 × 2‑lane MIPI CSI camera port, supporting up to 1080p@30fps

VisionFive 2
Visi­on­Fi­ve 2

Ubun­tu 23.04 Now Sup­ports This ‘Powerful’ RISC‑V Computer

Ubun­tu 23.04 is now offi­ci­al­ly available for StarFive’s Visi­on­Fi­ve 2, a powerful RISC‑V sin­gle-board com­pu­ter.
Cano­ni­cal work­ed with StarFive’s engi­nee­ring team to crea­te an opti­mi­sed ver­si­on of the latest Ubun­tu release for use on the Visi­on­Fi­ve 2.
This sin­gle-board com­pu­ter (SBC) boasts grea­ter per­for­mance than the company’s first-gene­ra­ti­on model (which Ubun­tu announ­ced sup­port for last year) thanks, in part, to the inclu­si­on of an inte­gra­ted GPU – which makes it the first RISC‑V board in the world to offer one.
RISC‑V is a bur­geo­ning and exci­ting area of open com­pu­ting. StarFive’s boards pro­vi­de deve­lo­pers inte­res­ted in fur­the­ring that work, be it on soft­ware or hard­ware engi­nee­ring sides, with an acces­si­ble and afforda­ble way to do so.

How to purcha­se Visi­on­Fi­ve 2 — 111,92€

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