Ansel Adams go´s digital

Ansel Adams go´s digital

In this tuto­ri­al video, I will reve­al the secrets of how to trans­form your bor­ing black and white pho­tos into stun­ning fine art pie­ces using dodge and burn tech­ni­ques in Ligh­t­room. I will explo­re the tech­ni­ques of legen­da­ry pho­to­grapher Ansel Adams and how he used the­se tech­ni­ques to crea­te ico­nic black and white images.
Start­ing with a flat, lifel­ess image, I will take you step-by-step through the pro­cess of adding depth, con­trast, and tex­tu­re to your pho­tos using the dodge and burn tools in Ligh­t­room. I will show you how to sel­ec­tively ligh­ten and dar­ken are­as of your image to bring out details and crea­te a sen­se of dimen­sio­na­li­ty.
I will also cover important aspects of com­po­si­ti­on and image pro­ces­sing that will help you achie­ve a powerful and dyna­mic black and white image.
Whe­ther you are a beg­in­ner or an expe­ri­en­ced pho­to­grapher, this tuto­ri­al will teach you the essen­ti­al tech­ni­ques to crea­te stun­ning fine art black and white pho­tos that stand out from the crowd. So watch this video and learn how to mas­ter the art of black and white pho­to­gra­phy with dodge and burn tech­ni­ques in Lightroom.

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