Daft Punk

Daft Punk

Daft Punk Unchai­ned is an Ang­lo-French docu­men­ta­ry that was tele­vi­sed on 24 June 2015 in France and on 9 Febru­ary 2016 in the United King­dom. It docu­ments the rise to fame and per­so­nal lives of Daft Punk mem­bers Guy-Manu­el de Homem-Chris­to and Tho­mas Bangal­ter and their pio­nee­ring influence on elec­tro­nic music.
The docu­men­ta­ry runs chro­no­lo­gi­cal­ly through the artists’ ear­ly years befo­re their foun­da­ti­on of Daft Punk, up to the release of their 2013 album Ran­dom Access Memo­ries and the sub­se­quent Gram­my Award that the duo recei­ved for it.
The film com­bi­nes rare archi­ve foo­ta­ge with inter­views with Daft Punk’s clo­sest col­la­bo­ra­tors, inclu­ding Phar­rell Wil­liams, Gior­gio Moro­der, Nile Rod­gers, Skrillex, Kanye West and Michel Gondry.

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