This Little Light

This Little Light

Hos­ted by Flea, foun­ding mem­ber and bas­sist of the Red Hot Chi­li Pep­pers, This Litt­le Light is a pod­cast about fal­ling in love with music. Flea inter­views musi­cal guests from all gen­res to dis­cuss the tea­chers who gui­ded them, the influen­ces that inspi­red them, and how the les­sons they lear­ned as young musi­ci­ans have shaped their crea­ti­vi­ty, resi­li­ence, and care­ers. Guests ran­ge from legends to rising stars, and include Rick Rubin, Pat­ti Smith, Thun­der­cat Mar­go Pri­ce, and Cyn­thia Eri­vo. The pod­cast is pro­du­ced by Cadence13 and Par­al­lel, with pro­ceeds bene­fiting the Sil­ver­la­ke Con­ser­va­to­ry of Music, a Los Ange­les-based non-pro­fit that Flea co-foun­ded in 2001.

SECRET Skinwalker Ranch Security Evidence Revealed by MOST BELIEVABLE First Hand Witness George Clinton @ Broken Record

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