George Clinton @ Broken Record

George Clinton @ Broken Record

Geor­ge Clin­ton revo­lu­tio­ni­zed funk music with Par­lia­ment Funka­de­lic, who­se thea­tri­cal, sci-fi, per­for­mance art has cap­ti­va­ted audi­en­ces world­wi­de for over five deca­des. P‑Funk’s blend of psy­che­de­lic rock and deep, repe­ti­ti­ve funk groo­ves hel­ped bridge the R&B and rock worlds in the ‘70s along with acts like Sly and The Fami­ly Stone.

Known as Dr. Fun­ken­stein, Geor­ge Clin­ton orchestra­ted mul­ti­ple solo acts under the P‑Funk umbrel­la. By the ‘80s, Clin­ton was also char­ting as a solo artist with hits like “Ato­mic Dog,” all of which would later lay the ground­work for hip-hop’s clas­sic G‑Funk era. 

On today’s epi­so­de Rick Rubin talks to Geor­ge Clin­ton on Zoom about the ori­g­ins of his ori­gi­nal vocal group, The Par­lia­ments. Geor­ge also remi­nis­ces  about the time he dared James Brown to do the splits 18 times in a row while on a music indus­try panel with Madon­na and the Red Hot Chi­li Peppers.

Rick Rubin pro­duc­tion discography

This Little Light So what if I don’t have teeth! Spoon Lady

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