Extremely unknown

Extremely unknown

Ger­hard Gröschel
Adden­dum: Yes, the­re are no air­planes eit­her… I che­cked that too.


Wel­co­me to the Insti­tu­te for Tech­ni­cal UFO Research!

Why is it high time to crea­te an insti­tu­ti­on like our insti­tu­te? The UFO rese­arch, as it has been and is being car­ri­ed out by the exis­ting rese­arch asso­cia­ti­ons in the last 50 years, has a decisi­ve dis­ad­van­ta­ge: the majo­ri­ty of the rese­arch is based on wit­ness state­ments, but only in rare cases are pho­tos or video recor­dings used. As a result, the UFO rese­ar­cher is rare­ly able to exami­ne or docu­ment the phe­no­me­non in real time.


Roger Cultee and Colleen Gorman Escher – Other world im Kunstmuseum Den Haag

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