‘Quantum Light’

‘Quantum Light’

Quan­tum theo­ry of light emis­si­on by stron­gly dri­ven many-body ato­mic systems.a, HHG can be unders­tood as a sin­gle-par­tic­le, strong-field three-step pro­cess: (1) an inten­se dri­ve laser tears off an elec­tron from the atom, (2) the elec­tron is acce­le­ra­ted by the elec­tric field and (3) the elec­tron recom­bi­nes with the atom, con­ver­ting its ener­gy into an ener­ge­tic pho­ton at hig­her har­mo­nics. The spec­trum fea­tures are peaks at the odd har­mo­nics, a cha­rac­te­ristic pla­teau and a cut-off. b, The many-body cor­re­la­ti­ons among the atoms can ari­se from spon­ta­neous coll­ec­ti­ve emis­si­on (super-radi­ance) or inter-ato­mic inter­ac­tions. c, Our theo­ry mar­ries the descrip­ti­on of many-body effects with that of strong-field phy­sics, giving access to uni­que quan­tum pro­per­ties of the emit­ted light.

Stron­gly dri­ven sys­tems of emit­ters offer an attrac­ti­ve source of light over broad spec­tral ran­ges up to the X‑ray regi­on. A key limi­ta­ti­on of the­se sys­tems is that the light they emit is most­ly clas­si­cal. We over­co­me this cons­traint by buil­ding a quan­tum-opti­cal theo­ry of stron­gly dri­ven many-body sys­tems, show­ing that the pre­sence of cor­re­la­ti­ons among the emit­ters crea­tes emis­si­on of non-clas­si­cal many-pho­ton sta­tes of light. We con­sider the exam­p­le of high-har­mo­nic gene­ra­ti­on, by which a stron­gly dri­ven sys­tem emits pho­tons at inte­ger mul­ti­ples of the dri­ve fre­quen­cy. In the con­ven­tio­nal case of uncor­re­la­ted emit­ters, the har­mo­nics are in an almost per­fect­ly mul­ti-mode coher­ent sta­te lack­ing any cor­re­la­ti­on bet­ween har­mo­nics. By con­trast, a cor­re­la­ti­on of the emit­ters befo­re the strong dri­ve is con­ver­ted into non-clas­si­cal fea­tures of the out­put light, inclu­ding dou­bly pea­k­ed pho­ton sta­tis­tics, ring-shaped Wig­ner func­tions and cor­re­la­ti­ons bet­ween har­mo­nics. We pro­po­se sche­mes for imple­men­ting the­se con­cepts, crea­ting the cor­re­la­ti­ons bet­ween emit­ters via an inter­ac­tion bet­ween them or their joint inter­ac­tion with the back­ground elec­tro­ma­gne­tic field. Our work paves the way towards the engi­nee­ring of novel sta­tes of light over a broad­band spec­trum and sug­gests high-har­mo­nic gene­ra­ti­on as a tool for cha­rac­te­ri­zing cor­re­la­ti­ons in many-body sys­tems with atto­se­cond tem­po­ral resolution.

The crea­ti­on and con­trol of many-pho­ton quan­tum sta­tes of light are important pro­blems with appli­ca­ti­ons across the natu­ral sci­en­ces. Rea­liza­ti­ons of squeezed quan­tum light sta­tes open new ave­nues in spec­tro­sco­py and metro­lo­gy, pro­vi­ding novel infor­ma­ti­on on samples1 and enab­ling high­ly sen­si­ti­ve mea­su­re­ments bey­ond clas­si­cal noi­se limits (for exam­p­le, in the detec­tion of gra­vi­ta­tio­nal waves2,3). At the same time, enco­ding quan­tum infor­ma­ti­on on the quan­tum sta­te of light faci­li­ta­tes appli­ca­ti­ons in quan­tum com­pu­ting, simu­la­ti­on and communication4. Seve­ral pio­nee­ring inves­ti­ga­ti­ons have demons­tra­ted a ran­ge of many-pho­ton quan­tum sta­tes of light such as squeezed light2,3,5 – 7, bright squeezed vacuum8 – 11, dis­pla­ced Fock states12, Schrö­din­ger kitten13,14 and cat states15,16, sub­trac­ted squeezed states17 and others18. Many of the estab­lished tech­ni­ques for gene­ra­ting quan­tum light at opti­cal fre­quen­ci­es rely on mate­ri­als with a non-line­ar opti­cal respon­se. Such non-line­ar mate­ri­als can be typi­cal­ly descri­bed using a ‘per­tur­ba­ti­ve’ non-line­ar respon­se, whe­re the indu­ced pola­riza­ti­on is, for exam­p­le, qua­dra­tic or cubic in the appli­ed elec­tric field. At the other extre­me of non-line­ar optics are ‘non-per­tur­ba­ti­ve’ or ‘strong-field’ effects such as high-har­mo­nic gene­ra­ti­on (HHG), in which a very inten­se opti­cal pul­se crea­tes radia­ti­on at very high fre­quen­ci­es, even bey­ond hundred fold the fre­quen­cy of the drive19,20. As such, HHG is an attrac­ti­ve source of ultra-short pul­ses of high-fre­quen­cy light. The poten­ti­al of HHG for the gene­ra­ti­on of non-clas­si­cal high-fre­quen­cy light has, howe­ver, remain­ed lar­ge­ly unexpressed.



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