Ron English

Ron English
Eng­lish has pro­du­ced images on the street, in muse­ums, in movies, books and tele­vi­si­on. He coin­ed the term POPagan­da to descri­be a mash-up of high and low cul­tu­ral touch­stones, from super­he­ro mytho­lo­gy to totems of art histo­ry, popu­la­ted with his ori­gi­nal cha­rac­ters, inclu­ding MC Super­si­zed, the obe­se fast-food mas­cot fea­tured in the movie Super Size Me, and Abra­ham Oba­ma, the fusi­on of America’s 16th and 44th Pre­si­dents. Other cha­rac­ters in English’s pain­tings, bill­boards, and sculp­tu­re include three-eyed rab­bits, cow­girls and grin­ning skulls – visu­al, with humo­rous undertones.

The Docu­men­ta­ry about the God­fa­ther of Street Art

The docu­men­ta­ry Living in Delu­sion­ville explo­res the impact of cor­po­ra­te mes­sa­ging through art and its neces­sa­ry anti­do­te: non­com­mer­cial thought-pro­vo­king public art. Through the lens of Ron Eng­lish, rai­sed on con­su­me­rist ico­no­gra­phy, who­se visu­al lan­guage beca­me the twis­ted and truthful distil­la­ti­on of pop det­ri­tus, the film offers an enga­ging road­map to cri­ti­cal thin­king, gui­ded by the jolt and delight of art in the street.

David Bowie and AnnieLennox 1992 Hedy Lamarr

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