The Secrets of Quantum Physics

The Secrets of Quantum Physics

Pro­fes­sor Jim Al-Kha­li­li traces the sto­ry of argu­ab­ly the most important, accu­ra­te and yet per­plex­ing sci­en­ti­fic theo­ry ever: quan­tum physics.

The sto­ry of quan­tum phy­sics starts at the begin­ning of the 20th cen­tu­ry with sci­en­tists try­ing to bet­ter under­stand how light bulbs work. This simp­le ques­ti­on soon led sci­en­tists deep into the hid­den workings of mat­ter, into the sub-ato­mic buil­ding blocks of the world around us. Here they dis­co­ver­ed phe­no­me­na unli­ke any encoun­te­red befo­re — a realm whe­re things can be in many places at once, whe­re chan­ce and pro­ba­bi­li­ty call the shots and whe­re rea­li­ty appears to only tru­ly exist when we obser­ve it.

Hedy Lamarr 100 Jahre UFA | DokFilm

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