Rather B. Squidding — Why Aliens are NOT calling

Rather B. Squidding — Why Aliens are NOT calling

Astro­no­mers have been sear­ching for extra­ter­restri­al intel­li­gence for over 60 years. They’­ve yet to hear any ali­en signals. Ins­tead of a sign of us being alo­ne… the silence may indi­ca­te there’s ano­ther method of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on. Loo­king ahead at our tech­no­lo­gi­cal pro­gres­si­on… the method of First Cont­act seems appa­rent. Join Rather B. Squ­id­ding in explo­ring the possibilities.

Typewriter Artist Rather B. Squidding on the Complexity of First Contact

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