The Mysteries of Hieronymus Bosch

The Mysteries of Hieronymus Bosch

Inter­pre­ta­ti­ons of Bosch’s pain­tings have been varied and extre­me: here­sy, alche­my, drugs, witch­craft and, the most popu­lar, that he was a mem­ber of a secret sect which prac­ti­sed orgi­es. Nicho­las Baum , who has been fasci­na­ted by the­se haun­ting pain­tings for many years, began his inves­ti­ga­ti­on in the belief that we would never know their full mea­ning. After a jour­ney which took him to Hol­land, Spain. and Por­tu­gal, he is con­vin­ced that he has found the key Docu­men­ta­ry 1980.

Hie­ro­ny­mus Bosch [ɦijeːˈɾoː­nimʏs ˈbɔs] (gebo­ren Jhe­ro­ni­mus van Aken [jeɪˈɾoː­nimʏs vɑn ˈaːkə(n)]; * um 1450 in ’s‑Hertogenbosch; † August 1516 eben­da) war ein nie­der­län­di­scher Maler der Spät­go­tik bzw. der Renais­sance. Bosch stamm­te aus einer Maler­fa­mi­lie. Er hat­te sei­ne Auf­trag­ge­ber viel­fach im höhe­ren Adel und Kle­rus. Sei­ne Gemäl­de, meist in Öl auf Eichen­holz, zei­gen in der Regel reli­giö­se Moti­ve und The­men. Sie sind reich an Figu­ren, Fabel­we­sen und unge­wöhn­li­chen Bild­ele­men­ten, deren Deu­tungs­zu­sam­men­hang und Inter­pre­ta­ti­on oft nicht gesi­chert sind. Boschs Werk fin­det bis heu­te regel­mä­ßi­ge Auf­merk­sam­keit und wur­de in der Kunst viel­fach rezi­piert. Über sein Leben gibt es weni­ge gesi­cher­te Anhaltspunkte.


Garden delights centre panel lossless crop

The Fan­ta­sti­cal Works of Hie­ro­ny­mus Bosch (1450 — 1516)

You are wel­co­me to join me for ano­ther fasci­na­ting online tour, this time explo­ring the fan­ta­sti­cal, sur­re­al, reli­gious pain­tings of the Dutch pain­ter Hie­ro­ny­mus Bosch (lived 1450 — 1516). Hie­ro­ny­mus Bosch was a Dutch pain­ter from Bra­bant. He is one of the most nota­ble repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the Ear­ly Net­her­land­ish pain­ting school. His work, gene­ral­ly oil on oak wood, main­ly con­ta­ins fan­ta­stic illus­tra­ti­ons of reli­gious con­cepts and nar­ra­ti­ves. Within his life­time his work was coll­ec­ted in the Net­her­lands, Aus­tria, and Spain, and wide­ly copied, espe­ci­al­ly his macab­re and night­ma­rish depic­tions of hell. We’ll be explo­ring the litt­le-known facts about his life, cha­rac­ter and his times, taking a clo­se exami­na­ti­on and dis­cus­sion of his incre­di­ble pain­tings, and their influence in the histo­ry of art.

Hie­ro­ny­mus Bosch (1453 – 1516) Touch­ed by the devil

Ita­li­an 58:44

https://​www​.bili​bi​li​.com/​s​/​v​i​d​e​o​/​B​V​1​Q​t​4​1​1​D​7yf eng. 1:28:38


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