Beyond Our World with special guest Carl the Crusher

Beyond Our World with special guest Carl the Crusher

Join John Edwards and I as we host Carl The Crus­her. Through his Face­book page and You­Tube Chan­nel, Carl has shared many vide­os of his para­nor­mal inves­ti­ga­ti­ons around Neva­da and Utah inclu­ding the Uin­tah Basin. He has tra­ve­led all over the west explo­ring stran­ge and inte­res­t­ing sites and has met the team of The Secret of Skin­wal­ker Ranch on a few occa­si­ons. He has work­ed with Chris Bartel and James Keen­an and while explo­ring a cave sys­tem Tho­mas Win­ter­ton and Erik Bard show­ed up to as well. Carl will have some ama­zing sto­ries to share with us tonight… you want to watch until the end of this one for sure.

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