THE GRAND BIBLE — An Encyclopaedic Compilation Of The Original And Complete Contents Of Religious And Affiliated Texts From East And West In English, 3rd Edition 2021

THE GRAND BIBLE — An Encyclopaedic Compilation Of The Original And Complete Contents Of Religious And Affiliated Texts From East And West In English, 3rd Edition 2021

FROM BRADY TO HENFIELD Lord Hen­field (1958) is an Eng­lish scho­lar and edu­ca­tor. He stu­di­ed archaeo­lo­gy, histo­ry, and lin­gu­i­stics. He focu­ses on the ori­gin of cul­tu­re and on con­se­cu­ti­ve events that show us in what ways civi­li­sa­ti­ons inter­act with one ano­ther, and what lan­guage, geo­gra­phy (geo­lo­gy), and nati­onhood have to do with it. He spe­cia­li­ses in his­to­ri­cal texts, sacred texts and law texts (which are often iden­ti­cal), the histo­ry of inven­ti­ons, archi­tec­tu­re, anci­ent tech­no­lo­gy, ear­ly mass pro­duc­tion, indus­tria­li­sa­ti­on, astro­no­my, space explo­ra­ti­on, and art.  Hen­field and His­to­ri­cal TextsHen­field is the aut­hor of the Grand Bible, an ency­clo­pae­dic com­pi­la­ti­on of almost all sacred texts that are available online but dif­fi­cult to find for all sorts of reasons. The Grand Bible is a monu­men­tal work that dis­plays the most signi­fi­cant scrip­tures of the last 5,000 years in one sin­gle and searcha­ble PDF docu­ment. The­re is a mas­si­ve deba­te going on about vir­tue and vice of any reli­gi­on in our World. As the know­ledge in this field is hazy or non-exis­tent, deba­ters often per­pe­tua­te mis­con­cep­ti­ons they have lear­ned from others. This lar­ge work can be unders­tood as ans­wer to this pro­blem. With over 20,500,000 words on 7,500 pages in finest print, the Grand Bible is the most uni­que docu­ment in our time. If dis­play­ed as default ‘Word’ or ‘doc’ docu­ment, the Grand Bible would account for cir­ca 35,000 to 40,000 pages or 20 to 30 volu­mes. The pur­po­se to publish such an unu­su­al docu­ment is as simp­le as fasci­na­ting: For the very first time, we can look up for any kind of reli­gious scrip­tu­re and find it in seconds. Con­tem­po­r­a­ri­es lack the awa­re­ness that most reli­gious scrip­tures are not pri­ma­ri­ly about reli­gi­on or god(s) but about law. This igno­rance leads to the fal­se assump­ti­on that each and every reli­gi­on is equal­ly won­derful and the­r­e­fo­re has to be trea­ted equal­ly, with desas­trous con­se­quen­ces for tho­se poli­ti­cal enti­ties that let any new­co­mers enter their ter­ri­to­ry and into the heart of their vul­nerable com­mu­ni­ties unche­cked. The wea­k­est mem­bers of tho­se enti­ties are the women, and all free­doms and rights they have been fight­ing for during the last 150 years, will crum­ble to dust of histo­ry when they are not awa­re what dis­troys their achie­ve­ments. The Grand Bible’s detail­ed Table of Con­tents, as well as the sub­tit­les of the images (pho­tos, maps, tables) in the begin­ning and at the end of this book, will give you some clues what the con­tents are all about. The title of each ent­ry con­ta­ins infor­ma­ti­on (if known) on: all names and their alter­na­ti­ves, source, aut­hor, ver­si­on, trans­la­ti­on, esti­ma­ted ran­ge of dating, and a con­cise intro­duc­tion. Hen­field and Lin­gu­i­stics­Hen­field aut­ho­red “Lord Henfield’s Prac­ti­cal Eng­lish,” a book which reflects his rese­arch and tea­ching acti­vi­ties. Hen­field is a spe­cia­list in tea­ching for­eign lan­guages in a dua­li­stic sys­tem that depicts lan­guage fea­tures in their enti­re­ty. Lan­guage fea­tures pre­sen­ted in a kind of bird’s‑eye-view that enables stu­dents, who­se nati­ve lan­guage has no Indo-Euro­pean back­ground, to quick­ly grasp the main­ly dua­li­stic struc­tu­re of Eng­lish grammar forms in an easy and com­pre­hen­si­ble way. The gram­ma­ti­cal struc­tu­re of the­se lan­guages dif­fer from Eng­lish and other Indo-Euro­pean lan­guages in so far that typi­cal fea­tures of the Eng­lish lan­guage (such as verb ten­ses, sin­gu­lar-plu­ral distinc­tion, phra­sal verbs, modal verbs, con­di­tio­nals, sub­junc­ti­ves, irre­gu­lar verb forms, irre­gu­lar plu­ral forms of nouns, and lots of other attri­bu­tes) are total­ly ali­en to nati­ve spea­k­ers of eas­tern Asi­an lan­guages and bey­ond com­pre­hen­si­on wit­hout a spe­cial tea­ching method.Lord Henfield’s “dua­li­stic lan­guage tea­ching” deals with of a varie­ty of grammar sys­tems and prac­ti­cal appli­ca­ti­ons that inter­act with one ano­ther. See­mingly com­pli­ca­ted forms, with which Asi­an stu­dents of Eng­lish strugg­le for years, can be unders­tood in a few minu­tes when examp­les are pre­sen­ted in a tidy man­ner that cle­ar­ly shows all forms. Henfield’s dua­li­stic tea­ching method tou­ch­es almost all aspects of lan­guage tea­ching. Its prin­ci­ples are effec­ti­ve becau­se they are simp­le. Lan­guage awa­re­ness is a signi­fi­cant part of it.

Atten­ti­on: With over 20 mil­li­on words in fine print and a size of 250 MB, the dow­load of this docu­ment may take a few minu­tes! It is a searcha­ble and prin­ta­ble PDF. The detail­ed Table of Con­tents as well as the sub­tit­les of the images in the begin­ning and at the end of this book will give you some clues of what the con­tents are all about.All our digi­ta­li­sa­ti­ons are made in the hig­hest pos­si­ble qua­li­ty and are stan­dar­di­sed. The title of each ent­ry con­tain infor­ma­ti­on (if known) on: all names and their alter­na­ti­ves, source, aut­hor, ver­si­on, trans­la­ti­on, esti­ma­ted ran­ge of dating, and a con­cise intro­duc­tion. Any image sub­tit­le is not searcha­ble as it is part of a photograph. 


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