States with the most UFO sightings

States with the most UFO sightings

UFO sightin­gs date back to bibli­cal times​.In the Bible’s Book of Eze­kiel, a mys­te­rious ship is descri­bed as appearing from the sky in Chal­dea (modern-day Kuwait). Stran­ge sightin­gs were recor­ded around Rome in 218 B.C. A wave of mys­te­rious appa­ri­ti­ons show­ed up in fourth-cen­tu­ry Chi­na when a “moon boat” was docu­men­ted floa­ting over­head once every 12 years. A smat­te­ring of other, unfa­mi­li­ar objects in the sky were noted in Ger­ma­ny in 1561, Hull, Eng­land, in 1801, and mul­ti­ple times during World War II when Allied pilots used the term “foo figh­ters” to descri­be the odd cir­cles of light pilots noti­ced flan­king their pla­nes during combat.The term “UFO,” short for “uniden­ti­fied fly­ing object,” was coin­ed in 1953 by the United Sta­tes Air Force as a bucket term for unex­plai­ned sightin­gs like the­se. Sta­te­si­de sightin­gs were hard­ly rest­ric­ted to mili­ta­ry fly­o­ver zones, howe­ver. The first recor­ded UFO sight­ing dates to 1639 when, long befo­re the era of pla­nes and satel­li­tes, John Win­throp wro­te in his dia­ry about a lar­ge, stran­ge light in the sky that shot back and forth. By the time he and the other men on his boat got their wits about them, their ves­sel was a mile from whe­re it had been when they first spot­ted the light.


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