Mick West — Gary Voorhis: Tic-Tac UFO Witness

Mick West — Gary Voorhis: Tic-Tac UFO Witness

Gary Voorhis was a com­pu­ter tech­ni­ci­an on the USS Prince­ton during the 2004 “Tic-Tac” UFO inci­dent (com­mon­ly refer­red to as the “Nimitz Inci­dent” after the air­craft car­ri­er hea­ding the strike group.) Gary first saw “UFOs” as slow-moving radar tar­gets on the ship’s SPY-1B radar, which he hel­ped main­tain. He also saw lights in the direc­tion of tho­se tar­gets. Initi­al­ly, the radar tar­gets were thought to be radar clut­ter (fal­se tar­gets) but after a cou­ple of days, pla­nes were sent out to take a look. Gary saw some video from that “inter­ro­ga­ti­on” and remem­bers a lon­ger and more impres­si­ve video than the one that was later lea­k­ed to the public. He thinks what he saw was some kind of advan­ced tech­no­lo­gy, pos­si­bly ali­en tech­no­lo­gy. I think a more likely expl­ana­ti­on is some kind of series of radar glitch and unre­la­ted visu­al obser­va­tions of some sort – all pos­si­bly con­fu­sed in memo­ry by the pas­sa­ge of time. We dis­cuss our dif­fe­rent inter­pre­ta­ti­ons and try to figu­re out how to resol­ve them. Gary is also the Vice Pre­si­dent of UAP Expe­di­ti­ons, a non-pro­fit orga­niza­ti­on set up by a group of for­mer ser­vice­men from the Nimitz Inci­dent, along with other inte­res­ted par­ties. The mis­si­on of UAP Expe­di­ti­ons is to pro­vi­de a free public ser­vice field-test­ing UAP (UFO) rela­ted tech­no­lo­gies. We chat brief­ly about that mis­si­on, and how they plan to return to the regi­on of the ori­gi­nal 2004 sight­ing to see if they can obser­ve some­thing again.

States with the most UFO sightings CosmicWatch

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