Origins of The Gods with Dr. Gregory Little

Origins of The Gods with Dr. Gregory Little

We sat down with Dr. Gre­go­ry Litt­le to dis­cuss his new book “Ori­g­ins of The Gods”. Dr. Gre­go­ry is a psy­cho­lo­gist, aut­hor, and Nati­ve Ame­ri­can mound rese­ar­cher. We will dis­cuss the UFO/UAP phe­no­me­non, plas­ma anoma­lies, Carl Jung, meta­phy­sics, and anci­ent knowledge. 


Dr. Heinrich Kusch & Ingrid Kusch — Prähistoriker, Archäologe, Speläologen  Reise ins Zentrum eines Quantencomputers

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