Dr. Heinrich Kusch & Ingrid Kusch — Prähistoriker, Archäologe, Speläologen 

Dr. Heinrich Kusch & Ingrid Kusch — Prähistoriker, Archäologe, Speläologen 

 Born in Graz / Aus­tria in 1948, bank clerk, best­sel­ling book aut­hor, free­lan­ce anthro­po­lo­gist and archaeo­lo­gist, archaeo­lo­gist, pre­his­to­ri­an, anci­ent ori­en­ta­list and lec­tu­rer (lec­tu­rer) at the Karl-Fran­zens-Uni­ver­si­ty in Graz for two deca­des, Mag. & Dr. phil., stu­di­ed anci­ent histo­ry and archeo­lo­gy, anci­ent ori­en­tal stu­dies, pre­histo­ry and ear­ly histo­ry as well as clas­si­cal archeo­lo­gy in Graz. Rese­ar­ched thou­sands of caves world­wi­de for more than 50 years. Deca­des of sci­en­ti­fic rese­arch and excava­ti­on work at home and abroad. Sin­ce the begin­ning of the 1970s, tog­e­ther with his wife Ingrid, he has shifted the focus of his rese­arch acti­vi­ties to the Near East and to South, Sou­the­ast and East Asia, and later also to Afri­ca and Cen­tral Ame­ri­ca. On the Asi­an con­ti­nent alo­ne, thou­sands of caves, inclu­ding well over 1,600 cult and temp­le caves from a wide varie­ty of cul­tu­ral are­as, as well as hundreds of rock art sites and mega­li­thic struc­tures, have been explo­red and par­ti­al­ly work­ed on in many count­ries. In Euro­pe, the­re were seve­ral thousand objects that were exami­ned, part­ly as part of sci­en­ti­fic pro­jects and part­ly out of per­so­nal inte­rest for com­pa­ra­ti­ve stu­dies. Rese­arch here focu­sed pri­ma­ri­ly on cult caves, which were of gre­at importance to peo­p­le for cen­tu­ries or mil­len­nia. In the last 20 years he and his wife Ingrid have moved back to Aus­tria, whe­re through his rese­arch in arti­fi­ci­al­ly crea­ted under­ground faci­li­ties he was able to redis­co­ver a mil­len­nia-old cul­tu­re that was unknown in Cen­tral Euro­pe to this day.Participant in more than 40 inter­na­tio­nal expe­di­ti­ons in Euro­pe and Asia, many archaeo­lo­gi­cal excava­tions, as well as count­less stu­dy and rese­arch trips. Sin­ce 1967, over 170 sci­en­ti­fic essays and artic­les, hundreds of lec­tures at home and abroad (Aus­tria, Ger­ma­ny, Switz­er­land, Slove­nia and Hun­ga­ry), 17 books, as well as hundreds of press releases and over 14 tele­vi­si­on films have docu­men­ted his deca­des of work as an inter­na­tio­nal­ly renow­ned anthro­po­lo­gist and archeo­spe­leo­lo­gist prehistorian. 





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