Freimaurer — Freemasonry
Timothy W. Hogan ist der weltweite Großmeister der Tempelritter, OTSI, und leitet gemeinsam mit ihm die Templer-Collegia. Er wurde in Frankreich in den Order of the Paraclete and the Dove und in Schottland in den Order of Saint Andrews und in den Royal Order of Scotland geadelt. Er wurde auch als Gold Star Sir Knight of the Knights of the Glen zum Ritter geschlagen. Timothy war in den letzten 25 Jahren Student und Past Master in mehreren verschiedenen esoterischen Organisationen. Er hat in verschiedenen Zweigen der Freimaurerei, des Rosenkreuzertums, des Martinismus und des Templertums sowie in anderen Orden sowohl östlicher als auch westlicher Abstammung studiert und als Führer gedient. Er hat 8 Bücher und Dutzende von Artikeln für verschiedene Zeitschriften geschrieben. Er ist dafür bekannt, weltweit an öffentlichen und privaten Orten zu sprechen und Hunderte von Vorträgen zu halten. Timothy Hogan fungiert als Experte für interkulturelle Symbolik und arbeitet regelmäßig als Berater in der Unterhaltungsindustrie und hilft weltweit bei Track II Diplomacy.
Tim Hogan is a Past Master of various lodges and Masonic affiliated bodies. He has lectured at lodges and Grand Lodges all over the world, as well as at Universities and U.S. Embassies. He’s also appeared on numerous television shows and podcasts around the world. He is an author of six books on Freemasonry and was raised in 1996. Tim has spoken at lodges on every continent except Antartica and Australia. He has experience in forming Lodges in other countries, and is an honorary member of multiple Grand Lodges around the world. He received the James Royal Case award of Masonic Research out of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania and resides in Colorado. Timothy Hogan appearing on Dateline NBC. Timothy Hogan is an author and international lecturer who specializes in cross cultural symbolism. He is a Past Master within several different spiritual and initiatic traditions, including many bodies in Freemasonry and of Rosicrucian lineages. He is the current Grand Master for the Order of the Temple of Secret Initiates (a Knight Templar lineage), and he runs the Templar Collegia associated with it. Timothy Hogan has lectured all over the world in both public and private venues, including several Universities and U.S. Embassies, and he has appeared on numerous television and podcast programs world wide. He has likewise done Track II diplomacy in many countries. He is author of The Alchemical Keys to Masonic Ritual; The 32 Secret Paths of Solomon; Revelation of the Holy Grail (written under the pen name of Chevalier Emerys); Entering the Chain of Union; Novo Clavis Esoterika; The Way of the Templar; Thoughts from Meditations; and Elements of the Elements, and numerous periodicals.
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