Freimaurer — Freemasonry

Freimaurer — Freemasonry

Timo­thy W. Hogan ist der welt­wei­te Groß­meis­ter der Tem­pel­rit­ter, OTSI, und lei­tet gemein­sam mit ihm die Temp­ler-Col­le­gia. Er wur­de in Frank­reich in den Order of the Para­cle­te and the Dove und in Schott­land in den Order of Saint Andrews und in den Roy­al Order of Scot­land geadelt. Er wur­de auch als Gold Star Sir Knight of the Knights of the Glen zum Rit­ter geschla­gen. Timo­thy war in den letz­ten 25 Jah­ren Stu­dent und Past Mas­ter in meh­re­ren ver­schie­de­nen eso­te­ri­schen Orga­ni­sa­tio­nen. Er hat in ver­schie­de­nen Zwei­gen der Frei­mau­re­rei, des Rosen­kreu­zer­tums, des Mar­ti­nis­mus und des Temp­ler­tums sowie in ande­ren Orden sowohl öst­li­cher als auch west­li­cher Abstam­mung stu­diert und als Füh­rer gedient. Er hat 8 Bücher und Dut­zen­de von Arti­keln für ver­schie­de­ne Zeit­schrif­ten geschrie­ben. Er ist dafür bekannt, welt­weit an öffent­li­chen und pri­va­ten Orten zu spre­chen und Hun­der­te von Vor­trä­gen zu hal­ten. Timo­thy Hogan fun­giert als Exper­te für inter­kul­tu­rel­le Sym­bo­lik und arbei­tet regel­mä­ßig als Bera­ter in der Unter­hal­tungs­in­dus­trie und hilft welt­weit bei Track II Diplomacy. 

Tim Hogan is a Past Mas­ter of various lodges and Maso­nic affi­lia­ted bodies. He has lec­tu­red at lodges and Grand Lodges all over the world, as well as at Uni­ver­si­ties and U.S. Embas­sies. He’s also appeared on num­e­rous tele­vi­si­on shows and pod­casts around the world. He is an aut­hor of six books on Free­ma­son­ry and was rai­sed in 1996. Tim has spo­ken at lodges on every con­ti­nent except Ant­ar­ti­ca and Aus­tra­lia. He has expe­ri­ence in forming Lodges in other count­ries, and is an hono­ra­ry mem­ber of mul­ti­ple Grand Lodges around the world. He recei­ved the James Roy­al Case award of Maso­nic Rese­arch out of the Grand Lodge of Penn­syl­va­nia and resi­des in Colo­ra­do. Timo­thy Hogan appearing on Date­li­ne NBC. Timo­thy Hogan is an aut­hor and inter­na­tio­nal lec­tu­rer who spe­cia­li­zes in cross cul­tu­ral sym­bo­lism. He is a Past Mas­ter within seve­ral dif­fe­rent spi­ri­tu­al and initia­tic tra­di­ti­ons, inclu­ding many bodies in Free­ma­son­ry and of Rosi­cru­ci­an line­ages. He is the cur­rent Grand Mas­ter for the Order of the Temp­le of Secret Initia­tes (a Knight Tem­plar lineage), and he runs the Tem­plar Col­le­gia asso­cia­ted with it. Timo­thy Hogan has lec­tu­red all over the world in both public and pri­va­te venues, inclu­ding seve­ral Uni­ver­si­ties and U.S. Embas­sies, and he has appeared on num­e­rous tele­vi­si­on and pod­cast pro­grams world wide. He has like­wi­se done Track II diplo­ma­cy in many count­ries. He is aut­hor of The Alche­mi­cal Keys to Maso­nic Ritu­al; The 32 Secret Paths of Solo­mon; Reve­la­ti­on of the Holy Grail (writ­ten under the pen name of Che­va­lier Eme­rys); Ente­ring the Chain of Uni­on; Novo Cla­vis Eso­te­ri­ka; The Way of the Tem­plar; Thoughts from Medi­ta­ti­ons; and Ele­ments of the Ele­ments, and num­e­rous periodicals. 

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Ansel Easton Adams The Invisible Night School

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