Is Artificial Intelligence Becoming a Religion? — Blake Lemoine

Is Artificial Intelligence Becoming a Religion? — Blake Lemoine

Bla­ke Lemoi­ne is the recent­ly fired Seni­or Soft­ware Engi­neer at Goog­le who went public this sum­mer with his con­cerns around Google’s natu­ral lan­guage sys­tem LAMDA. Bla­ke thinks LAMDA is both sen­ti­ent and shouldn’t be under the sole super­vi­si­on of a pri­va­te cor­po­ra­ti­on. This pro­vo­ked a deep, phi­lo­so­phi­cal con­ver­sa­ti­on about the natu­re of intel­li­gence, con­scious­ness, what will hap­pen with AI, whe­ther it’s ali­gned with human values and whe­ther human rea­li­ty is simu­la­ted. I think you’ll love this episode!


Masaru Emoto 江本 勝 Belebtes Wasser Consciousness and Manifestation in Ancient Locations

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