Consciousness and Manifestation in Ancient Locations

Consciousness and Manifestation in Ancient Locations

Carl dis­cus­ses his fasci­na­ting jour­ney to bring the past and future into per­spec­ti­ve as he stu­dies anci­ent sties and galac­tic futures with Light Net Foun­der Zen­ka Caro. 

Carl has been dis­co­ve­ring elec­tro­ma­gne­tic por­tals of high cohe­rence and ET cont­act near anci­ent petro­glyphs, cere­mo­ni­al wheels and caves.  Magic Mesa, Skin­wal­ker Ranch and the Ute Basin has been his rese­arch zone and he has a lot to share. Carl has been working with James Keen­an and Christ Bartel to mea­su­re  the­se incre­di­ble anci­ent spots with modern technology. 

Carl Vibe https://​carl​crus​her​.com

Zen­ka is A futu­rist, AND a Plumber 



Is Artificial Intelligence Becoming a Religion? — Blake Lemoine The Matrix Philosophy: Return to the Source

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