Ross Coulthart UFOs Aug 21 2022

Ross Coulthart UFOs Aug 21 2022

In this land­mark docu­men­ta­ry, award-win­ning inves­ti­ga­ti­ve jour­na­list Ross Coult­hart show­ca­ses hard evi­dence that can no lon­ger be igno­red or denied: uniden­ti­fied craft that defy known phy­sics are ope­ra­ting with impu­ni­ty in and around Earth’s bio­sphe­re. Their per­for­mance is cle­ar­ly and com­ple­te­ly docu­men­ted by the world’s most advan­ced mili­ta­ry radars and other sen­sor sys­tems, inclu­ding one that must not be dis­coun­ted: the eye­wit­ness of a daun­ting num­ber of seni­or pilots and other extre­me­ly cre­di­ble wit­nesses who­se won­der & ama­ze­ment is obvious in vide­os thus far released by the US Navy. Coult­hart del­ves deep into 75 years of deli­be­ra­te cover-up of the UFO topic by the US govern­ment and the strong — very likely immi­nent —  pro­s­pects for a stun­ning end to that sec­re­cy. Guests include the likes of Nobel Pri­ze-nomi­na­ted immu­no­lo­gist Gar­ry Nolan, string theo­ry pio­neer Michio Kaku, and US Con­gress­man Tim Bur­chett. The ranks of pro­mi­nent per­sons wil­ling to go on the record regar­ding the phe­no­me­non is cle­ar­ly gro­wing, and their obser­va­tions are extre­me­ly thought-pro­vo­king. A must-see documentary! 

Dr. Gar­ry Nolan https://​pro​files​.stan​ford​.edu/​g​a​r​r​y​-​n​o​lan

Dr. Michio Kaku https://​mka​ku​.org/

Sandmann Ross Coulthart – mit Chris Lehto, Vinnie Adams, Carl Vibe

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