Terence McKenna’s True Hallucinations

Terence McKenna’s True Hallucinations

is an expe­ri­men­tal docu­men­ta­ry about the cha­os at La Chor­rera, the ima­gi­na­ti­on, time, the Logos, belief, hope, mad­ness, and doubt.Created by Peter Berg­mann, this pro­ject is an expan­si­on of ide­as first pre­sen­ted in “The Tran­s­cen­den­tal Object At The End Of Time”.In 1971, Terence McKen­na, along with his brot­her Den­nis and three other com­pa­n­ions, ven­tu­red by pla­ne, boat, and foot to the para­di­si­cal Colom­bi­an mis­si­on town of La Chor­rera, whe­re they hoped to encoun­ter the elu­si­ve psy­che­de­lic oo-koo-hé. Fate would have it other­wi­se. Their atten­ti­on soon tur­ned to the lar­ge num­bers of Stro­pha­ria Cuben­sis that they lucked upon, and befo­re long, Terence and espe­ci­al­ly Den­nis were for­mu­la­ting the psy­cho­phar­ma­co­lo­gi­cal “expe­ri­ment at La Chor­rera” which would even­tual­ly give rise to Terence’s expan­ded Jun­gi­an noti­on of the UFO as human over­soul, and his I Ching based Time­Wa­ve Theo­ry which holds, among other things, that histo­ry as we know it is acce­le­ra­ting and, in fact, will come to a major concrescence.Based on the under­ground clas­sic book and tal­king book ‘True Hal­lu­ci­n­a­ti­ons: Being an Account of the Author’s Extra­or­di­na­ry Adven­tures in the Devil’s Para­di­se’, this tale of alche­mi­cal under­stan­ding is a deep dive into the young minds of the McKen­na brot­hers, and an effort to pro­vi­de some kind of visu­al aid and emo­tio­nal cen­ter to a much lar­ger sto­ry, with details scat­te­red through hundreds of talks. Fea­turing unear­thed pho­tos and note­book pages which have never been seen by the public sin­ce gene­ra­ted in 1971.

https://​play​er​.odycdn​.com/​a​p​i​/​v​4​/​s​t​r​e​a​m​s​/​f​r​e​e​/​-​2​016 – Terence-McKenna’s‑True-Hallucinations/fc12f465a773fe3168b91d995d2a327e6be9633a/864bb5

Fantastic Fungi — Louie Schwartzberg Erowid

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