Jonathan ‘Redbird’ Dover

Jonathan ‘Redbird’ Dover

appeared in Sea­son 3 of ‘The Secret of Skin­wal­ker Ranch’. In this inter­view with Cris­ti­na Gomez, he shares his expe­ri­en­ces, know­ledge, and insights from over 30 years in Law Enforce­ment, inves­ti­ga­ting reports on Tri­bal Reser­va­tions of UFOs, Bigfoot.

He was trai­ned in Cri­mi­nal Inves­ti­ga­ti­ons and was an Archaeo­lo­gi­cal Resour­ce Cri­mes Inves­ti­ga­tor. John was also trai­ned as an EMT, in SWAT ope­ra­ti­ons, Hazordous mate­ri­als, Search & Res­cue and was an ins­truc­tor in Poli­ce Fire­arms trai­ning and High Ang­le Tech­ni­cal Res­cue. During his work on Nava­jo Nati­on lands, he along with Stan­ley Mil­ford Jr. were Jona­than Dover is a vete­ran law enforce­ment offi­cer. He has work­ed with the City of WIn­slow Ari­zo­na Poli­ce Depart­ment, The Natio­nal Park Ser­vice, Nava­jo His­to­ric Pre­ser­va­ti­on Dept. and the Nava­jo Nati­on Ran­gers. He reti­red from acti­ve duty as a Lieu­ten­ant in 2011 after 31 years as law enforce­ment. He was trai­ned in Cri­mi­nal Inves­ti­ga­ti­ons and was an Archaeo­lo­gi­cal Resour­ce Cri­mes Inves­ti­ga­tor. John was also trai­ned as an EMT, in SWAT ope­ra­ti­ons, Hazordous mate­ri­als, Search & Res­cue and was an ins­truc­tor in Poli­ce Fire­arms trai­ning and High Ang­le Tech­ni­cal Res­cue. During his work on Nava­jo Nati­on lands, he along with Stan­ley Mil­ford Jr. were assi­gned over a peri­od of 10 years to offi­ci­al­ly inves­ti­ga­te and docu­ment signi­fi­cant cases invol­ving Bgfoot, the Para­nor­mal, Nava­jo Witch­craft and UFO’s.







Jona­than ‘Red­bird’ Dover IMDB: https://​www​.imdb​.com/​n​a​m​e​/​n​m​5​6​9​1​251

Carl the Crusher @ Luis Jimenez Der Mann, der Millionen tötete und Milliarden rettete — Fritz Haber

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